Unclefragger wrote:
They actually are random generated, but it's true the game feels similar with most classes (Wizard and Hunter maybe a bit on the weak side till lvl 6ish) and monk is fucking OP

Didn't manage to get all to 13, only Monk got that much love, other just finished the skeleton-dude
The lvl 13 monk used like 1 potion in general, the Barbarian a little more (hardcore char)
Wizard feels ok alone, really drops in a party (can't one shot groups)
Overall the game feels a little to linear and I can't stop disliking the lack of character individualization (no attribute points, skill points, anything - only difference between 2 monks of the same level is the equip - diablo used to be different =/)
Of course it's still an easy hack and slay game and those things are always fun when played with friends, so it depends on who from my RL friends buys this thing; only reason I see my self buying the game.
Well, the outdoors seem to be static with random dungeon entrances (sometimes there's an entrance to a cellar, sometimes a well or a pit). The indoors or dungeons feel identical too because IMHO they are generated from too big building blocks (hope that makes sense).
I totally agree with the game being too linear. I wish they would have let the player at least assign the stat points on every level up but no. And even with all the ez mode crap, when you open up the character details there's like ~30 different stats. I don't know if this game wants to be simple or complicated. But I guess that with the only character customization / min-maxing will come from the items so basically you don't need to level up a new class x if you want to try out different build...
Monk seems like the most faceroll character overall - teleport to enemy, mash the flamekick, self heals etc. Wizard is sooooo boring but the frost nova is GODLIKE especially with the rune that renews the nova on all enemies if one enemy dies while being in nova.
And I don't know about Blizzard making bad games but they surely managed to turn WoW into shit which happened after Activision bought Blizzard. But I guess they made SC2 after that which is very solid game so... let's just say that D3 is most likely going to be a really good game.
As for auction house in the game; it was a huge dissapointment. Granted it's just beta but it was just a pain to use. I'm certainly not planning to make any profit out of the auction house. I have read a dozen of articles from people who 'play the AH in wow' how they are going to try make money on D3 but the idea seems a bit far fetched. If I get some really rare item drop etc. in the game I'm surely going to put it on AH for real money just to check if I can get a free pizza out of it but that's it. Certainly not going to buy anything for real money!