Hello peeps,
long time since I've been here, I haven't had internet for a long, long time.
Also, life sucked, so I had different priorities.
But now, I am here (hopefully to stay) and since I have internet again, I decided to make a tripleboot.
So I installed:
WIndows 7
Mac OSx Lion
Kubuntu 11
The triple boot is working, but I have a few problems.
One of my problems is that Kubuntu can not access my HFS+ drives. I'm a total Linux noob, but as far as I can tell from tutorials and all, Ubuntu has default read access to HFS+ drives. To enable write access, I must disable journalsing on the HFS+ drives, but it should have read access by default. But it doesn't; I just can't access the drives.
This is important to get working, because I want to keep my files away from the partitions with different operating systems.
I've had a setup like this for years now, with my documents on a different physical drive then the OS, so I really need it.
This also brings me to my other problem:
Windows 7 and OSx behave quite differently when it comes to user profiles/ user game settings.
On Windows everything is in the same folder, but on OSx, the user's files are in a different location then the UrT program files.
And I'm pretty sure Linux acts a whole different way on it's own.
When I prepared my multiboot, I backed up my UrT configs etc from OSx (I use(d) OSx as my main OS) and threw them in the folder containing the executables.
So, I am basically asking anyone who has experience with a multiboot installation for helping enabling me to use ONE UrT folder on all 3 OS's!
Now I have the following problems, if anyone can help, I would be very happy!
- problem 1: B3 now doesn't recognize me anymore, since I merged the game files (no more admin rights), how to fix this?
- problem 2: how can I prevent this from happening again when I keep switching OS's?
- problem 3: how can I get read access to HFS+ drives in Ubuntu?
- problem 4: any tips to get write access to HFS+ drives from Ubuntu any other way then via disabling journaling? (my Lion install will not work because I have a really bad, old, slow graphics card (Radeon HD 2600XT), and Snow Leopard and Lion lack driver support for this card, so I'm gonna by a new card in a few weeks, so for now I can not access the OS).
thanks guys (and girls)
PS: if you can't help, but know someone who maybe could, please point me to them or point them to this thread!