Pirat wrote:
Rafal banned cause Regular spawn killing, despite warnings.
143279B3 ID:
162785Ban Added: 2012-06-27 14:38:23
TempBan Expires: 2012-06-30 14:38:23
Duration: 3 days
Penalty ID: 1671255
Over 3000 connections to DSWP, and still
regular spawn killing even immediately after
having got kicked for that. Check echelon
for a loooong list of mod, admin, and B3 kicks
and bans for spawn killing, including a few
1 month bans.
I gave him a 180 days break for developing his
character. Permanent meditation nirvana is
imminent, my friend.
1671275 TempBan 27.06.2012 - 24.12.2012 Regular spawn killing [ban extension] Pirat
Merry X-mas!