This is my first "real" map, started around 6 months ago after a mapping contest on the urt forums. Havent been working too much on it the last 5 months (lol) due to programming on my own quake 3 mod (lol 2). Anyways, I finished up a bit like a week ago and released another version.
The map has some kind of italian athmospere (as the name probably says) and tho I wanted to keep it small and simple it grew pretty large and complicated

It has a lot of narrow passages and mainly 2 sniping ranges (that are actually used, sure there are more).
Also I put in a lot of jumps, which can open quite a few "hidden" ways for you.
Walljumping is the way to go here.
So in total my aim is to create a really fast map

Since it's still alpha 5, it doesn't have too much detail in it right now, tho there's a great increase compared to a4. When I find time and motivation I'll of course add more

I dont think it would fit the TDM serwer, maybe in small cycle. Try if you want, but it's more targetted at TS and Bomb
In "less-competitive" gamemodes (TDM, FFA) I opened some rooms and balconies for jumping and camping

(I listened to you, Cookie :3)
Feedback on especially the layout (spawns, flags, bombsites) is highly appreciated, isn't helping me much there. D:
(CAH is still missing I think, gotta add that next version)
There's a bug in the lower room (blue ctf spawn) in TDM, Bomb and TS, where a door comes out of a wall. (lol 3)
Also the screen texture of a laptop is missing
There may be a lot of other bugs, please post everything you find here

Some screens..., 'nuf talking, download:
wursti wrote:
Anime? wow thats that movies where 100 dicks come out of a monster?