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 Post subject: Re: DSWP Meme Archive
PostPosted: 05.28.12 
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i don't get it :(


 Post subject: Re: DSWP Meme Archive
PostPosted: 05.30.12 

Joined: 03.29.10
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zietsh wrote:
i don't get it :(

1. The screenshot shows BeH, an admin.
2. Console: Go to to complain about admin abuse.
3. Console: zietsh just came online in forums on

So the two (possibly) funny things are:

1. + 2.: Screenshot shows admin BeH, and console informs
about admin abuse, which looks as if BeH would regularly
abuse his powers.

2. + 3.: Console informs that to report admin abuse you have
to go to the forum. Next message: zietsh logs into the forum.
This looks as if zietsh would immediately report admin abuse
the second after he learns how to do it.

Maybe there are more facettes to the screenshot. :-)


 Post subject: Re: DSWP Meme Archive
PostPosted: 05.30.12 
DSWP Meme Artist
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Yes. 2+3 is the “correct” interpretation. I was clicking through players and just happened to spec BeH when the screenshot was taken.

(Also, the answer to the pussy quiz is: Pirat was answering to someone asking for ut4_pussyparadise as nextmap.)

Путін — хуйло

Beginner’s Guide to Urban Terror (woefully out of date)

Daily Deadnade (last updated September 9, 2016)


 Post subject: Re: DSWP Meme Archive
PostPosted: 05.30.12 

Joined: 03.29.10
Posts: 1450
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JRandomNoob wrote:
Yes. 2+3 is the “correct” interpretation. I was clicking through players and just happened to spec BeH when the screenshot was taken.

What a coincidence. |-)

JRandomNoob wrote:
(Also, the answer to the pussy quiz is: Pirat was answering to someone asking for ut4_pussyparadise as nextmap.)

Aaaaaw, you resolved so early? :-)


 Post subject: Re: DSWP Meme Archive
PostPosted: 05.31.12 
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I want to be able to drive the cars and start the generator. I want to use that concrete mixer.

Ah, and btw:
screenshot10.png [ 205.62 KiB | Viewed 5832 times ]

I am talking about the map that's being played @tdm while I'm typing this.

ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«


 Post subject: Re: DSWP Meme Archive
PostPosted: 05.31.12 

Joined: 03.29.10
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natirips wrote:
I want to be able to drive the cars and start the generator. I want to use that concrete mixer.

On a pure porn map with a brothel, you want to
use the concrete mixer? I could imagine using
other map entities. :-)

natirips wrote:
Ah, and btw:

I am talking about the map that's being played @tdm while I'm typing this.

Yeah, installed teh pussy 2day. :-]



 Post subject: Re: DSWP Meme Archive
PostPosted: 05.31.12 
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nick: [ntr]Shortly
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ratio: 0.60
Pirat wrote:
natirips wrote:
I want to be able to drive the cars and start the generator. I want to use that concrete mixer.

On a pure porn map with a brothel, you want to
use the concrete mixer? I could imagine using
other map entities. :-)
No, the construction site is the best part of the map.

After all, concrete is haaaard. And concrete mixer makes soft stuff that then becomes hard.

ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«


 Post subject: Re: DSWP Meme Archive
PostPosted: 05.31.12 
DSWP Meme Artist
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ratio: 1.08
My new sig on the official forum. (Yes, there’s no TS listed. Is anybody even playing this?) You’re free to use it if so inclined.

sig-scaled-colorname.png [ 56.34 KiB | Viewed 3866 times ]

Путін — хуйло

Beginner’s Guide to Urban Terror (woefully out of date)

Daily Deadnade (last updated September 9, 2016)

 Post subject: Re: DSWP Meme Archive
PostPosted: 06.07.12 
DSWP Meme Artist
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nick: SelfRescuingPrincess
skill: 254.796
kills: 219
deaths: 202
ratio: 1.08
Selected chatlog from 2008 on our AnusWiki. (Other years will follow… someday. It takes about half a day to read a month’s worth of chatlog if you’re not doing anything else. I am collecting 2012 chat in almost–real time though.)

There might be some fun stuff in German and other languages too, but I don’t speak any of these:-( (And Google translation is horrible for this purpose.)

Путін — хуйло

Beginner’s Guide to Urban Terror (woefully out of date)

Daily Deadnade (last updated September 9, 2016)


 Post subject: Re: DSWP Meme Archive
PostPosted: 06.07.12 
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Joined: 04.13.09
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Location: Solar System/≈Zagreb
nick: [ntr]Shortly
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nick: [ntr]Shortly
skill: 707.602
kills: 526
deaths: 863
ratio: 0.60
So when can we expect 2009's chatlog highlights?

ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«


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