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 Post subject: Bad admining
PostPosted: 06.20.11 

Joined: 06.20.11
Posts: 2
I would like to say that Blood_for_Blood is the worst admin i ever saw.

He abuses his powers and kicks and mutes people left and right when things do not go his way.

Today i was playing in the map Subway, Blood and some others were camping one corner of the train, so i tought the best thing to do was to go trough the top of it to kill them. i managed to kill Blood and another one, next thing i see is a kick and warning not to camp, hipocrite much?
later in the same map, some guy asked how many blue were underground, and he was kicked.

next map was Abbey and Blood again camped with the sr8 on the spot where the flag is in ctf, when i called him on camping he again kicked me. later in the small room nearby, some people where healing up and Blood, being the kid he is kicked all 3 of them for "camping". Later some guy joked about how the server lag was because of admin downloading gay porn, KICKED!

so yeah, i know nothing is going to be done about him but this is just a warning. if you are playing in the same server as him LEAVE IMMEDIATELY!


 Post subject: Re: Bad admining
PostPosted: 06.20.11 
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okay, to lead your story in the right way:

At first i wasent camping... i never camp... if you dont think so.. spec me first before crying me a river.

I kicked you for camping on the train as i useally do and you werent the only on.
You got kicked again for arguing with admins and you got warned before to stop that. When i mute you... STFU. Start crying again... fail, break for an hour is real nice in fact you really pissed me off.

Befor crying and call me a bad admin read the fucking rules first and respect the admins.

here the link. Have fun

btw: the other guy got kicked for insults ;) Better watch the reasons next time



 Post subject: Re: Bad admining
PostPosted: 06.20.11 

Joined: 06.20.11
Posts: 2
HumppaLakki wrote:
At first i wasent camping... i never camp... if you dont think so.. spec me first before crying me a river.

yes you were, and even other people were accusing you.

HumppaLakki wrote:
I kicked you for camping on the train as i useally do and you werent the only on.

yeah, i just arrove there and killed you and another guy and it is considered camping. not a tactic to clear the way for my team.
kill 2 people = camp LOL

HumppaLakki wrote:
You got kicked again for arguing with admins

yes, calling you out for kicking me for "camping" when you did the exact same and you let half your team camp underground for half the match.

HumppaLakki wrote:
STFU. Start crying again... fail, break for an hour is real nice in fact you really pissed me off.
Befor crying and call me a bad admin read the fucking rules first and respect the admins.

i refuse to respect a disgusting power abuser like you, and no, calling you out on your shit is not "crying".

HumppaLakki wrote:
btw: the other guy got kicked for insults ;) Better watch the reasons next time

ok, but what about those other 3 or 4 guys you kicked because they where "camping" when all they were doing was healing up?


 Post subject: Re: Bad admining
PostPosted: 06.20.11 
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Sasdas wrote:
HumppaLakki wrote:
At first i wasent camping... i never camp... if you dont think so.. spec me first before crying me a river.

yes you were, and even other people were accusing you.

Ah, second time... no i wasent camping. I allways check standart positions and than i move arround... if you dont think so spec me if you play again. Accusse me of camping is funny cause everybody knows i hate camper and kick them real straight.

Sasdas wrote:
yeah, i just arrove there and killed you and another guy and it is considered camping. not a tactic to clear the way for my team.
kill 2 people = camp LOL

rofl... you killed me? Hmmm... than i should ban you for tking cause you where in my team all the time :lol:

Sasdas wrote:
HumppaLakki wrote:
You got kicked again for arguing with admins

yes, calling you out for kicking me for "camping" when you did the exact same and you let half your team camp underground for half the match.

In fact it seems to be you dident got it the first time. Here are the rules again. Reading, thinking and after that posting ;)

Sasdas wrote:
i refuse to respect a disgusting power abuser like you, and no, calling you out on your shit is not "crying".

Hmmm.... we should work a bit on that think called respect. Im admin here for a long time and yeah, maybe im real harsh but i never ever abuse my rights. I keep the server clean of fucktards with cheat or teamkilling bastards for a long time and you tell me (with you 650 frags made) im abusing my rights?
Little hint for you... first thinking.... than writing.

Sasdas wrote:
ok, but what about those other 3 or 4 guys you kicked because they where "camping" when all they were doing was healing up?

I know the difference between healing and camping, trust me... i play this game a few years ;)



 Post subject: Re: Bad admining
PostPosted: 06.20.11 
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Sasdas, i don't understand one thing: Why, o why would you come back on server after you were kicked 4 times....

And of course, coming in game after kick, saying admin sucks is so stupid. Never do that, maybe after first kick you can still come here, but after 5th, well hard to believe your story. More likely we'll believe Humppa's story, who we know for years...

It's ok to complain on admin, but then you should do polite post, not in pissed of tone straight after kick(s), but first cool down hour or two, and then write it calmly (and think while doing it!).

I wasn't there so i can't say if you (or him) were camping, but arguing stuff is for sure. And by the way, i love playing when Humppa is online, so clear and camperfree game!



 Post subject: Re: Bad admining
PostPosted: 06.21.11 
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I totally agree with AimMe, especially with the last sentence.
I'm not the best player on this server and never was kicked by Humppa in nearly 2 years (I hope this last longer). :D
So in my opinion you should think about your style of playing Urban Terror TDM.



 Post subject: Re: Bad admining
PostPosted: 06.21.11 
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nick: Make.Them.Fluffy
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Thx for the support AimMe and RunTMC :)



 Post subject: Re: Bad admining
PostPosted: 06.21.11 
Ingame Mod
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nick: UT'RunTMC[dswp]
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You're welcome. ;)



 Post subject: Re: Bad admining
PostPosted: 06.21.11 

Joined: 03.20.10
Posts: 93
Location: Augschburg (Schwabenland)
RunTMC wrote:
I totally agree with AimMe, especially with the last sentence.
I'm not the best player on this server and never was kicked by Humppa in nearly 2 years (I hope this last longer). :D
So in my opinion you should think about your style of playing Urban Terror TDM.

Das kann ich nur bestätigen, ich wurde auch bisher nie grundlos auf dem server gekickt bzw. bannnt worden.

Etwas Werbung:
Dswp-Server ist für mich der beste (beispiellos und unersetzlich :D ) mit coolen Admins und Mods (server: solche Möglichkeiten wie !locate !knrec !knts !knallstats !reveal !xlrstats !grudge last !admin .... bis vor kurzem auch !nextmap und !translast gibt es nur hier-> [url]])
und das beste ist: es kostet uns nix :-D

Was ist Algiers ohne Humppa??
Humppa bringt Ordnung!

und googleÜbersetzer sagt folgendes:

I can only say I was also previously never been kicked for no reason on the server or bannnt.

Some advertisement:
Dswp server is best for me (unprecedented and irreplaceable: D) with cool mods and admins (server: locate facilities such as knrec knts knallstats reveal xlrstats grudge last admin .... until recently!!! too! and nextmap! trans-load, there is only here-> [url]])
and the best is: it costs us nothing:-D

What is Algiers without Humppa?
Humppa brings order!


 Post subject: Re: Bad admining
PostPosted: 06.21.11 
Hier is jeden Tag Freakshow, es hat jeder freien Eintritt solange er sich selbst die Möglichkeit dazu nicht nimmt...


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