This thing looks (and sounds) an awful lot like the Seeniortelefon sold over here:

My mother bought one of these for her parents (they're over eighty). I wouldn't use it myself, because you can't mute the damn thing and the sounds it makes are rather annoying.
Of course, I'm not really picky when it comes to cellphones -- I'm the third owner of a well-worn
Nokia 6310. Its screen is bad (it has gray stripes on it), most of the silver paint has worn off, and it's beginning to break apart. In other words, good enough.
natirips wrote:
Crusher wrote:
I owned a second generation mobile phone for many years because I don't use mobile too much. I only spend 7,5€ in 3 months btw.
Oh, and I usually spend 50kn=€6.75 per each three months. Else, they would block my outgoing calls and SMSes, and eventually the SIM card itself.
Nyah nyah nyah, less than €3.5 per six months (prepaid plan), and you still have a seventh month you can only receive calls. I still have serious troubles spending all this... right now I've got €6.39 left on my account:-P Common usage consists of renewing my checkout period at the library and answering my mother's questions (like, "what's an 'e-mail client' and if that thing's a client, what am I?").