Yeah, its a little mess, let me explain a bit...
Where to begin?
One day, someone thought it would be nice to have this feature.
Soon we found out, that we need a central user database.
We had to know which mumble user ist which ingame user. Hm.
Btw, it was a brilliant idea to have a central auth table. More brilliant then the switcher itself i think.
It was just the first appliance somehow.
Here it starts.
Fourtionatly theres a bridge for Mumble-PHPBB. Great.
It reads users from Forums. NP, others do the job (:
And a need was born: Bring the Urt to the Forums.
Next Level. Game-PHPBB.
Unfourtionatly not so comfortable. We match IPs.
ATM its still a Cron (SQL), in Future id like to use a Trigger.
The Thing went bigger over the years, we have a huge *Re-Matching SQL script collection*.
NP to run that for u.
Would mean thers PHPBB-DB and B3 in one Database.
So far so good, all needed Users matched in one Table.
What now.
Ask Unclefragger, he wrote
1.) A plugin for B3 (to get the teamswich in realtime)
2.) A Plugin for Mumble (to switch it)
inbetween, a query is needed from the mumble (all userIDs are in 1 table, but sure different)
Uncles Plugin changed over times, first it was a simple HTTP request, now he creates a Server-Client connection in order to save bandwith.
This Pic shows maybe a good overwiew of what im talking about:
dswp_informationsfluss_für_die_user02.png [ 30.16 KiB | Viewed 5738 times ]
Nerdish installations.
If ure unemployed and u have 2-3 computers left:
Maybe a nice plan, who knows. Anyway, were all geek enough to love this, if u really want to install we pick u all scripts. Could be some funny hours to days...