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 Post subject: Re: Post youre Fav Musik
PostPosted: 10.20.11 
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falling in too sextasy


Finished jump maps atm 20 =D



 Post subject: Re: Post youre Fav Musik
PostPosted: 10.20.11 
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Joined: 07.08.11
Posts: 29
Location: Greece,Arta
Come on you house music lovers. Listen to real music!


or better

Watch this vid @ Youtube (new Window)

or smth like that


lot of kind of musics makes you rich!

Genius is 1% talent and 99% percent hard work...

Albert Einstein


 Post subject: Re: Post youre Fav Musik
PostPosted: 10.20.11 
Ingame Mod
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Joined: 05.08.09
Posts: 437
Location: Germany
yea Thievery Corporation rox, got the whole discography, very nice!

Watch this vid @ Youtube (new Window)

... and since i'm listening piano alot, let me share this 3 mins of peace =)

Watch this vid @ Youtube (new Window)


 Post subject: Re: Post youre Fav Musik
PostPosted: 10.20.11 
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Joined: 07.08.11
Posts: 29
Location: Greece,Arta
Nice ! so you are piano fan, then try Herbie Hancock

Genius is 1% talent and 99% percent hard work...

Albert Einstein


 Post subject: Re: Post youre Fav Musik
PostPosted: 10.20.11 
Ingame Mod
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Joined: 05.08.09
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Location: Germany
everybody knows H.H.'s 'Cantaloupe Island' i think, without knowing its from him, he's a genious like Miles Davis, totaly!
I dont listen jazz that much but i like Avishai Cohen, e.s.t. and other less known artists of the modern time.
Maybe you like the Einaudi, Nymann and Keith Jarrett tracks i posted earlier.

btw. couldn't we try to code some "music wall"?
E.g. offers a link to the blog owner where all the videos you posted on your soup, are played as a tv stream, would be cool to have an archive of the tracks posted here in this fred, maybe just in form of an alphabetic list, created by parsing the forum or both forum and youtube, and maybe with updating itself, that if a video becomes unavailable automaticaly gets a new youtube url by searching it? and a stream generated by choosing a genre? and can i have cookie pls?
plsssss some php nerd with no family and friends do that for christmas yes? =)


 Post subject: Re: Post youre Fav Musik
PostPosted: 10.21.11 
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GodMother wrote:
Come on you house music lovers. Listen to real music!

fascist! :)
GodMother wrote:
lot of kind of musics makes you rich!

true. :D

i was btw educated to be a "better culture" human, including things like playing in classical orchestra etc.
after all, i found out that music is what makes people swing. no education needed.
i learned to listen to those that deny, that in their (non-profit) actions could stick any culture or art at all.

its one of the reasons why i love so called "killer games".
any established artist or culture teacher would tell u: stay off this violent crap, no way to find culture there.

loving electronic tunes meant ignoring the establishment, participating great experiments of sound creation.
every sample is a new instrument. wow.
its different now, i still love it, im going to be old maybe.
house music makes boomboom in my brain, even if its simple and n00bish.
im not ashamed.

no matter what it is, different moods and live phases have alot of influence.
i was a rock lover, till i found out that every riff (that could be theoretically played) was done.
it turned out to be boring for me, not for the others. just stopped to swing here, no more or less.
when im going with the car in nervous traffic: i get a need to listen to rammstein. seriously...

next meeting we must be armored with sticks and disks :)



 Post subject: Re: Post youre Fav Musik
PostPosted: 10.23.11 
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Joined: 07.08.11
Posts: 29
Location: Greece,Arta
wurst wrote:
GodMother wrote:
Come on you house music lovers. Listen to real music!

fascist! :)

come on i was kidding xD .

I fully respect every kind of music nevertheless a lot of immature young ppl are imitate the style of Shakira,riahanna,pitbull etc.(especially in Greece) so they don't find real peace in music, they just dance or sing or upload a song to FB etc to impress their friends or the girl they may like etc .This whole situation is a result of lack education.i would write more but got no time :(

Genius is 1% talent and 99% percent hard work...

Albert Einstein


 Post subject: Re: Post youre Fav Musik
PostPosted: 10.23.11 
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Joined: 07.08.11
Posts: 29
Location: Greece,Arta
wurst wrote:
GodMother wrote:
Come on you house music lovers. Listen to real music!

[quote=''Godmother''][quote=''wurst'']fascist! :)

(ffs i don't know how to use quote)!!!! argh!!!!!!
come on i was kidding xD .

I fully respect every kind of music nevertheless a lot of immature young ppl are imitate the style of Shakira,riahanna,pitbull etc.(especially in Greece) so they don't find real peace in music, they just dance or sing or upload a song to FB etc to impress their friends or the girl they may like etc .This whole situation is a result of lack education.i would write more but got no time :(

Genius is 1% talent and 99% percent hard work...

Albert Einstein


 Post subject: Re: Post youre Fav Musik
PostPosted: 10.24.11 
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nick: [dswp]GewitterOma
skill: 812.172
kills: 3885
deaths: 3541
ratio: 1.09
performing arts often shit on art itself.
while performing very well, all the money goes to them.

my try to spend some solance...
the internet helps the art to spread like classical media did.
1 difference: through its decentral structure it dont have any preference to the performers.

1 Example:
Red Hot Chilli peppers or Shakira must be pushed on classical Media
Things like the apache webserver or 2 girls 1 cup dont need that at all.

But the he internet does some damage to the "classical media producers". This Damage dont hit Art itself.
Example again:
Lets say Madonna makes a song. The Net spreads it.
Madonna has to pay all that TV Spots but nobody pays her to do so.
Through the regulatory powers of capitalism, Madonna will have to do else business.
The Planet is freed.

What belongs to me:
I was hot for many of those Artless Performers.
When the Internet came, i listened all of them. Maybe 1-2-3 Years.
Then i got bored (and cured)



 Post subject: Re: Post youre Fav Musik
PostPosted: 10.24.11 
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Joined: 07.08.11
Posts: 29
Location: Greece,Arta
wurst wrote:

What belongs to me:
I was hot for many of those Artless Performers.
When the Internet came, i listened all of them. Maybe 1-2-3 Years.
Then i got bored (and cured)

Well done brother!!keep it up!

Genius is 1% talent and 99% percent hard work...

Albert Einstein


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