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 Post subject: late night with mate
PostPosted: 07.06.11 
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A bit long.. i was tired :D yea and he was bit annoying on #linux channel
its a bit long. I just had to post this somewhere so sry if u dont like it
<m4dc0d3r> hi?
<eXtr33m> hi
<eXtr33m> :D
<m4dc0d3r> oh :D
<m4dc0d3r> these faggots kicked me :(
<eXtr33m> trolling late in night are you?
<m4dc0d3r> no im not trolling
<m4dc0d3r> just trying to find some support
<m4dc0d3r> a game is nothing without a fanbase
<m4dc0d3r> and development doesn't happen without donations
<eXtr33m> ofc. then you make your project famous :)
<eXtr33m> *you hav e to
<m4dc0d3r> that is what i am trying to do
<m4dc0d3r> well
<m4dc0d3r> too famous wouldnt be good either
<m4dc0d3r> because i dont want others to steal my ideas
<eXtr33m> well you are doing in the worst way ever sry
<eXtr33m> lol
<m4dc0d3r> why?
<m4dc0d3r> i jsut tried to explain the concept of the game
<m4dc0d3r> so i got kicked ...
<eXtr33m> no you were trying to get money from people :D
<m4dc0d3r> im not from US
<m4dc0d3r> so i can't use kickstarter
<eXtr33m> you are from Austria i know
<m4dc0d3r> and i really cannot continue development without some donations
<m4dc0d3r> i am sorry, its just not possible
<m4dc0d3r> i need to pay for food and everythign
<eXtr33m> get some investors, if u cant i am sorry
<m4dc0d3r> but how do i get investors if i cant use kickstarter
<eXtr33m> well if u cant i am sorry you shouldnt run the project in the first place when you dont have money :)
<m4dc0d3r> yes i should
<m4dc0d3r> i am a coder
<m4dc0d3r> i love games
<m4dc0d3r> so i want to make games
<m4dc0d3r> but i can't go to soem big company like EA
<m4dc0d3r> because they have no time for innovation
<m4dc0d3r> i am like notch
<m4dc0d3r> just a  bit better
<m4dc0d3r> i have a dream
<m4dc0d3r> to make a game
<m4dc0d3r> which runs on linux
<m4dc0d3r> and is great
<eXtr33m> .. we all have a dreams
<eXtr33m>  how old are you?
<m4dc0d3r> 16
<m4dc0d3r> but do NOT judge me by my age
<m4dc0d3r> just dont.
<m4dc0d3r> ive got solid skills in c++ and various other languages
<eXtr33m> :) I started too doing "projects"
<eXtr33m> yeah i am not much older than you :)
<m4dc0d3r> maybe you understand.
<m4dc0d3r> i want to do this for a living
<m4dc0d3r> like notch
<m4dc0d3r> but i cant do this without cash
<m4dc0d3r> notch is the guy who made minecraft
<m4dc0d3r> a small crappy game
<m4dc0d3r> that made more than 2 million US $
<eXtr33m> m4dc0d3r do it too
<eXtr33m> if u want money
<m4dc0d3r> the problem is
<m4dc0d3r> i cant sell it before it's ready
<m4dc0d3r> and i need to pay for things before its ready
<eXtr33m> and dont you think he had the same problems?
<m4dc0d3r> no i dont
<m4dc0d3r> he was older
<m4dc0d3r> he had a job
<m4dc0d3r> he had money
<eXtr33m> then get a job yourself and get money :)
<m4dc0d3r> but then i dont have enough time for the game
<eXtr33m> all i wanted to tell you there is NO point in asking for money on forums IRC etc.
<m4dc0d3r> oh really.
<m4dc0d3r> so if thats all you wanted to tell me i guess the conversation is over
<m4dc0d3r> thanks for nothing
<eXtr33m> :)
<eXtr33m> pleasure to meet you too
<m4dc0d3r> how is this a pleasure
<m4dc0d3r> its fucking frustrating
<m4dc0d3r> the linux community wants games
<m4dc0d3r> dont they
<m4dc0d3r> most people dont use linux because of the games
<eXtr33m> do you understand?
<m4dc0d3r> why do people donate to haiti
<m4dc0d3r> thats not done either
<m4dc0d3r> the people there are still suffering
<m4dc0d3r> and yet they pay
<eXtr33m> m4dc0d3r because they are stupid and they are controlled by media.
<m4dc0d3r> seriously?
<eXtr33m> yes
<m4dc0d3r> you think they are stupid for supporting people who really need help?
<eXtr33m> no i dont think they are stupid, i just dont think they are doing it because they want to help people in need
<m4dc0d3r> really
<m4dc0d3r> so why do they do it then
<eXtr33m> they might say so but it isnt that way
<m4dc0d3r> so they do it because they have too much money?
<m4dc0d3r> or because god told em to do so?
<eXtr33m> maybe i dont know,
<m4dc0d3r> what is wrong with supporting a project that will help the whole linux community
<eXtr33m> If people were really so "good" and great we would be living in a fucking Utophy righy now
<m4dc0d3r> and me
<m4dc0d3r> and good games
<m4dc0d3r> all im asking for is something like 10$
<m4dc0d3r> thats nothing
<m4dc0d3r> a drop of water on a hot stone
<eXtr33m> m4dc0d3r are you going to give them back 20$?
<m4dc0d3r> but still it can make a huge difference
<m4dc0d3r> i am going to give them the game for free
<m4dc0d3r> if they donated
<m4dc0d3r> so instead of 20-30$ they pay 10.
<eXtr33m> m4dc0d3r well most of the linux software is developed FOR FREE
<m4dc0d3r> well, then give me developers for free
<eXtr33m> if u think somethink else you are stupid
<m4dc0d3r> i am wokring on this alone
<m4dc0d3r> if someone wants to help, that would make a huge difference
<m4dc0d3r> but...
<m4dc0d3r> how many really good games are there for free
<m4dc0d3r> except for quadrapassel
<m4dc0d3r> that one rules
<m4dc0d3r> theres no individual, NEW game
<m4dc0d3r> for free
<m4dc0d3r> because thats not how it works
<eXtr33m> UrT
<m4dc0d3r> what?
<eXtr33m> there is shitload of Freeto play games
<eXtr33m> Urban terror
<eXtr33m> etc.
<m4dc0d3r> urban terror sucks
<m4dc0d3r> imo
<m4dc0d3r> maybe you like it
<m4dc0d3r> i dont
<m4dc0d3r> and its not a reason to switch to linux
<eXtr33m> its not
<m4dc0d3r> i could give you a crappy game for free
<m4dc0d3r> or a polished, regularly updated one for 15$
<eXtr33m> and how do i know you will make a good game?
<m4dc0d3r> i am keeping you updated on the development staus
<m4dc0d3r> *status
<m4dc0d3r> i am including your ideas int othe game
<eXtr33m> you have to convince people to believe you will make it
<eXtr33m> you are doing big shit now
<m4dc0d3r> there is no guarantee.
<eXtr33m> then there is no money
<m4dc0d3r> you will have to risk 15$.
<eXtr33m> AHAHA we get to the point
<eXtr33m> NOBODY will do that
<eXtr33m> sorry
<m4dc0d3r> yea they do
<eXtr33m> maybe in 50 years
<m4dc0d3r> you are fucking naive
<eXtr33m> or later
<m4dc0d3r> how old are oyu?
<eXtr33m> older
<m4dc0d3r> younger than 20?
<eXtr33m> yes
<m4dc0d3r> above 18?
<eXtr33m> 16 - 20 thats good interval
<m4dc0d3r> take a look at kickstarter
<eXtr33m> In May 2011 a New York University film student raised $1,726 to make a film, but plagiarized the French film Replay instead.
<eXtr33m> qouted from wiki
<m4dc0d3r> recently, people pledged 1400$ for roboArena
<m4dc0d3r> well, thats not my fault
<m4dc0d3r> i am honest
<m4dc0d3r> you will have to believe me though
<eXtr33m> go find people who will give you money but dont be angry when they dont give u them
<m4dc0d3r> the reason i am angry is because of other reasons
<eXtr33m> why?
<eXtr33m> because they laugh at you?
<m4dc0d3r> because you think people would not donate some pocket money for a good cause
<m4dc0d3r> who is laughing at me?
<m4dc0d3r> lol
<eXtr33m> few guys in the channels you tried to propagate your project :D
<m4dc0d3r> how old does one have to be to stop acting childish
<m4dc0d3r> 30?
<m4dc0d3r> 40?
<eXtr33m> m4dc0d3r there isnt exact number
<eXtr33m> it depends from person
<m4dc0d3r> oh
<m4dc0d3r> so youre a fucking immature person
<eXtr33m> :)
<eXtr33m> maybe i am
<m4dc0d3r> too immature to be worthwhile
<eXtr33m> maybe is the 90% of the world
<eXtr33m> it was nice arguing with you
<eXtr33m> if u want to leave
<eXtr33m> i am not throwing you out :P
<m4dc0d3r> i know. because you have too much time, too much comfort and not fucking enough brain to do something with it
<m4dc0d3r> i am seriously disappointed
<m4dc0d3r> looks like its true what they say
<m4dc0d3r> that linux users dont want to pay for anything
<m4dc0d3r> which means
<eXtr33m> Ahaha
<m4dc0d3r> that they have no idea how economy works
<m4dc0d3r> and that it is not possible to give everything away for free
<eXtr33m> m4dc0d3r no it works like this -> you make a game and then you get paid
<eXtr33m> if u dont have a money to make a game i am sorry.
<m4dc0d3r> if only it was that easy.
<m4dc0d3r> what is your favourite game
<eXtr33m> i dont have favourite game.. i like to sometimes play FPS and otherwise singleplayer RPGs
<m4dc0d3r> pick a good game.
<m4dc0d3r> iamgine how it began
<m4dc0d3r> hwo the developer had an idea
<m4dc0d3r> and started thinking about making that game
<m4dc0d3r> but there was a problem
<m4dc0d3r> money
<m4dc0d3r> he couldnt make that game wihtout money
<m4dc0d3r> so he asked for help
<m4dc0d3r> a tiny amount of 10$ from some people
<eXtr33m> m4dc0d3r most of the games from the studios which invests the money
<m4dc0d3r> who enoy gaming
<m4dc0d3r> yes, studios..
<m4dc0d3r> they dont make innovative games
<m4dc0d3r> its like ikea furniture
<eXtr33m> m4dc0d3r i never heard of the game that was starting like that
<m4dc0d3r> then you have never heard of the term "indie game"
<eXtr33m> oh?
<m4dc0d3r> inde = independentlie
<m4dc0d3r> y
<m4dc0d3r> the people who bring innovation into gaming
<m4dc0d3r> are individualy
<m4dc0d3r> individuals
<m4dc0d3r> who want to make something new
<m4dc0d3r> something exciting
<m4dc0d3r> the big studios
<m4dc0d3r> only go for money
<m4dc0d3r> nothing else
<m4dc0d3r> they dont care
<m4dc0d3r> if they have to make the same FPS over and over again
<m4dc0d3r> and you know...
<eXtr33m> WAIT
<m4dc0d3r> it works
<m4dc0d3r> wait.. for what
<eXtr33m> m4dc0d3r i know what is independent
<m4dc0d3r> but... ?
<eXtr33m> but there is nothing about that they get money from people
<eXtr33m> in the beggining
<m4dc0d3r> look again.
<eXtr33m> they have to invest on their own
<m4dc0d3r> look at kickstarter
<m4dc0d3r> mony indie projects are funded there
<m4dc0d3r> *many
<m4dc0d3r> and on kickstarter
<eXtr33m> then go for a kickstarter
<m4dc0d3r> it is being decided
<m4dc0d3r> if they can make that game or not
<m4dc0d3r> i cant
<m4dc0d3r> its US only
<eXtr33m> then i am sorry, find something similar in EU or whatever
<m4dc0d3r> it is just a platform
<m4dc0d3r> but after all its the people who want good games that donate
<eXtr33m> no people believe there are people who knows how to good invest money so they give it to them
<eXtr33m> or is it like you get $$$ and you dont have to give nothing back?
<m4dc0d3r> sure they get stuff back
<m4dc0d3r> you get the game
<m4dc0d3r> credits
<m4dc0d3r> soundtrack
<m4dc0d3r> artwork
<m4dc0d3r> lots of perks
<m4dc0d3r> and you made the game possible
<eXtr33m> well then my sentence still works
<m4dc0d3r> without your 10$, the game would never be there
<eXtr33m>  people believe there are people who knows how to good invest money so they give it to them
<m4dc0d3r> make that a bit clearer please
<m4dc0d3r> a bit easier to understand
<m4dc0d3r> my english isnt perfect
<eXtr33m> well
<m4dc0d3r> and neither is yours
<eXtr33m> there are people in kickstarter who decide if the project is supported or not
<eXtr33m> as you said
<eXtr33m> Thanks for critique, Its 1:17 AM
<m4dc0d3r> where are you from
<eXtr33m> So its not actually people giving money to you but people giving money to investors(people who decide) and the investors invest the money
<m4dc0d3r> no
<eXtr33m> m4dc0d3r middle europe
<m4dc0d3r> the kickstarter people only make sure you dont post shit
<m4dc0d3r> but you donate directly to the project.
<eXtr33m> ok
<eXtr33m> but there is filter
<eXtr33m> so people are assured that they money wont go into shit
<m4dc0d3r> no
<eXtr33m> you said it
<eXtr33m>  the kickstarter people only make sure you dont post shit
<m4dc0d3r> they have to trust the developers
<eXtr33m>  the kickstarter people only make sure you dont post shit
<eXtr33m>  the kickstarter people only make sure you dont post shit
<eXtr33m> read that
<m4dc0d3r> noone can guarantee the game will be released
<eXtr33m> yes
<eXtr33m> i agree
<m4dc0d3r> kickstarter assures you dont post spam
<eXtr33m> but they are convinced to believe it will be so
<m4dc0d3r> but not that your money will not go into "shit"
<eXtr33m> otherwise the project is not supported
<eXtr33m> they try to filter out bad projects no?
<m4dc0d3r> i promise that if i get enough donations to be able to make the game, you get it for free.
<eXtr33m> i dont believe you. why should i?
<m4dc0d3r> why would you think i am scamming you
<m4dc0d3r> i even have screenshots of the game as it is now
<eXtr33m> Well
<m4dc0d3r> although, there is not much to see
<eXtr33m> ;)
<m4dc0d3r> since most work is behind the scenes
<eXtr33m> that is not good for your advertising
<m4dc0d3r> but i cant change it
<m4dc0d3r> unless i get enough money to continue development
<m4dc0d3r> so you get more to see
<m4dc0d3r> but i can show you
<m4dc0d3r> that i am working on it
<eXtr33m> again -> I am sorry but unless you find people who believe you, based on nothing then you are ....
<eXtr33m> screwed
<m4dc0d3r> based on nothing?
<eXtr33m> m4dc0d3r Yes that's the point
<m4dc0d3r> no its not
<m4dc0d3r> its not based on nothing
<m4dc0d3r> i can show you screenshots
<eXtr33m> you have to make the best advertising ever
<m4dc0d3r> i could show you parts of the code
<eXtr33m> thats not what i thought
<m4dc0d3r> advertising does not come for free
<eXtr33m> setup a site
<m4dc0d3r> then you are htinking the wrong thoughts
<m4dc0d3r> i can show you
<m4dc0d3r> that i am working on
<m4dc0d3r> it
<m4dc0d3r> i can show you
<m4dc0d3r> that the project does exist
<m4dc0d3r> would that be enough?
<eXtr33m> maybe you could post on happypenguin i dont know, thats "free advertising"
<eXtr33m> for me? if its not OSS probably not
<m4dc0d3r> you only play OSS games?
<eXtr33m> nope
<m4dc0d3r> so whats the problem
<eXtr33m> but i certainly dont pay for games i dont believe they will be good
<m4dc0d3r> why odnt you think it will be good
<m4dc0d3r> minecraft was a huge success
<eXtr33m> because you didnt convinced me
<m4dc0d3r> my game is like minecraft
<m4dc0d3r> but with much better graphics
<m4dc0d3r> and with actual gameplay
<m4dc0d3r> so since minecraft is good
<eXtr33m> then release it if u say you have it :)
<m4dc0d3r> and my game is better
<m4dc0d3r> it is not DONE
<m4dc0d3r> it is IN DEVELOPMENT
<m4dc0d3r> i need moeny to FINISH it
<eXtr33m> then i will correct what you said
<m4dc0d3r> what?
<eXtr33m> <m4dc0d3r> my game will be like minecraft
<eXtr33m> <m4dc0d3r> but with much better graphics
<eXtr33m> <m4dc0d3r> and with actual gameplay
<m4dc0d3r> the concept IS
<m4dc0d3r> the game WILL be
<m4dc0d3r> but only IF
<m4dc0d3r> i can continue DEVELOPMENT
<eXtr33m> then make advertising for your concept
<m4dc0d3r> that would be stupid
<eXtr33m> well
<m4dc0d3r> and expensive
<eXtr33m> it is as author :) (i know i am stupid too)
<m4dc0d3r> youre really just a waste of time
<m4dc0d3r> kthxbye
<eXtr33m> Thank you :)


 Post subject: Re: late night with mate
PostPosted: 07.06.11 
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:D :D :D

It’s the fukken Yaste Ward, no need to apologize…

* CuntBot gives voice to MaGaO
* S_Kracht
* JRandomNoob  
* JRandomNoob  
* JRandomNoob  
<eXeler0n> is there no text?
<eXeler0n> or is my irssi broken?
<eXeler0n> by the way: urt is downloading :D
<JRandomNoob> we're just amusing ourselves:-D
<eXeler0n> okay
<eXeler0n> :D
<Unclefragger> the need to spam but no idea what to type :P
<eXeler0n> aww
<JRandomNoob> spam spam spam spam spam lovely spam wonderful spam

Путін — хуйло

Beginner’s Guide to Urban Terror (woefully out of date)

Daily Deadnade (last updated September 9, 2016)


 Post subject: Re: late night with mate
PostPosted: 07.06.11 
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hihi always nice =) to write ... nothing.

&#91;10:33:07&#93; <Homer93> der channel steht im irc ganz7 still und stumm.... ;)
&#91;10:34:11&#93; <SKracht>  
&#91;10:34:45&#93; <Homer93> lol, ich kann nichts serhen+
&#91;10:34:51&#93; <Homer93> *sehen
&#91;10:35:11&#93; <SKracht>
&#91;10:35:22&#93; <rnlf>  
&#91;10:35:28&#93; <SKracht>
&#91;10:35:32&#93; <rnlf>  
&#91;10:35:42&#93; <Homer93> lol WTF??
&#91;10:35:57&#93; <SKracht>
&#91;10:36:00&#93; <rnlf> Homer93:
&#91;10:36:13&#93; * SKracht
&#91;10:36:21&#93; <Homer93> ich kann immer noch nichts sehen
&#91;10:36:29&#93; <Homer93> hier seit alle weiss
&#91;10:36:40&#93; <Homer93> oderwas?
&#91;10:36:44&#93; <SKracht>
&#91;10:36:46&#93; <rnlf> Homer93:                                                          ?
&#91;10:37:43&#93; <Homer93> aCH ICH GEH MAL RAUS UND KOMM  WIEDER
&#91;10:37:51&#93; <Homer93> upps capslog
&#91;10:38:03&#93; <priority> shift wie sau ;)
&#91;10:38:23&#93; <klon> nerd humor at its best. danke! xD


 Post subject: Re: late night with mate
PostPosted: 07.06.11 
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:lol: :lol:
poor guy


 Post subject: Re: late night with mate
PostPosted: 07.06.11 
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was too lazy to finish the first post .. 16 y/o, that pseudonym and asking for money? Keep that log and show it to him again in some 5 years :D

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 Post subject: Re: late night with mate
PostPosted: 07.06.11 
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Some people can't understand that linux development and/or gaming are not things you can live from....

And what he wants is worst possible scenario. He wants somebody to play him for free software which will make him rich. WTF?



 Post subject: Re: late night with mate
PostPosted: 07.08.11 
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thx for convrsation m4dc0d3r :)



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the stats also use some jQuery jQuery v2.1.4 | (c) 2005, 2015 jQuery Foundation, Inc.

voice server
top 20 players
