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 Post subject: Re: gr8ron WH
PostPosted: 08.07.11 
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Joined: 03.30.09
Posts: 84
well another one sliping away.

I posted simillar topic few weeks ago


Im pretty sure the guy WH, but you convinced me im wrong.

I know its hard to make ban to a player without hard evidence, but for the sake of good play there has to be some kind of ground rule when can you say someone WH.

When i posted my topic, i always hang on to steves post about catching cheaters.
Maybe we need some guide with examples whats wh whats pure luck, or sound catching :)


 Post subject: Re: gr8ron WH
PostPosted: 08.07.11 
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There is no such thing as ground rule, you can't just draw the line and say "this is where luck and skill ends".

Some people listen to sounds around them while playing some don't, personally i don't rely on it on TDM servers this big.
It doesn't means i didn't hear and instinctively react to something, it just means i don't pay as much attention to them like i do in CTF or TS.

Some people just get in the game, and react to sounds in the same way you react in real world.
I speced this guy several time, once with Steve and we both came to conclusion this guy is weird but his demos don't provide enough evidence for a ban.
If they don't provide the evidence it's cause he's either THAT good at hiding it or that evidence doesn't exists.

A while ago i was training a young admin and i wanted to teach him how to tell the difference between skill, luck and cheat.
I played on eagle server, and i was in the zone like i rarely am lately.
A clan mate demoed my game

I sent him the demo and he replied it was a clear wallhack. I asked how does he knows.
And he told me there was a spot where the "cheater" aimed at the wall of the blue spawn and tracked a player perfectly to kill him as soon as comes around the corner.

I reviewed the demo to see what's he talking about and to my surprise i actually managed to track a player without even knowing it.
So you see accidents and lucks can happen and if you reviewed your own demo you'd be surprised how many times you aim at a player that is behind the wall.
But people seem to ignore the fact this isn't a 16 slot server, we often play with 32+ players and it really doesn't matters where you aim you will almost always be aiming at someone through the wall.

It's a shame i don't have that demo anymore, I'd love to show it to you.


Bring the Rayne.


 Post subject: Re: gr8ron WH
PostPosted: 08.08.11 
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Yes, yes exactly what Rayne posted..
I am afraid it goes even further. You could make an Aimbot which would be "undetectable". It would more be a helper than auto aim.. and still it would look like the guy is just a pro. I think we are just lucky nobody probably did something like that (or if he did, he didn't shared it with anyone)..


 Post subject: Re: gr8ron WH
PostPosted: 08.08.11 
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eXtr33m wrote:
Yes, yes exactly what Rayne posted..
I am afraid it goes even further. You could make an Aimbot which would be "undetectable". It would more be a helper than auto aim.. and still it would look like the guy is just a pro. I think we are just lucky nobody probably did something like that (or if he did, he didn't shared it with anyone)..

Low sens aimbot? That thing exists. And low area aimbot? In combination it would be quite dangerous. But best not to spaek of those in public :)



 Post subject: Re: gr8ron WH
PostPosted: 08.08.11 
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AimMe wrote:
eXtr33m wrote:
Yes, yes exactly what Rayne posted..
I am afraid it goes even further. You could make an Aimbot which would be "undetectable". It would more be a helper than auto aim.. and still it would look like the guy is just a pro. I think we are just lucky nobody probably did something like that (or if he did, he didn't shared it with anyone)..

Low sens aimbot? That thing exists. And low area aimbot? In combination it would be quite dangerous. But best not to spaek of those in public :)

Eh, no i meant something more dangerous.. but yeah, these things are not meant to see the light of this world :lol:


 Post subject: Re: gr8ron WH
PostPosted: 08.08.11 
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AimMe wrote:
Low sens aimbot? That thing exists. And low area aimbot? In combination it would be quite dangerous. But best not to spaek of those in public :)

it is funny how many people I've spotted on dswp server that use a cheat client which can be configured to work as aim helper.
Luckily those guys are far too stupid to read the manual properly and figure things out.


Bring the Rayne.


 Post subject: Re: gr8ron WH
PostPosted: 08.08.11 
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Silly people who continue to ruin this game... why the cheaters don't play the same "game" with other cheaters?


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