ou thats nice neighbours!
One nice view on known IPv4 /24 space.
map.eqsnjc07-2008-iptraffic-cidr24-label.png [ 2.62 MiB | Viewed 10270 times ]
Caida wrote:
We emphasize that the absence of traffic activity on this map may not mean much: one trace on one link can hardly be argued as representative of all Internet traffic, and existence of traffic on a few links is not the most satisfying definition of "address in use" anyway. But for macroscopic questions like "Is legacy address space being used on the Internet approximately the same way that RIR-allocated address space is being used?" which can inform policy discussions, we find insight even in this small a data sample.
http://www.caida.org/research/traffic-a ... -heatmaps/http://maps.measurement-factory.com/software/releases/#EDIT
Couldnt let my fingers off that thing...
In Debian u need "libgd2-xpm-dev", "wget" / "tar xvzf" and "make install" follow without probblems in squeeze.
echo "" > ./address
ipv4-heatmap -o /home/user/heatmap/out.png < ./adress
Tadaaaaa! DSWP is teh blue dot (click to enlarge...)
out3.png [ 55.07 KiB | Viewed 10256 times ]
expect a view of IP4 space from dswp B3 clients soon.
Here we are d:
dswp_b3_tdm_IPmap.png [ 1.33 MiB | Viewed 10257 times ]