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 Post subject: Re: I banned???????????
PostPosted: 03.12.11 
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Unclefragger wrote:
I need to know what exactly happens (and if there is one) and what the error is saying, maybe crusher can help here with translations?

Eu preciso de saber o que acontece exactamente (e se há algum) e que o erro está a dizer... etc etc

msargo wrote:
olá, o que é que eu posso fazer para ajudar a administraçao?
eu não intendo muito de configuraçoes mas farei o possivel

Hello what can I do to help the administration?

I don't understand so much about configurations but I will do the possible.


Sargo, esqueci-me de traduzir a primeira questão do Uncle, é melhor responderes isso primeiro.

Sargo, I forgot to translate the first Uncle's question, it's better to answer this first.


 Post subject: Re: I banned???????????
PostPosted: 03.12.11 
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Ok, just a moment that I will translate this bigger one.

Ok, só um momento que eu vou traduzir este maior.


 Post subject: Re: I banned???????????
PostPosted: 03.12.11 
Ingame Mod
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hi guys, sorry to interrupt this discussion but..
Similar crap happened to me some months ago, on another server; it appeared I was banned, so i went to their forum asking for the reason..
the admin there told me that my IP was close to the dude that was perm banned there over a year ago, and the whole range of IPs close to his was banned, the strange thing was it affected me after so much time cos i got an IP close to his, or sthg..
anyway, he suggested me to restart my adsl modem, leave it without power for like 10 minutes and then I would be given another IP adress; it actually worked :lol:
so, it may sound foolish, or I got it all wrong .. :mrgreen:
..but msargo have u tried that one? 8-)


 Post subject: Re: I banned???????????
PostPosted: 03.12.11 
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moon wrote:
hi guys, sorry to interrupt this discussion but..
Similar crap happened to me some months ago, on another server; it appeared I was banned, so i went to their forum asking for the reason..
the admin there told me that my IP was close to the dude that was perm banned there over a year ago, and the whole range of IPs close to his was banned, the strange thing was it affected me after so much time cos i got an IP close to his, or sthg..
anyway, he suggested me to restart my adsl modem, leave it without power for like 10 minutes and then I would be given another IP adress; it actually worked :lol:
so, it may sound foolish, or I got it all wrong .. :mrgreen:
..but msargo have u tried that one? 8-)

onde tens a cabeça mondance?
eu estou aqui no site do servidor a tentar provar a minha inocencia e tu queres que eu tente mudar de ip?
nao quero mudar de ip, eu quero è provar a minha inocencia
recuperar o meu bom nome, isto é que é importante
sem batotas

I like this game


 Post subject: Re: I banned???????????
PostPosted: 03.12.11 
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msargo wrote:
como tudo começou;
subi de posto no meu trabalho e mudei-me para um escritorio
instalei o urban terror no pc do escritorio.
quando tive um pouco de tempo livre entrei no servidor tdm para dar uns tirinhos :) :)
fui chamado por um colega e 3minutos depois estava banido,
quando cheguei a casa no pc de casa consegui entrar no servidor tdm mas depois do jantar já dizia banido
foi quando resolvi fazer este poste,
no segundo dia quando cheguei ao trabalho tentei entrar no servidor tdm e consegui mas em casa continuo banido
2 dias (acho) depois fui banido tambem do servidor bomb mode
desde ai tenho andado nesta luta para tentar provar a minha inocencia
já vi a demo , que por um bom acaso eu tambem lá estava a jogar com o nick O)))))
só muidei de O))))) para O)))))-Msargo para os jogadores terem um nome quando quisecem falar comigo
já muita gente me conhece no servidor porque eu jogava todos os dias
eu sou um bom jogador , nao preciso de fazer batota para ter boa pontuaçao
peço a todos que pensem, `se eu joga-se com batotas porque é que me estava a chatear com isto?
porque andava a perder tempo? já ando nisto desde 3-3-2011 ou seja ,quase 10 dias
mudava de servidor e pronto.
eu gosto deste servidor e quero tentar provar a minha inocencia e acima de tudo o meu bom nome O)))))-Msargo
enquanto me derem esperança eu vou lutar para provar a minha inocencia

How everything begginned.
I was promoted on my job and I moved to an office.
I installed UrT on the PC's office. When I had a little of free time I entered on the tdm server for some shooting. I was called by a co-worker and after 3 minutes I was banned.
When I arrived home, on PC's home I was able to enter on the tdm server but after the dinner it already said banned.
On second day when I arrived to work I tried to enter on the tdm server and I did it, but at home I am still banned.
2 days (I think) after, I was banned also from the bomb server. Since then I have been on this fight, trying to prove my innocence. I already saw the demo, but by coincidence I was playing with nick O))))). I only changed from O))))) to O))))-Msargo, so the players would able to communicate with me by name. Many people already recognize me on the server because I am a regular player. I am a good player, I don't need to cheat to make a good pontuation. I ask everyone to think, if I would playing with cheats why I would be upset with all this? Why I would be loosing my time? I am on this situation since 3-3-2011 or in other words, almost 10 days, I would change of server and leave this.
I like this server. I want to prove my innocence and above this my reputation. While you give me hope I will fight to prove my innocence.


Last edited by Crusher on 03.12.11, edited 3 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: I banned???????????
PostPosted: 03.12.11 
Ingame Mod
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onde tens a cabeça mondance?
eu estou aqui no site do servidor a tentar provar a minha inocencia e tu queres que eu tente mudar de ip?
nao quero mudar de ip, eu quero è provar a minha inocencia
recuperar o meu bom nome, isto é que é importante
sem batotas

you missed the point
of what i tried to say to u
but nevermind, good luck


 Post subject: Re: I banned???????????
PostPosted: 03.12.11 
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Sargo deixa-me explicar uma coisa. Eu por exemplo tenho ADSL 4Mb em casa, e o meu IP muda automaticamente sem que necessite de fazer reset ao router. Não sei que ligação à Internet tens mas grande parte dos casos é assim. Depois destes 10 dias o teu IP já deve ter mudado algumas vezes. Por isso não fiques ofendido pelo que a moondance te disse.

Sargo let me explain one thing. For example I have ADSL 4Mb at home, and my IP changes automatically without the need of making a reset to the router. I don't know what is the Internet connection that you have, but in the majority of the cases it works like this. After these 10 days, your IP would have changed a couple of times. So, don't feel offended by that moondance told you.


 Post subject: Re: I banned???????????
PostPosted: 03.12.11 
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you missed the point
of what i tried to say to u
but nevermind, good luck[/quote
thanks mondance no hard feelings

I like this game


 Post subject: Re: I banned???????????
PostPosted: 03.12.11 
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Crusher wrote:
Sargo deixa-me explicar uma coisa. Eu por exemplo tenho ADSL 4Mb em casa, e o meu IP muda automaticamente sem que necessite de fazer reset ao router. Não sei que ligação à Internet tens mas grande parte dos casos é assim. Depois destes 10 dias o teu IP já deve ter mudado algumas vezes. Por isso não fiques ofendido pelo que a moondance te disse.

Sargo let me explain one thing. For example I have ADSL 4Mb at home, and my IP changes automatically without the need of making a reset to the router. I don't know what is the Internet connection that you have, but in the majority of the cases it works like this. After these 10 days, your IP would have changed a couple of times. So, don't feel offended by that moondance told you.

obrigado Crusher
fui agora mesmo ver qual era o meu ip e é sempre o mesmo
o meu ip é sempre o mesmo

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 Post subject: Re: I banned???????????
PostPosted: 03.12.11 
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Joined: 03.15.10
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So, msargo. Does it say 'banned' when u try to join dswp server or it is just connection timeout?

tiru: i do sounds like an alien


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