I often open the game monitor in my dedicated DSWP window and check the ratio of the current top few players. Quite foolproof method to find possible cheaters (not that I could get lucky all that often). Late at night, when there's less than ten players on the server, it's possible to check every one of them, if I only wish so. And I don't have to compete with the admins>:-).
This time I found
some funny dude whose most used weapon turned out to be excessive bloodloss
. I didn't actually suspect him or anything, just wanted to see him with my own eye. Turned out he was a cautious botter, switching it on and off, and probably suspecting something (some dude calling himself blatantly a "noob" is staying in spec?!?), so I only got a bit more than a minute worth of demo. The cause of his favorite weapon is probably that he sucks at tactics and movement, preferring to stay covered, instead of rushing forth and finishing the enemy off. (Not a bad idea of itself:-).) It happened more than an hour ago, but I was meanwhile experimenting with my Mombot setup, trying to understand its characteristics and failure modes. (Turns out it's better than I thought, not at all broken, it just has a tendency to fail occasionally. I probably post a demo showcase soon, unless someone can provide a link to one.)
Details to turn your attention to: When the demo starts, his bot is off, getting him killed. He then respawns, switches the bot on; when contacting the enemy, he gets frightened by his suspiciously fast turn, and switches the bot off again. A bit later he gets four kills and feels secure enough to switch the bot on again; he has no luck though and gets killed anyway. He respawns with the bot on, so you see the characteristic movement when the bot orients itself, and disconnects right after that.
Yes, despite the small amount of action, I'm 100% sure he's a botter. Why'd'ya ask?-)