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PostPosted: 06.09.12 
DSWP Meme Artist
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4726500 09.06.2012 17:35:56 ALL BeH !Find palms
4726501 09.06.2012 17:35:59 ALL Hidden whats up beh
4726502 09.06.2012 17:36:03 ALL BeH nuthin
4726504 09.06.2012 17:36:05 ALL Hidden it is jrn
4726505 09.06.2012 17:36:12 ALL BeH he's weird
4726506 09.06.2012 17:36:21 TEAM BeH ive always thought so
4726507 09.06.2012 17:36:21 ALL Hidden lol
4726508 09.06.2012 17:36:44 ALL Hidden i didnt get why he kicked the other player
4726510 09.06.2012 17:36:57 TEAM BeH because 'screw you' isnt a nice thing to say
4726511 09.06.2012 17:37:02 TEAM BeH that's why
4726512 09.06.2012 17:37:11 TEAM BeH but i didnt feel offended by it. he did
4726513 09.06.2012 17:37:22 ALL Hidden i see
4726514 09.06.2012 17:37:34 TEAM BeH he is on dope or something>
4726515 09.06.2012 17:37:35 TEAM BeH ?
4726516 09.06.2012 17:37:46 ALL Hidden i dont know
4726518 09.06.2012 17:38:09 ALL Hidden something worng?
4726519 09.06.2012 17:38:09 TEAM BeH he was never really good
4726520 09.06.2012 17:38:16 TEAM BeH but he's become pretty good
4726521 09.06.2012 17:38:26 ALL Hidden lol
4726522 09.06.2012 17:38:43 ALL Hidden yes very strange
4726523 09.06.2012 17:38:49 TEAM BeH ah he just gave me a few short-range hs so I got suspicious again

Also, 300 slices out of 500 kills today. I iz happy.

2012_6_9_18_27_3_harryPalms_ut4_riyadh_TDM.dm_68 [5.75 MiB]
Downloaded 649 times

Путін — хуйло

Beginner’s Guide to Urban Terror (woefully out of date)

Daily Deadnade (last updated September 9, 2016)

PostPosted: 06.18.12 

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JRandomNoob wrote:
4726500 09.06.2012 17:35:56 ALL BeH !Find palms
4726508 09.06.2012 17:36:44 ALL Hidden i didnt get why he kicked the other player
4726510 09.06.2012 17:36:57 TEAM BeH because 'screw you' isnt a nice thing to say
4726511 09.06.2012 17:37:02 TEAM BeH that's why
4726512 09.06.2012 17:37:11 TEAM BeH but i didnt feel offended by it. he did

(To anticipate a certain admin's question: :-)
I'm not trying to question JRNs adminning style,
I'm just giving hints (which I'm famous for |-).

Name "ScrewYou"
- doesn't insult anybody personally (like "FuckJRNbitchtard"),
- is not racist
- is no Nazi name
==> MasterMiezi approves.

And if someone takes "no potentially offensive names"
literally, they could easily get caught in the
cognitive dissonance trap:

harryPalms got a whole lot of hole from [dswp]Zottel's DE round.
[dswp]Zottel had 100% Health.
(DEAD) harryPalms: cuuuunt

Just my 2 drops of CatSip. :-P




PostPosted: 06.18.12 
Ingame Mod

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Screw driver

Btw, Harry check your mouse sensor, its clean?


PostPosted: 06.18.12 

Joined: 03.29.10
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urtdemos wrote:
Screw driver

You are insulting all drivers! Let's give you a 10 years
vacation on dswp. ;-)

urtdemos wrote:
Btw, Harry check your mouse sensor, its clean?

Huh? IIRC, JRN moved rather smoothly ...


PostPosted: 06.20.12 
Ingame Mod

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It was just in case advice, because ive seen some skipping few times. Probably very high sensitivity.

2 main reasons why i play bad and dont know why, is:
- somehow my WinXP mouse accel is turn on again (caused by few things, windows update is one of them) (I use Accelfix.exe to turn off default XP mouse acceleration)
-my mouse sensor hole is full of junk, trash, fragments, garbage (so many english words, choose proper one ;))


PostPosted: 06.20.12 
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urtdemos wrote:
-my mouse sensor hole is full of junk, trash, fragments, garbage (so many english words, choose proper one ;))
Perhaps filth or dirt would do.

ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«


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