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 Post subject: Re: My new mobile phone
PostPosted: 03.07.11 
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@JRN: Yes, that (probably very) same hardware is being sold under quite a few brands.

I also came across Emporium's TalkPremium V29 with the same stats and same looks like (my) MyPhone 1070.

@Rayne: I tried reviving my old Siemens M35, and after I failed I also tried reviving my old C35, and even my sister's old C25. But heck, I could not even find a battery for a C72, thus I ended up buying a new phone.

ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«


 Post subject: Re: My new mobile phone
PostPosted: 03.09.11 
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check how leet talks:


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 Post subject: Re: My new mobile phone
PostPosted: 03.09.11 
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This was my old phone:


Actually I have this one:


Honestly I still prefer the old one. It was really small.


 Post subject: Re: My new mobile phone
PostPosted: 03.09.11 
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Ah, im having btw nokia.
1 old and 1 new, both are ok working...

everything else always got it to fuck me off kinda.

the old one is a 6210, its indestructable (allthough its not dust-proof)
the new is a n8, its a try to donate for the last european phone guys...



 Post subject: Re: My new mobile phone
PostPosted: 03.21.11 
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I started out with a Siemens C35, nice phone. It did the job very well and for a looong time :)

<XTJ7> !penis
<CuntBot> XTJ7, your penis is 23.3 cm long. 8=========D
<XTJ7> !8ball do i rock?
<CuntBot> XTJ7: OH YEAH !
<BEH> !8ball you lieing too?
<CuntBot> BEH: Totally not.
<BEH> -_-''


 Post subject: Re: My new mobile phone
PostPosted: 03.22.11 
Ingame Mod
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Joined: 09.11.09
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I started with a siemens c60, it probably still works (if I can find the charger)
I now have a htc dream, mainly because it has a keyboard and google everything (especially google maps helps a lot for me)

The purpose of life is to fight maturity.


 Post subject: Re: My new mobile phone
PostPosted: 03.22.11 
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Joined: 03.15.10
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ooh a phone topic.

I started out with a motorola mobile something.. it weight like 1Kilo. :)
lost that one after a month, then got a samsung something which fell in the toilet after 2 weeks ( : x )
Then some tiny C25? lasted 2 weeks.
And eventually I got a LG chocolate, which by the time i got it was really old - and indestructible. I could play soccer with this thing.

@ natirips new phone: really cool man, numberbuttons where u wont hav to be afraid u press 2 at 1 time.

tiru: i do sounds like an alien


 Post subject: Re: My new mobile phone
PostPosted: 03.23.11 
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That was pretty much the point: big buttons, simple to use, ultra-high display visibility.

ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«


 Post subject: Re: My new mobile phone
PostPosted: 03.23.11 

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wurst wrote:
Ah, im having btw nokia.
the new is a n8, its a try to donate for the last european phone guys...

You try donating for a company that tried to buy, errr, "support" a
law (Lex Nokia), that sold Internet interception technology to a
totalitarian regime (Iran), and that uses coltan mined under inhumane

But then again, I couldn't give you a recommendation on a "clean"
phone company, because probably there is none.

For certain reasons, I even bought a new (so they got my money)
Samsung phone, although I know they not only develop weapons, but even
autonomous combat robots for the Korean border. :-(

Whenever possible (and feasible), I try to
- buy things used
- not buy things that mainly consist of a brand
- not buy things which have the implication that they or the purchase
of them harms society
(And yes, I act inconsistently at times)

I have to be pragmatic, though, due my limited resources: I try to
stick to this behavior, but if it costs too much money or nerves or
there are no usable alternatives, I don't.

For instance, this was the case for my Samsung phone: I wanted a long
stand-by time (the Samsung has over two months of stand-by time), and
the phone should be robust (shock-proof, water-proof or at least
-resistant), the user interface (including the haptics of the keys)
should be good enough, and it shouldn't be too expensive. The only
phone that fulfilled these (and a few other) critera was a Samsung

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 Post subject: Re: My new mobile phone
PostPosted: 03.24.11 
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kills: 3885
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ratio: 1.09
hm, nokia allways made good phones.
never knew that theyre evil devils...

@siemens: besides i heard abnormous corruption things:
the menu is NOT self-explanatory. at least it was on all my phones like that.

@topic in general
all phone providers are suckers.
NOBODY make a DECT/WWAN-Sip thingy for wursti.



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