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PostPosted: 03.14.09 
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Fps games are good for relaxing criminal minds.
Fps games doesn't kills, people kills so .. play more :P

Oi, HY from Romania.


PostPosted: 03.14.09 
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lol nice avatar...



PostPosted: 03.15.09 
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Oi, is the Negev dude :D, i dont know what your avatar means but is looks cool :D , and sick 2.


PostPosted: 03.16.09 
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it shows me in form of a penguin that gets hard seks from the devil!

:D :shock:



PostPosted: 03.16.09 
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pah, devil :-D

This is the real nature of tha penguin :>
q3 penguin.jpg
q3 penguin.jpg [ 9.13 KiB | Viewed 4186 times ]

back to topic; ..i knew a nice pic with a little text like "every amok-man eats some bread before he goes killing..maybe we should purse everyone who eats bread" or something like this :-D

In fact, i can remember, when this shit in essen happened, was in 11th grade, on the next day, we sat in a circle in class to talk about it & remembrance..
While the talking, a classmate pointed at a friend of mine an /me 'n said something like "hey guys, you're both in a gun club (was for sports)...and you! you also play this counter-strike!"...felt a little under par and tried to show up a difference between playing a game for fun/fragging (i see just moving pixels on the screen:>) and playing it for training/out of frustration o_O

Hm..about one year earlier, Fry & /me also had an idea for a map...we were just a little confused and liked the vision of playing in our street (we were neighbors).
Was not becouse we hated ppl. in our street...but i live under the roof and we thought my bath-roof-window would be perfect for sniping :lol:



PostPosted: 03.16.09 
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haha the quake tux sure rocks, I love it! (once had a very nice GDM theme based on that pic, if anyone knows/has it PLEASE TELL ME!!)

hmm well we also were planning to make a map of our school (actually at both schools I was, but since the later one was an IT school I think it wasn't that surprising ^_^) but well due to laziness and the lack of mapping skills the project somewhat died, I still think that those schools would have been good maps.

"Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live."
- Martin Golding


PostPosted: 03.16.09 
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Mine school just wouldn't be good map. I think everyone would die on stairs. Just stairs and stairs. It can be hard to climb up to top with full bag. It would be good map if we could blow it up! I would blow it, blow :D But still i know virtual games are to put (negative) energy out, and real life is something different where life has bigger value, its more important.

But it would be nice if we could respawn in real life, don't you think so? Or if you could kill all annoying people? That would absolutely rock! Slice policeman, spam teachers.... Then jump from bulding and respawn :D



PostPosted: 03.17.09 
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u could make teleporters :)



PostPosted: 03.17.09 
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i'd love to hook like spiderman or the guys on wurstis other srv :-D

hm..but take a look around the corner...the policeman also could respawn oO ..or your teacher :>
a world without death? hm..for sure we wouldn't be anymore allowed to get childs, or? ...maybe i would lie in bed all year long thinking 'hm, better do it tomorrow...won't run away' :-D
Dying just belongs to life...better hold it :>

in virtual games there's no life for me..maybe a human player on the other side...but for me it's more about reaction and teamplay.
are you realy running arround in the game thinking 'yeah one kill/shot more'?..k, i'm also happy, if i got a nice score, but its more like getting points in "stadt-land-fluss" :lol:

in my opinion, negative energy should be taken out in form of real sports..just jog as long as you can (kinda forrest gump :-D ..i also wanna to...but i'm still too lazy (: ), or anything else pumping you up...when you get home, you just wanna relax :)

@uncle: don't know the theme, but i should have a copy of this pic in 1024*768 ..used to have it as a background too (:



PostPosted: 03.17.09 
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turtle wrote:
i'd love to hook like spiderman or the guys on wurstis other srv :-D

its a built in hidden function in q2 and q3. q4 dont have it, its a pitty...

all u need is a plain install from cd and a console where u enter /bind <key> +button5



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