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PostPosted: 11.25.10 
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eXtr33m wrote:
uaaa and my question??

its one of human rights that nobody can execute you without cause so i dont understand the article...

lets say its a resolution that says you cant be executed like that on the street just because you are "belonging to national or ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities, persons acting as human rights defenders (such as lawyers, journalists or demonstrators) as well as street children and members of indigenous communities".

and in the original text there was also "sexual orientation" or whatever the exact words were, but then they removed it, voted it and it passed.

"It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority."
-- Benjamin Franklin


PostPosted: 11.25.10 
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eXtr33m wrote:
uaaa and my question??

its one of human rights that nobody can execute you without cause so i dont understand the article...

Apparently you can be executed without cause from now on if you're gay, lesbian, ....

P.S.: There were many bizzare votes that passed in the UN and were later revoked, most likely most of the voters didn't pay much attention to the vote.

While it is nice to preserve the child within your heart, there should be limits to how childish you can behave while voting the law. :|

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PostPosted: 11.25.10 
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natirips wrote:
I am against gay parades, as they clutter the streets (but I am also against soccer maches because local fans usually get drunk and destroy everything in their path after a match).

Oh come on, you are against soccer matches just because few people would anyway get drunk and destroy stuff... And about "parades" "cluttering" the streets, people like partying together for ages, being for a cause or another doesn't make the event so different.
Don't be that scared :P

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PostPosted: 11.26.10 
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natirips wrote:
What I mean under being against spreading of AIDS is that most homosexuals exchange far more partners than most heterosexuals so they are by far more prone to spreading it.

And I'm basically fine with homosexuals, transsexuals, and whatnot as long as they do not enter my life. I am against gay parades, as they clutter the streets (but I am also against soccer maches because local fans usually get drunk and destroy everything in their path after a match). As far as I'm concerned, they can have their parades in their "holy" places, but not in the street.

Stay straight and you're safe!? Why kill homosexuals when they can kill themselves off by humping eachother!? I SAY WE KILL THEM ALL BEFORE THEY KILL EACHOTHER OFF! *cough*

And for the other part. Does that mean that entering your life as somehow disturbing or annoying you OR does that mean that for example, you couldn't ever have a gay friend? What about if its 2 girls? (personally I find that very hot... lol). Are you also against parades like the carnival in Rio?
Or is it just that you don't want to see all those FILTHY homosexuals etc. walking on the streets?

Sry if I was a bit harsh, nothing personal :)



PostPosted: 11.26.10 
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Deviant wrote:
have a gay friend? What about if its 2 girls? (personally I find that very hot... lol)


Lesbian is ok, but homo are just gay.



PostPosted: 11.26.10 
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AimMe wrote:
Deviant wrote:
have a gay friend? What about if its 2 girls? (personally I find that very hot... lol)


Lesbian is ok, but homo are just gay.




PostPosted: 11.26.10 
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I dislike it when they (homosexuals) get horny around me and try to get too close. It does happen, and I hate that.

As for parades, I disliked what happened today: trams were not taking regular routes because the firemen had an excercise, but at the very least I can see a perfectly good reson for them to excercise from time to time, even if that throws traffic into chaos.

SvaRoX wrote:
natirips wrote:
I am against gay parades, as they clutter the streets (but I am also against soccer maches because local fans usually get drunk and destroy everything in their path after a match).

Oh come on, you are against soccer matches just because few people would anyway get drunk and destroy stuff...
No, not a few people, a horde of people who would've otherwise drink at home and lay drunk like camels in their couches and wake up with horrible headache next morning, that being the worst part. Like this you have a mass of drunk retards, many of who would not've gotten drung in the first place if they were not there, who start by fighting the other team's fans, and later (being drunk and thus delusional) keep on destroying everything in their path without reason.

If a few people are drunk, but in a small group, they can't flip a tram out of it's tracks, but that's a common thing around here after a soccer match. Funny how basketball fans (for example) never do this kind of stuff.

Also, why am I against any kind of parades in the street? Because, imagine the following scenario: you're having a heart attack, but there's a parade in the street and the ambulance has no way of getting to you even if someone were to call them. The point? They are dangerous, and without a good reason. As far as I'm concerned they can party anywhere where they don't cause trouble.

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PostPosted: 11.27.10 
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natirips wrote:
Like this you have a mass of drunk retards, many of who would not've gotten drung in the first place if they were not there, who start by fighting the other team's fans, and later (being drunk and thus delusional) keep on destroying everything in their path without reason.

You say "drunk retards", if they are retard there is nothing you can do for them, liking football or not, drinking or not don't make them less retard anyway...
natirips wrote:
Also, why am I against any kind of parades in the street? Because, imagine the following scenario: you're having a heart attack, but there's a parade in the street and the ambulance has no way of getting to you even if someone were to call them. The point? They are dangerous, and without a good reason. As far as I'm concerned they can party anywhere where they don't cause trouble.

Excessive snowing can block ambulances too, blame the snow ! Seriously, if you had ever been to a parade, you would know that there are ambulances among them, that's the proof they can move. Ok for a heart attack it's a matter of time, but people gathered are not worse than traffic jams for losing some time...
natirips wrote:
I dislike it when they (homosexuals) get horny around me and try to get too close. It does happen, and I hate that.

Sex appeal toward gay people, "congratulations" :D

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PostPosted: 11.27.10 
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SvaRoX wrote:
natirips wrote:
Also, why am I against any kind of parades in the street? Because, imagine the following scenario: you're having a heart attack, but there's a parade in the street and the ambulance has no way of getting to you even if someone were to call them. The point? They are dangerous, and without a good reason. As far as I'm concerned they can party anywhere where they don't cause trouble.

Excessive snowing can block ambulances too, blame the snow ! Seriously, if you had ever been to a parade, you would know that there are ambulances among them, that's the proof they can move. Ok for a heart attack it's a matter of time, but people gathered are not worse than traffic jams for losing some time...
You can't stop the snow from snowing (without destroying the nature), and you can't avoid a traffic jam from happening, but is a parade really needed? Is there really no other way to do the same thing? They just clutter the streets without a good reason to do that in the street.

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PostPosted: 11.27.10 
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natirips wrote:
is a parade really needed? Is there really no other way to do the same thing? They just clutter the streets without a good reason to do that in the street.

Good is always a matter of point of view... bringing focus to a cause, making streets happier than they usually are or giving some fun for free to thousands of guys are good reasons to some people.
About the "really needed" thing, don't tell me that you only do things you "really need" in your life, I wouldn't believe you ;)

"We are talking about computers here, compared to those I can read women like a book ;P"


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