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 Post subject: Re: I banned???????????
PostPosted: 03.16.11 
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Joined: 03.15.10
Posts: 1132
Location: Nijmegen
he told me it says banned
I asked. :)

tiru: i do sounds like an alien


 Post subject: Re: I banned???????????
PostPosted: 03.22.11 
posted some :)
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Joined: 10.11.10
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Location: lisbon
Goodbye staff.
I get it, no point reclaim
will never take over his mistakes

Adeus pessoal.
Já percebi que não vale apena reclamar
ninguem vai assumir os seus erros
é pena que um servidor que eu acho bom
nao assume os seus erros
e mais, é quase impossivel provar inocencia neste servidor
pois ainda somos gozados
vou á procura de um servidor que me respeite, pois não consegui (por mais que tenta-se) neste

I like this game


 Post subject: Re: I banned???????????
PostPosted: 03.22.11 
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Joined: 03.15.10
Posts: 1132
Location: Nijmegen
oh god this isnt nessecary.. =/
both you, msargo, and admins with banning power arent really paying attention, and some of us are trying to help but it just doesnt seem to work out =/
msargo: UCF asked u what it says, so we can find where its going wrong.
u didnt see but i also asked and u DID see my question and so u answered which UCF in turn didnt read and so it takes forever and forever and now even I am frustrated :O
Hate seeing someone innocent not beeing able to play and leaving community as a result of that.

- If i would understand anything code-like, I would go clean up zhe database now. :)

tiru: i do sounds like an alien


 Post subject: Re: I banned???????????
PostPosted: 03.23.11 
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BEH, msargo is not the first nor the last victim of persistent cheaters because of whom entire IP ranges are being banned.

P.S.: Remember when admins and mods would get banned because of the attempt to utilize the ineffective and contra-productive UAA database?

ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«


 Post subject: Re: I banned???????????
PostPosted: 03.23.11 
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As stated two times already I need the exact wording of the message to see by which mechanism you are affected (in case it wasn't meant for you that is)
Just blaming us for not caring isn't enough, you have to answer our questions as well =/ (And ye "banned" is not enough)

"Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live."
- Martin Golding


 Post subject: Re: I banned???????????
PostPosted: 03.23.11 
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Location: lisbon
what are the questions?

I like this game


 Post subject: Re: I banned???????????
PostPosted: 03.23.11 
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Posts: 1132
Location: Nijmegen
msargo wrote:
what are the questions?

Meh -_-'

Unclefragger wrote:
The Question: I need the exact wording of the message to see by which mechanism you are affected

tiru: i do sounds like an alien


 Post subject: Re: I banned???????????
PostPosted: 03.23.11 
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Joined: 09.28.08
Posts: 2318
Location: Solar System
BEH wrote:
both you, msargo, and admins with banning power arent really paying attention, and some of us are trying to help but it just doesnt seem to work out =/

Well banning power can't help me here, as i already did what i could. One thing is having full control of b3, and have access to whole database and code is another. There are not many people with that (Uncle who need answer, XTJ who's busy with dswp 2.0 (HD :)), svarox quite inactive, and wursti who has time only on weekends)... I think they have enough reasons not to be super fast...
And another thing is nobody here (including them) is paid so this is our free time. And believe me, you'd rather play round or two than watch demos or search database (which can be quite hard and slow)...

And still, with details i (we) have i (we) can't do much even if i (we) had full access.



 Post subject: Re: I banned???????????
PostPosted: 03.23.11 
posted some :)
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Joined: 10.11.10
Posts: 94
Location: lisbon
I turn the urban terror
choose the server, when I enter the server
says only (banned)
this is what you want to know?
BEH wrote:
msargo wrote:
what are the questions?

Meh -_-'

Unclefragger wrote:
The Question: I need the exact wording of the message to see by which mechanism you are affected

I like this game


 Post subject: Re: I banned???????????
PostPosted: 03.23.11 
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Joined: 09.28.08
Posts: 2318
Location: Solar System
msargo wrote:
I turn the urban terror
choose the server, when I enter the server
says only (banned)
this is what you want to know?
BEH wrote:
msargo wrote:
what are the questions?

Meh -_-'

Unclefragger wrote:
The Question: I need the exact wording of the message to see by which mechanism you are affected

Hmmm is it possible that you post screenshot?



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