wurst wrote:
just joking, sry
i had 7 years russian in school, im so dumb that i cant speak 1 correct sentence.
however, the cyrillic alphabet is still present, missing that one. even Ju-гославиja couldnt invent such mad latino-mixup-letters

No-no, I understand jokes, everything is OK

Hehe, russian is compicate language, yes.

It's another kind of mind, kind of living. But language is so nice... 'cause it's a reflection of human mind, sences, scares and hopes, life and dreams, not only changing information between speakers like in english for example.
And swearwords

Mmm, they're perfect

Do U Remember "Matrix 2" movie? - there was some program called Merowing (don't know exactly his name) he liked swearing in French, he thought that it's the best from all languages. He's wrong, the best is in Russian
And why did U learn russian in school?