I made a 50GB single file and compressed it, so you have to extract the file to view it, and thus you need 50GB of space for it.
If you have perl and bash you can use this one-liner at the bash command prompt to make arbitrary size-ed spam files:
printf "print \\\"lol\\\" while ++\$i<=12345"|perl>loltest.txt
lol is the phrase you wish to spam with,
12345 is the number of times to repeat it, and
loltest.txt is the filename for the output. In the above example it makes 12345
lols in the loltest.txt file
lol.txt wrote:
This will create myspamfile.txt file with 100 times "my phrase here.\n" in it, where \n is a newline. Notice the triple backslash instead of a single one, that is because it first gets interpreted by bash, and later by perl; thus we also need to escape the backslash itself so it would survive until it reaches bash. The same goes for the inner quotes.
printf "print \\\"my phrase here.\\\n\\\" while ++\$i<=100"|perl>myspamfile.txt
If you need quotes inside the phrase use sevenfold backslash in front of it (\\\\\\\").
Or just tell me and I can make a file for you.