Imagine joining the game, rushing towards opposing side, and finding yourself amidst shit like this:
shot0083.jpg [ 92.14 KiB | Viewed 11782 times ]
From above (presumably that’s how the gods of Radeon saw this):
shot0087.jpg [ 146.77 KiB | Viewed 11784 times ]
Of course I thought my Eagle file had gone bad, but Crossing for example also had quite a few oddities (and a freshly extracted UrT showed the same stuff, so it wasn’t caused by some borked custom map):
shot0089.jpg [ 144.95 KiB | Viewed 11781 times ]
Right now, after reinstalling the drivers twice, everything appears normal — and I’m going to do whatever it takes to postpone the next restart. (About twenty times in the last two days already, one wants to use the damn thing:-/)