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PostPosted: 03.05.12 
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Usually it's the headphones that I have problems with cable, but this time it was the monitor.

So I bought a new big LED LCD monitor that's very bright even with brightness set to lowest. But that's kewl since I can place i far away from my head.

Anyway, is there a way to reduce chat font size? I can't see where I'm shooting like this.

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ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«


PostPosted: 03.05.12 

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natirips wrote:
Usually it's the headphones that I have problems with cable, but this time it was the monitor.

So I bought a new big LED LCD monitor that's very bright even with brightness set to lowest. But that's kewl since I can place i far away from my head.

Anyway, is there a way to reduce chat font size? I can't see where I'm shooting like this.

See what I found out here a while ago:


But if now the fonts are larger, it means the pixel density of your previous
monitor was higher. WTF?!



PostPosted: 03.05.12 
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My previous monitor was a bit smaller and had higher vertical resolution.

It was a CRT after all, in theory CRTs could have arbitrary resolution up to phosphor atom's size per pixel.

Also, I just re-discovered my old friend a few minutes ago: black sunglasses. They sure help reduce eye strain when viewing white web pages on an LCD. :)

P.S.: I almost forgot: I am afraid of losing colors in b3's messages. Also, having hit-messages mixed with chat it somewhat quite contra-productive.

ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«


PostPosted: 03.05.12 

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natirips wrote:
My previous monitor was a bit smaller and had higher vertical resolution.

It was a CRT after all, in theory CRTs could have arbitrary resolution up to phosphor atom's size per pixel.

At least for monochrome CRTs, that's true. And for Trinitron (i.e. aperture grille) based
CRTs, it holds true for vertical resolution. { End of nitpicking ;-) }

natirips wrote:
Also, I just re-discovered my old friend a few minutes ago: black sunglasses. They sure help reduce eye strain when viewing white web pages on an LCD. :)

Hmmm ... sure the brightness / contrast settings are at the lowest possible values?
Did you try ddccontrol?

natirips wrote:
P.S.: I almost forgot: I am afraid of losing colors in b3's messages. Also, having hit-messages mixed with chat it somewhat quite contra-productive.

Yep. That's why I refrained from using that, too.


PostPosted: 03.06.12 
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Pirat wrote:
Hmmm ... sure the brightness / contrast settings are at the lowest possible values?
Did you try ddccontrol?

Brightness is at lowest and it's too bright.

Contrast is now at 91/100. The colors are bright, but I can't tell dark and white tones well.
# ddccontrol -p
ddccontrol version 0.4.2
Copyright 2004-2005 Oleg I. Vdovikin (
Copyright 2004-2006 Nicolas Boichat (
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
You may redistribute copies of this program under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

Probing for available monitors...
Detected monitors :
No monitor supporting DDC/CI available.
If your graphics card need it, please check all the required kernel modules are loaded (i2c-dev, and your framebuffer driver).
# lsmod|grep i2c
i2c_nforce2             5280  0
i2c_core               15819  2 nvidia,i2c_nforce2

So, 0 points for ddccontrol. :(

ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«


PostPosted: 03.06.12 
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I made two very nice screenshots today (everyone if welcome to enlarge them to get the idea of just how big the text is).

I mean, it's difficult to read text this large.

And I really can't see where I'm walking, much less shooting.

Right now I'm thinking about playing in a 640x480 window.

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ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«


PostPosted: 03.06.12 
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Higher resolution -> smaller text.
Also google bit. I know about cg_ChatHeight which sets how many rows you can see. Maybe there is something regarding dunno position (yes you cant change chat font i think :( )


PostPosted: 03.06.12 
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what is your video mode set in game (setup->system->graphic)? Is setting it to native mode for that monitor (custom and then type resolution) of any help?



PostPosted: 03.07.12 

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natirips wrote:
Pirat wrote:
Hmmm ... sure the brightness / contrast settings are at the lowest possible values?
Did you try ddccontrol?

Brightness is at lowest and it's too bright.

Contrast is now at 91/100. The colors are bright, but I can't tell dark and white tones well.

Hmf, alas configuring LCDs is often a lot harder than configuring CRTs, it seems ...

natirips wrote:
# ddccontrol -p
ddccontrol version 0.4.2
Probing for available monitors...
Detected monitors :
No monitor supporting DDC/CI available.
If your graphics card need it, please check all the required kernel modules are loaded (i2c-dev, and your framebuffer driver).
# lsmod|grep i2c
i2c_nforce2             5280  0
i2c_core               15819  2 nvidia,i2c_nforce2

So, 0 points for ddccontrol. :(

Quote: "please check all the required kernel modules are loaded (i2c-dev,"

*slap*, *slap* :-)



PostPosted: 03.07.12 
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nick: [ntr]Shortly
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kills: 526
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ratio: 0.60
PingoSuSE wrote:
what is your video mode set in game (setup->system->graphic)? Is setting it to native mode for that monitor (custom and then type resolution) of any help?

It's custom resolution almost as large as my screen (I play in a window).

It used to be
seta r_customheight "700"
seta r_customwidth "900",

and now it's
seta r_customheight "1000"
seta r_customwidth "1800"

eXtr33m wrote:
Higher resolution -> smaller text.
Also google bit. I know about cg_ChatHeight which sets how many rows you can see. Maybe there is something regarding dunno position (yes you cant change chat font i think :( )
Anyway, from my experience: higher resolution -> larger text.

Pirat wrote:
natirips wrote:
# ddccontrol -p
ddccontrol version 0.4.2
Probing for available monitors...
Detected monitors :
No monitor supporting DDC/CI available.
If your graphics card need it, please check all the required kernel modules are loaded (i2c-dev, and your framebuffer driver).
# lsmod|grep i2c
i2c_nforce2             5280  0
i2c_core               15819  2 nvidia,i2c_nforce2

So, 0 points for ddccontrol. :(

Quote: "please check all the required kernel modules are loaded (i2c-dev,"

*slap*, *slap* :-)

To put it bluntly:
Pirat wrote:
natirips wrote:
# lsmod|grep i2c
i2c_nforce2             5280  0
i2c_core               15819  2 nvidia,i2c_nforce2

ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«


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