HumppaLakki wrote:
Nice way to argue and show exactly what you did on the server.
Nice expression for your abusing your admin rights. What would you do against an abusing admin who calls you name unfairly?
HumppaLakki wrote:
you did not spawnkill? Wrong... you did, you even said it by yourself you did.
No, I did not say that I did it. Everyone makes spawnkill sometimes but this is not always spawnkilling. Spawnkillers' main tactic is camping around the spawn so they make spawnkills only.
HumppaLakki wrote:
You got kicked for rushing in the spawn which is spawnkilling.
You have just confessed that I was rushing into the spawn. This is not spawnkilling.
HumppaLakki wrote:
After that you returned an throw nades all the time in the spawn entrance.
What? All the time? First, I do not carry grenade I do not have slot for this worthless thing which can harm my own teammates too. Sometimes I can pick them up from the enemy. I threw grenades only once to the end of the corridor to courtyard. That is not the entrance of the spawn and nobody got killed by my grenades.
HumppaLakki wrote:
For me spawnkilling and the end of your playing for this day for 3 reasons (and nexttime better quote the whole kick message)
No. This was only one unreal reason tripled.
HumppaLakki wrote:
in fact.. repeated spawnkill as Rayne allready said.
In fact, repeated rushing in the spawn as you wrote. There was spawnkill only once during a whole map. What an offense. Server rules do not punish that.
HumppaLakki wrote:
Second: startind stupid discussions on the server which we have a forum for. Server is for playing (kick message by the way "wrote a post on but here .... STFU)
And last but not least: Do you really think i play with idiots like you? Insulting me? Tell me i would abuse my rights? How stupid can you be? After 4 kicks? WTF?
You are an abusing admin. This is why I told you that. You knew I was right so you got angry about it. Complaining about your real continuous abuse is not insulting. You just did not like me because I am not afraid of complaining about your abusing behavior and have more frag than you. This is your subjective thing.
HumppaLakki wrote:
Ah yeah, the map change... i normaly change maps loke terroism, deception and small maps like Austria which ends in a spawnkill massacre couse of the map design and if im right it was austria i changed.
"Ah, yeah". You are God admin so you decide what map will not be played and which player is an idiot even then this player does not violated the server rules and you decide where your abusing can be complained. I see. Admins have rights in order to have the server rules kept, not to take action after their private preferences.
HumppaLakki wrote:
i normaly change maps loke terroism, deception and small maps like Austria which ends in a spawnkill massacre couse of the map design and if im right it was austria i changed.
This also shows that spawnkilling is your mania. Everyone will spawnkill if you do not prevent it. Yes, sure.
HumppaLakki wrote:
Time you got tempbanned for ONE day was on train.
I could not enter the server even on the 2nd of July 9 p.m. There was only awaiting snapshot.
HumppaLakki wrote:
Ah, and you are banned for a month for two simple reasons.
You abuse your admin right again. This is the easiest thing. Be happy with it. This shows what kind of man you are. You can not stand critique. You think you are unquestionable. This is only hungry for power.
HumppaLakki wrote:
Try to connect to the server with another GUID.
My IP is dynamic and I could change my qkey file too but I will not. I am not like you. I am straight and do not get around facts. I understand now that this server is for spineless people like you. Kick everyone in the future too. This is what you are good at.