BEH wrote:
both you, msargo, and admins with banning power arent really paying attention, and some of us are trying to help but it just doesnt seem to work out =/
Well banning power can't help me here, as i already did what i could. One thing is having full control of b3, and have access to whole database and code is another. There are not many people with that (Uncle who need answer, XTJ who's busy with dswp 2.0 (HD

), svarox quite inactive, and wursti who has time only on weekends)... I think they have enough reasons not to be super fast...
And another thing is nobody here (including them) is paid so this is our free time. And believe me, you'd rather play round or two than watch demos or search database (which can be quite hard and slow)...
And still, with details i (we) have i (we) can't do much even if i (we) had full access.
hmm.. I believe I must be quiet and humble.
But it isnt as easy as putting msargo's ip in the 'ok' list so his ip is For Sure not banned?
Btw: database is screwed up a little, for when i typ !aliases I also get pirat's nicknames, and some others.. so i think somewhere back there things get linked. like unbanned and banned accounts. and I am not sure how easy it is then to unban one and keep the other banned.