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Posted: 07.18.11 |
Godlike |
Joined: 01.08.09 Posts: 1296 Location: Berlin, Germany
nick: Samtron
skill: 584.92
kills: 316
deaths: 269
ratio: 1.17
I dont' know, who is responsible for that, but the new activity graph graphics look really nice!! Cool stuff with the new added data in every row I like it! I'm not the one who should complain, but I miss overall data (overall time, average ratio) at the bottom of the graphics... For all who don't know what I mean, just take a look here dswp_tools/wheniswhere/month.php?b3_id=10168 or at your stats page.
Top |
Posted: 07.18.11 |
[dswp]R.Stallman |
Joined: 04.13.09 Posts: 2946 Location: Solar System/≈Zagreb
nick: [ntr]Shortly
skill: 497.05
kills: 3446
deaths: 4411
ratio: 0.78
nick: [ntr]Shortly
skill: 707.602
kills: 526
deaths: 863
ratio: 0.60
Oh, and that new graph reminded me that I should go visit an oculist (I can't see those red numbers well, especially zero and eight).
_________________ ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«
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Posted: 07.19.11 |
Godlike |
Joined: 07.15.08 Posts: 4649 Location: Behind U
nick: [dswp]GewitterOma
skill: 1122.83
kills: 25960
deaths: 19847
ratio: 1.30
nick: [dswp]GewitterOma
skill: 812.172
kills: 3885
deaths: 3541
ratio: 1.09
Ah, that was me. I was just interrupting my work to go with Ana to buy some longer 10mm wall plugs (cause the shorter 8mm failed...), on the way back i deactivated the car... Ye, i wanna make the colorizing of grapf different, a green/yellow/red for good/average/bad days would be nice. I wanna make horizontal weekend frames and a vertical "working hours" box, colorize backgrounds and invent the irrevitable unemployment factor. under the graph, there should be a 365- day ratio graph what shows overall development. any suggestions? i think ill continue next weekend, if someone wanna work some on this: gimme a call
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Posted: 08.15.11 |
Godlike |
Joined: 07.15.08 Posts: 4649 Location: Behind U
nick: [dswp]GewitterOma
skill: 1122.83
kills: 25960
deaths: 19847
ratio: 1.30
nick: [dswp]GewitterOma
skill: 812.172
kills: 3885
deaths: 3541
ratio: 1.09
GD forever! Or better: (Citation Blinky) "Malen nach Zahlen" If u want theres FTP/SFTP and even Samba (using vpn...) Code: <?php//07-2011//Display GantT Graph for stats....//############################################################################$xlr_id = $_GET['b3_id']; // $xlr_id = $_GET['xlr_id'];$dbhost= '192.168.9.*'; $dbusername= '***'; $dbuserpass= '***'; $dbname= '***'; $dbname2= '***'; //SQL//############################################################################$db = mysql_connect ($dbhost, $dbusername, $dbuserpass) or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db($dbname, $db) or die('Cannot select database'); //Player matched?$sql_check = "SELECT FROM xlr_playerstats p INNER JOIN phpbb_users pu ON = pu.xlr_id_22222 WHERE = '$xlr_id' LIMIT 0,1"; $query_sql_check = mysql_query($sql_check, $db); $matched = mysql_num_rows($query_sql_check); if ($matched == 1) {$sql22222= "SELECT mk.kills, mk.deaths, FORMAT(p.ratio,2) AS avgratio, FORMAT(mk.kills/mk.deaths,2) as ratio, FROM_UNIXTIME(came,'%d.%m.%Y') AS ShowDate, FROM_UNIXTIME(came,'%Y-%m-%d') AS strtodate, DATEDIFF(NOW(), FROM_UNIXTIME(came, '%Y-%m-%d') ) AS DaysAgo, (FROM_UNIXTIME(came,'%H')*3600)+(FROM_UNIXTIME(came,'%i')*60)+(FROM_UNIXTIME(came,'%s')) AS IntTimeCame, (FROM_UNIXTIME(gone,'%H')*3600)+(FROM_UNIXTIME(gone,'%i')*60)+(FROM_UNIXTIME(gone,'%s')) AS IntTimeGone, FROM_UNIXTIME(came, '%w') as WeekDay
FROM ctime ct
INNER JOIN clients c ON ct.guid = c.guid INNER JOIN xlr_playerstats p ON p.client_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN dswp_matched_tdm_kills mk ON FROM_UNIXTIME(timestamp, '%Y-%m-%d') = FROM_UNIXTIME(came,'%Y-%m-%d') AND mk.xlr_id =
WHERE = '$xlr_id' AND DATEDIFF(NOW(), FROM_UNIXTIME(came, '%Y-%m-%d') ) < 30
ORDER BY came DESC"; }else {$sql22222= "SELECT p.ratio AS avgratio, FROM_UNIXTIME(came,'%d.%m.%Y') AS ShowDate, FROM_UNIXTIME(came,'%Y-%m-%d') AS strtodate, DATEDIFF(NOW(), FROM_UNIXTIME(came, '%Y-%m-%d') ) AS DaysAgo, (FROM_UNIXTIME(came,'%H')*3600)+(FROM_UNIXTIME(came,'%i')*60)+(FROM_UNIXTIME(came,'%s')) AS IntTimeCame, (FROM_UNIXTIME(gone,'%H')*3600)+(FROM_UNIXTIME(gone,'%i')*60)+(FROM_UNIXTIME(gone,'%s')) AS IntTimeGone, FROM_UNIXTIME(came, '%w') as WeekDay
FROM ctime ct
INNER JOIN clients c ON ct.guid = c.guid INNER JOIN xlr_playerstats p ON p.client_id =
WHERE = '$xlr_id' AND DATEDIFF(NOW(), FROM_UNIXTIME(came, '%Y-%m-%d') ) < 30
ORDER BY came DESC"; }$query22222 = mysql_query($sql22222, $db); // Schriften, Abmessungen//############################################################################header ("Content-type: image/png"); $font_file = '../Share-TechMono.ttf'; $font_file2 = '../../dswp_regular.ttf'; $x_offset= 100; //X-Offset, der das menü frei hält$y_offset = 150; if ($matched == 1) {$x_max= 900; } // Maximum width of the graph or horizontal axiselse {$x_max= 800; }$y_max= 800; // Maximum hight of the graph or vertical axis$im = @imagecreatetruecolor ($x_max, $y_max)or die ("Cannot Initialize new GD image stream"); //Farben//############################################################################$background_color = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 40, 40, 40); imagefill ($im , 0 , 0 , $background_color); $menubackground_color = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 32, 32, 32); $text_color = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 0, 102, 153); $inactive_text_color = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 80, 80, 80); $day_bg_color = ImageColorAllocateAlpha ($im, 70, 70, 70, 64); $we_bg_color = ImageColorAllocateAlpha ($im, 128, 128, 77, 64); $mumble_color = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 10, 90, 10); $tdm_color = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 70, 70, 70); $phpbb_color = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 70, 90, 90); $graph_color = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 80, 80, 80); $grid_color = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 60, 60, 60); $logo_color = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 40, 50, 60); $now_color = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 255, 60, 60); //############################################################################$linespace = 17; $x1= $x_offset; $y1= 0; $first_one= "yes"; $width_factor = 0.008; //GRIDimagefilledrectangle ($im, 0, 10, $x_max, $y_offset - 41, $day_bg_color); imagefilledrectangle ($im, 0, $y_offset - (2* $linespace) , $x_max, $y_offset - 15 , $day_bg_color); imagefilledrectangle ($im, 4, 15, $x_offset - 10 , ($y_offset + 1000), $day_bg_color); imagefilledrectangle ($im, ($x_max - 100), 15, ($x_max - 72) , ($y_offset + 1000), $day_bg_color); imagefilledrectangle ($im, ($x_max - 65), 15, ($x_max - 38) , ($y_offset + 1000), $day_bg_color); imagefilledrectangle ($im, ($x_max - 31), 15, ($x_max - 4) , ($y_offset + 1000), $day_bg_color); imagefttext ($im, 15, 0, $x_offset , ($y_offset - 51), $inactive_text_color, $font_file, 'connection date and time sheet for this user... '); imagefttext ($im, 13, 0, 7 , ($y_offset- $linespace), $text_color, $font_file, 'time/date'); imagefttext ($im, 13, 90, ($x_max - 82) , ($y_offset- 51), $text_color, $font_file, 'ratio'); imagefttext ($im, 13, 90, ($x_max - 46) , ($y_offset- 51), $text_color, $font_file, 'kills'); imagefttext ($im, 13, 90, ($x_max - 13) , ($y_offset- 51), $text_color, $font_file, 'detts'); //Vertical$i= 1; while ($i <= 24) {$width_bar = 3600 * $width_factor; if($i & 1) {$hour_bg_color = ImageColorAllocateAlpha ($im, 50, 50, 50, 64); } else {$hour_bg_color = ImageColorAllocateAlpha ($im, 70, 70, 70, 64); }imagefilledrectangle ($im, $x_offset + ($width_bar * ($i - 1)), $y_offset- (2* $linespace), $x_offset + ($width_bar * $i) , ($y_offset + 1000), $hour_bg_color); $hour = sprintf("%02d", ($i-1)); imagefttext ($im, 10, 0, ($x_offset+3) + ($width_bar * ($i - 1)) , ($y_offset - $linespace), $text_color, $font_file, ''. $hour. 'h'); $i++; }//HORIZONTALwhile($nt2= mysql_fetch_array($query22222)){$line = $nt2[DaysAgo ]; if ($first_one== "yes"){ $DaysAgoStart = $nt2[DaysAgo ]; $dummylines = $nt2[DaysAgo ]; }else {$dummylines = ($line - $last_line - 1); }//Ersma Inaktive Lücken füllenwhile ($dummylines >= 1) {$date = $nt2[strtodate ]; $newdate = strtotime ( "+$dummylines day" , strtotime ( $date ) ) ; $newdate = date ( 'd.m.Y' , $newdate ); imagefttext ($im, 10, 0, ($x_offset-90) , ($y_offset + ($linespace * ($line - $dummylines))), $inactive_text_color, $font_file, $newdate); $dummylines--; }//Ratio$act_ratio = ($nt2[ratio ]); $avg_ratio = ($nt2[avgratio ]); $rel_ratio = ($act_ratio / $avg_ratio ); //horizontale hintergründe und legendeif ($last_line < $line OR $first_one == "yes" ) {if ($nt2[WeekDay ] == 6 OR $nt2[WeekDay ] == 0 ){ //wochenendeimagefilledrectangle ($im, 0, ($y_offset + ($linespace * $line)+2), $x_max, ($y_offset + ($linespace * $line)- $linespace +5), $we_bg_color); }else { //werktagimagefilledrectangle ($im, 0, ($y_offset + ($linespace * $line)+2), $x_max, ($y_offset + ($linespace * $line)- $linespace +5), $day_bg_color); }imagefttext ($im, 10, 0, ($x_offset-90) , ($y_offset + ($linespace * $line)), $text_color, $font_file, "$nt2[ShowDate]"); //Color Ratio (Better then normal vs. worse then normal)$ratio_red = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 130, 65, 65); $ratio_blue = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 0, 102, 153); $ratio_grey = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 40, 40, 40); if($rel_ratio == NULL) {$day_ratio_color = $ratio_grey; } elseif($rel_ratio > 1) {$day_ratio_color = $ratio_red; } else {$day_ratio_color = $ratio_blue; } imagefttext ($im, 10, 0, ($x_max-100) , ($y_offset + ($linespace * $line)), $day_ratio_color, $font_file, "$nt2[ratio]"); imagefttext ($im, 10, 0, ($x_max-65) , ($y_offset + ($linespace * $line)), $ratio_red, $font_file, "$nt2[kills]"); imagefttext ($im, 10, 0, ($x_max-30) , ($y_offset + ($linespace * $line)), $ratio_blue, $font_file, "$nt2[deaths]"); }if ($nt2[IntTimeGone ] > $nt2[IntTimeCame ]){ // regular, not over midnightimagefilledrectangle ($im, ($x_offset + ($nt2[IntTimeCame ] * $width_factor)), ($y_offset + ($linespace * $line)), ($x_offset + ($nt2[IntTimeGone ] * $width_factor)), ($y_offset + ($linespace * $line)-10), $day_ratio_color); }else{ //over midnight, draw a) Came --> 24h b) 00h --> Goneimagefilledrectangle ($im, ($x_offset + ($nt2[IntTimeCame ] * $width_factor)), ($y_offset + ($linespace * $line)), ($x_offset + (86400 * $width_factor)), ($y_offset + ($linespace * $line)-10), $day_ratio_color); imagefilledrectangle ($im, ($x_offset), ($y_offset + ($linespace * $line)- ( $linespace)), ($x_offset + ($nt2[IntTimeGone ] * $width_factor)), ($y_offset + ($linespace * $line) -10 - ( $linespace)), $day_ratio_color); }// Here starts horizontal month player ratio development :)$mrd_x_offset = $x_offset; $mrd_y_offset = 645; $mrd_y_base = 720; if ($first_one == "yes"){imagefilledrectangle ($im, 0, $mrd_y_offset, $x_max, $y_max + 20, $background_color); //hintergrund untenimagefilledrectangle ($im, 4, $mrd_y_offset + 5, $x_max - 5, $y_max - 3, $day_bg_color); }/* erinnerung :) $act_ratio = ($nt2[ratio]); $avg_ratio = ($nt2[avgratio]); $rel_ratio = ($act_ratio / $avg_ratio ); */imagefilledrectangle ($im, $mrd_x_offset + (10 * $line) , $mrd_y_base, $mrd_x_offset + (10 * $line) + 5, $mrd_y_base + (10 * $act_ratio), $day_ratio_color); $first_one= "no"; $last_line = $line; }//datei erzeugen//ImagePNG ($im,$cache,9,PNG_ALL_FILTERS);ImagePNG ($im); //weghauen nich vergessen...imagedestroy ($im); //datei aus cache ausgeben//readfile($cache);//alternativ nochmal machen und ausgeben :)?>
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Posted: 09.18.11 |
Godlike |
Joined: 01.08.09 Posts: 1296 Location: Berlin, Germany
nick: Samtron
skill: 584.92
kills: 316
deaths: 269
ratio: 1.17
Finally I did something: Attachment:
activity_graph.gif [ 69.97 KiB | Viewed 7506 times ]
GNUino, I used your data for this image, I hope you don't mind =]Colors are now computed and interpolated for every day depending on the day's ratio: average ratio = yellowbest ratio last month = greenworst ratio last month = redAlso new: right aligned values in the table on the right, at the bottom of these columns are the average values, and I added the kills with blue bars on the bottom of the graphic. Wursti: There is still an error for unmatched players, I'll fix this (division by zero!!!11einself). So please don't make it public right now.
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Posted: 09.20.11 |
Godlike |
Joined: 01.08.09 Posts: 1296 Location: Berlin, Germany
nick: Samtron
skill: 584.92
kills: 316
deaths: 269
ratio: 1.17
Okay, I fixed it. You may want to switch the files if you like the small new features. To get a sneak preview: Go to your stats page and get the image URL and change month.php to month_smt.php: Code: @Wursti: About the matched players - Is it a technical problem, that unmatched players don't have enough data, or is it a "forum"-feature, that only matched players (with forum account) can see more detailed data?
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Posted: 09.22.11 |
Godlike |
Joined: 07.15.08 Posts: 4649 Location: Behind U
nick: [dswp]GewitterOma
skill: 1122.83
kills: 25960
deaths: 19847
ratio: 1.30
nick: [dswp]GewitterOma
skill: 812.172
kills: 3885
deaths: 3541
ratio: 1.09
ye, theres no ratio collection for the non-matched. in fact B3 dont collect daily ratio, thats a little script of blinky. he goes every night to substract K/D from last days K/D. thats the reason for the 2 queries (plus the little one that finds wether the player is matched...) btw. feel free to exchange ur script with the existing one when u think its time. thx for care...
Top |
Posted: 09.29.11 |
Godlike |
Joined: 07.15.08 Posts: 4649 Location: Behind U
nick: [dswp]GewitterOma
skill: 1122.83
kills: 25960
deaths: 19847
ratio: 1.30
nick: [dswp]GewitterOma
skill: 812.172
kills: 3885
deaths: 3541
ratio: 1.09
or some nice patch medal aka umweltplakette? like this? Code: //Umweltplakette rein :)$sql_plakette= "SELECT ROUND((p.kills/p.teamkills),2) AS ktkratio from xlr_playerstats p where = '$xlr_id' limit 0,1 "; $query_plakette = mysql_query($sql_plakette, $db); $ktkratio = mysql_fetch_row($query_plakette); $ktkratio = $ktkratio[0]; if ($ktkratio > 50) { $plakette = './env4.png'; }elseif ($ktkratio > 30) { $plakette = './env3.png'; }else { $plakette = './env2.png'; }$plakette = imagecreatefrompng ($plakette); imagecopyresampled ( $im , $plakette , ($x_max-110) , 685 , 0 , 0 , 100 , 100 , 1000 , 1000 ); imagefttext ($im, 12, 0, ($x_max-85), 753, $black_color, $font_file, $ktkratio ); //imagefttext($im, 13, 90, ($x_max - 140) , 770, $text_color, $font_file,'Kills/');//imagefttext($im, 13, 90, ($x_max - 120) , 780, $text_color, $font_file,'TeamKills');imagefttext ($im, 7, 0, ($x_max - 70) , 770, $black_color, $font_file, 'K/TK'); Attachment:
month_rasta.png [ 47.73 KiB | Viewed 9005 times ]
month_zottel.png [ 51.51 KiB | Viewed 9006 times ]
month_miez.png [ 49.44 KiB | Viewed 9006 times ]
ah and i added geshi im so busy
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top 20 players
name | skill | kills |
-Dws.BLINGBLING*-* | 1730.63 | 418631 | NormaSnockers | 1865.75 | 400492 | Zottel | 1760.8 | 276378 | make.them.suffer | 1846.17 | 269872 | >8v= | 1825.35 | 230156 | moon | 1777.56 | 195615 | sjas | 1692.49 | 192315 | peace | 1878.86 | 190660 | Wagner_Moura | 1562.9 | 188001 | Goomba | 1859.75 | 182677 | z0rn | 1608.41 | 181016 | Mad | 1803.76 | 179124 | [dswp]PLZ | 1847.85 | 178516 | Graf_ZahlIII | 1835.73 | 167407 | Zohan | 1611.07 | 159737 | ubercunt | 1634.93 | 159240 | Yarrr! | 1917.33 | 156233 | I_am_nOOb | 1909.64 | 151268 | Pandageddon | 1891.75 | 148319 | Pirat | 1664.08 | 145798 |