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PostPosted: 12.03.10 
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the part i like most, since it describes quite close my observations on human race in general, and even more the situation in my own country in the last 20 years - since the establishment of the criminal state of anarchy under the mask of the democracy. ofc its out of the context here, nevertheless its right on point:
There's a divide in the world's population. For every decent human being, there are three soulless, terrible human beings. That is a fact. The kind of women who won't go on television and fight a bunch of gown-clad she-Wookiees instead of buying a goddamn gym membership is outnumbered in this world by the kind of women who will. There's a nation of awful people living among us, people incapable of experiencing empathy, but people who are acutely aware of how to illicit empathy in others. They use our emotions against us because they have no morality. Of this nation of people, there's a sub-nation full of the worst of the worst of that group, the bottom-of-the-barrel, where even the barrel itself is toxic. This group isn't satisfied with just not having morals, they want to challenge the idea of morality for the rest of us and test the limits of our collective decency.

p.s. im not sure about the 1:3 ratio, seems too optimistic

"It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority."
-- Benjamin Franklin


PostPosted: 12.03.10 
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that ratio is by far way to optimistic

Edit: lol, he used to watch TV. :lol:

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PostPosted: 12.03.10 
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Hmmm i've got the feeling this is not true. (I didnt read the article just qoute)
I mean life taught me that people are not bad. Well they are not bad, but they have really bad prejudices -> often they think of other people they are stupid and strange and they like to think they are "better". Like i find it amazing.. people are addicted to their friends, i mean they trust them, they have fun etc.

And maybe the big guys want you to think people are stupid, that there is no hope and there have to be power. People are biggest power of Humanity.

I dont know..


PostPosted: 12.03.10 
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No, people are stupid. That is a fact.

For example: count retards that run on motorcycles doing slalom between two lanes. They alone make you think that human race is a failure among failures. However, you can easily notice that they only make a small fraction of retards, there aren't so many of them compared to all the stupidity that people do.

For another example: how many distinct epic failures can you google? Those are only epic ones, how many more non-epic failures exist in Google's search results alone? How many in the whole world?

The problem is that in the old times before medicine had evolved, those would've been out-selected by nature, now they live among us. Not that medicine hadn't done anything good, this is only another side-effect of having medicine.

Try getting a cut and walk around the street screaming for help. Do you think there is a single person out there who's gonna help you? I don't know about the rest of the world from first-hand experience, but I can guarantee you that if anyone will help you here in Croatia, it most certainly won't be a local, because the little fraction of intelligent people here most likely won't be around (because there's too few of them so chances of meeting them randomly in the street is astronomically low).

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PostPosted: 12.03.10 
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eXtr33m wrote:
I mean life taught me that people are not bad.

you havent paid good attention to the lessons of your life, or have misunderstood them. edit - or havent had the right experience yet.

good and bad is point of view.

also, the right expressions used are "soulless, terrible human beings" and "awful people". theres an important nuance here. heres 2 examples to clear it for you:

- you beat a man, steal his money, buy food and feed your hungry children. you are good to the children, but bad to the man.

- you beat a man, steal his money, get drunk and beat your children (or waste the money on any activity that benefits only you). you are bad to everyone.

so you see, while in the first example you play the good hero role for at least _someone_, in the second you are complete waste of resources and danger to the society and should be dealt with accordingly.

"It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority."
-- Benjamin Franklin


PostPosted: 12.04.10 
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man havoc.. you are bad for our mental health heh :)
Anyways.. people are as shite now as they were 20 or 100 or 1000 years ago.. that's not the point really.
It's more the thing that.. well you know the saying 'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder'?
It's a bit like that.. if u _want_ to notice shitty things, u notice shitty things.
If u want to see the good in people, u will. At least it works for me that way.
And if you'd like to see the world as a whole be a nicer friendlier place to live in - start yourself.
..And don't give up if u get mugged once heh.

That's all there is to it i think.

And that dude of yours is a terrible doomsayer.. I try to avoid such people :)

tiru: i do sounds like an alien


PostPosted: 12.04.10 
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BEH wrote:
It's a bit like that.. if u _want_ to notice shitty things, u notice shitty things.
If u want to see the good in people, u will. At least it works for me that way.
And if you'd like to see the world as a whole be a nicer friendlier place to live in - start yourself.
..And don't give up if u get mugged once heh.

Seems the traveler became a philosopher ;)

"We are talking about computers here, compared to those I can read women like a book ;P"


PostPosted: 12.04.10 
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nick: [ntr]Shortly
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SvaRoX wrote:
BEH wrote:
It's a bit like that.. if u _want_ to notice shitty things, u notice shitty things.
If u want to see the good in people, u will. At least it works for me that way.
And if you'd like to see the world as a whole be a nicer friendlier place to live in - start yourself.
..And don't give up if u get mugged once heh.

Seems the traveler became a philosopher ;)
Maybe he's the walking thinker type.

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PostPosted: 12.04.10 
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BEH wrote:
If u want to see the good in people, u will. At least it works for me that way.

I do that, but i met particularly stupid person, where i try and try to do that (already 4th year) and i can't find intelligence. Or i couldn't until last week, when he showed sign of intelligent being. We concluded that his ultimate power is "Think" which gives him ability to think for 5 minutes. It has 24 days cooldown.

Back on topic: People suck, people are stupid and so on, but they are smart and they pwn at the same time. Although from mine experience most are "soulless" and you can predict everything they do, there are still people on this world that are thinking and understanding things. And few of those are enough to keep up for rest. Look at dswp community. We are minority on tdm but we are still enough to make game playable next to all those campers, tkers, blockers and on.

And that's not new. Well, people who followed Hitler knew what he will do, and they still followed him. Some had reasons, but most were probably "soulless" people who went where all others went. In croatian we have saying: "Where goes everyone, there goes and little Mujo (that's name)". That's what people do.



PostPosted: 12.04.10 
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BEH wrote:
man havoc.. you are bad for our mental health heh :)

sorry if i kicked the door of your peaceful world of pink clouds and lace.

BEH wrote:
Anyways.. people are as shite now as they were 20 or 100 or 1000 years ago.. that's not the point really.

you are thinking of wrong points in time. try 100, 2010, 10000 years ago. but thats not the point really.

BEH wrote:
It's more the thing that.. well you know the saying 'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder'?

thats what i said. good and bad are points of view. relative stuff. imaginary stuff.

BEH wrote:
It's a bit like that.. if u _want_ to notice shitty things, u notice shitty things. If u want to see the good in people, u will.

so if i _dont_ want to notice shitty things? i wont notice them. and they like... DONT EXIST!

BEH wrote:
At least it works for me that way.

for you and many others ye. you see, thats the problem. you IMAGINE stuff and it WORKS for you. and then you push it (with retarded smile on your face) on everyone who doesnt think like you, because according to the Eye of the BEHolder, those people are "bad" and need to be fixed.

its you who needs to be fixed.

(there was huge part of the post here explaining the danger of the ideas of money, power and having ideas in general, that got removed because of non-relevance. only small part left, think it will be beneficial to The BEH to see that exact point of view. so dont mind if next sentence seems non-relevent to the previous)

the power is the ability (thru different means, incl "money") to project an idea (most notably the idea of "power" itself) in the brains of the people, for whom imaginary stuff works.

BEH wrote:
And if you'd like to see the world as a whole be a nicer friendlier place to live in - start yourself.

no thanks, i dont want to see the world (or anything else for that matter) as *whatever*, i want to see it as it is. and people like you are in the way with your imaginary stuff. you are holding the rest of us back. we are hostages of your "ideas".

BEH wrote:
..And don't give up if u get mugged once heh.

right, i know - repeat the mantra - *IT DOESNT EXIST* *IT DOESNT EXIST* *IT DOESNT EXIST*

BEH wrote:
That's all there is to it i think.

lol ofc not.

BEH wrote:
And that dude of yours is a terrible doomsayer.. I try to avoid such people :)



take that post with a grain of salt beh, i was just pointing for you a different point of view. and was just joking (or not).

"It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority."
-- Benjamin Franklin


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