SKracht wrote:
I watched the demo closely but to me he is not wallhacking.
The kill you mention @ ~3.15 is strange with shownormals on but if you turn it off and watch from ~3:40 with timescale around 0.2 or 0.1 you can see that enemy clearly when he is entering the room, and even if he wouldn't, I would check that position too cause they got shot from there and it was unclear how many enemys were involved from behind that door.
I wasn't fast enough to get the right moment but in the screenshot you can still see the enemy behind the crates.
Not guilty, atleast in this demo *imho*
SKratch, you had to take the timescale down to 0.1 to even see the guy in that corner, i played on eagle only for 18 months straight, and then admined on it for another 18. And i can tell you this if i didn't see that guy behind the crates and i expect someone there, then someone who doesn't knows the map like him sure as hell didn't see him either in that speed and with 2 teammates running around him. I watched that spot a dozen times, and even when knowing where he is i couldn't spot him in that corner.
This guy can aim, I"m not disputing that; but he ain't clean that I'm sure of.