So, perhaps you’ve noticed that there’s another maniac besides Pirat spamming the chat with “press Q” and similar stuff:-) I usually do this when I click through people while in spec and happen upon someone obviously not having the first clue about playing UrT, and slowly bleeding to death. The problem here is that quite a few players don’t understand enough English to benefit from tips like this… so I’ve made a bunch of vstrs for various languages, to use in conjunction with !locate. These strings are courtesy to Google Translation in its (in)famous “at least it’s not Babelfish” quality;-) They can’t be much off, as backtranslating gives a meaningful (or even identical) sentence, but:
I’d like everyone who speaks one of these languages suggest fixes. (And if you’d like to see another language in the list, do post!) Remember that missing diacritics are due to UrT not supporting anything outside ASCII.
English: TIP: press Q (or A) to stop bleeding or to heal others
Croatian: SAVJET: pritisnite Q da se zaustavi krvarenje ili lijeciti drugima Czech: PORADENSTVI: stisknete Q k zastaveni krvaceni nebo lecit ostatni Danish: TIP: tryk pa Q for at stoppe blodninger eller til at helbrede andre Dutch: TIP: druk op Q om het bloeden te stoppen of om anderen te helen Finnish: VIHJE: paina Q lopettaa verenvuodon tai parantaa muita // Swiss use QWERTZ, and Quebecois, QWERTY French: CONSEIL: appuyez sur A (ou Q) pour arreter les saignements ou de guerir les autres German: TIPP: taste Q die Blutung zu stoppen oder andere zu heilen // Actually it’s ; in the unshifted position, but this can’t be used in chat Greek: SYMBOULI: patiste to pliktro : (i Q) gia na stamatisei i aimorragia i na therapevei tous allous Hungarian: TIPP: nyomja meg a Q verzes vagy masok gyogyitasara Italian: SUGGERIMENTO: premere Q per arrestare l'emorragia o per guarire gli altri Norwegian: TIPS: trykk Q for a stoppe blodning eller a helbrede andre Polish: WSKAZOWKA: wciskamy Q, aby zatrzymac krwawienie lub leczenia innych Portuguese: DICA: pressione Q para parar a hemorragia ou para curar os outros Russian: SOVET: nazhmite I (ili Q), chtoby ostanovit' krovotecheniye ili lechit' drugikh // Used the obviously better-quality Croatian string instead of the Serbian result // (Kheal Otkhers, my ass) with a necessary change in the key suggested Serbian: SAVET: pritisnite Lj (ili Q) da se zaustavi krvarenje ili leciti drugima Slovakian: PORADENSTVO: stlacte Q na zastavenie krvacania alebo liecit ostatne Slovenian: NASVET: pritisnite Q za zaustavitev krvavitve ali zdraviti druge Spanish: CONSEJO: pulse Q para detener el sangrado o para sanar a otros Swedish: TIPS: tryck Q for att stoppa blodning eller att laka andra Turkish: IPUCU: basin Q kanamayi durdurmak icin veya baskalarinin iyilesmek
(If anybody’s interested, the corresponding Estonian is “NAPUNAIDE: vajuta Q, et verejooksu peatada voi teisi ravida”.)
TODO: Punch various people until I have translations for “TIP: say !fp to forgive a teammate for killing you”. (Google Translate gags on this sentence.)
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