I just succeeded on running 127 bots on ioquake 3 rev 1802.

Status Message from server consoleChanges made:
POOLSIZE (2048 * 1024)
Server will crash after ~30 bots because the qagame.qvm doesnt have enough memory
I dont know if it is required with humans only, but increase it just to make sure
Server Command Overflow on mapcycle occurs for every bot
Is this a step to the world record, at least in q3?

Edit: After over half an hour, the server crashed due to no free entities.
This is something you should be aware of!
Q3 has a maximum entity limit of 1024, which cant be increased that easily. (I tried some weeks ago and failed, maybe someone else wants to try)
- 1 player = 1 entity
- 1 dropped weapon/nade = 1 entity
- 1 spawnpoint = 1 entity
128 * 3 = 384
This *should* be okay, just dont throw around weapons n stuff.
If youre using baseq3 its even worse, every plasmaball, rocket etc is another entity.
Also note that the server doesnt seem to free entities too fast, so you may hit the max entities even way earlier. In my case 2/3 of the entities werent actually used, but it still crashed.
So to sum it up, keep the entities low

wursti wrote:
Anime? wow thats that movies where 100 dicks come out of a monster?