GodMother wrote:
Come on you house music lovers. Listen to real music!
GodMother wrote:
lot of kind of musics makes you rich!
i was btw educated to be a "better culture" human, including things like playing in classical orchestra etc.
after all, i found out that music is what makes people swing. no education needed.
i learned to listen to those that deny, that in their (non-profit) actions could stick any culture or art at all.
its one of the reasons why i love so called "killer games".
any established artist or culture teacher would tell u: stay off this violent crap, no way to find culture there.
loving electronic tunes meant ignoring the establishment, participating great experiments of sound creation.
every sample is a new instrument. wow.
its different now, i still love it, im going to be old maybe.
house music makes boomboom in my brain, even if its simple and n00bish.
im not ashamed.
no matter what it is, different moods and live phases have alot of influence.
i was a rock lover, till i found out that every riff (that could be theoretically played) was done.
it turned out to be boring for me, not for the others. just stopped to swing here, no more or less.
when im going with the car in nervous traffic: i get a need to listen to rammstein. seriously...
next meeting we must be armored with sticks and disks