wurst wrote:
somewhere in the c of io(urt)q3, it must be possible to catch the players movement in meters (or better: this quake units...)
it must be logged to be in reach for the bot.
b3 could easily devide "moved_distance/kill" and insert those unholy in DB (+ 3 slaps to shakit from teh treez)
urt itself has no anticamp btw.
Rambetter's ioq3 has a /rcon teleport command.
/rcon teleport <cid> [x y z]
To teleport the player specified in "cid" to the position "x y z". Without the latter parameter ([x y z]), it returns the player's current position. Food for thought...
http://www.www0.org/w/Optimized_executa ... ne_for_urt