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PostPosted: 11.25.10 
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UN General Assembly Votes To Allow Gays To Be Executed Without Cause

Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people were once again subject to the whims of homophobia and religious and cultural extremism this week, thanks to a United Nations vote that removed “sexual orientation” from a resolution that protects people from arbitrary executions. In other words, the UN General Assembly this week voted to allow LGBT people to be executed without cause.

a nice comment from some blog on the issue:

Jesus and Mohammed get a little cranky at the idea of someone being rude to their books of magic spells, but setting a gay man on fire? That's just an excuse to party.

The United Nations is a wonderful idea in principle, except for the little problem of giving barbarians a vote.

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PostPosted: 11.25.10 
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Im speechless... What-The-Fuck?



PostPosted: 11.25.10 
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As much as I am against spreading of AIDS, executing without cause is a bit extreem, not to mention how it could be easily misused (it's gonna be like burning the witches - prove you were not having a relationship with someone of the same sex).

And not to mention how it's a waste, I'd put them to lifetime of forced work instead.

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PostPosted: 11.25.10 
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thats not exactly the point natirips.

tomorrow im gonna be the boss and im gonna say hey, you are religious, or you use drugs, or you are fat, or you are retarded, or i dont like the way you smell or the color of your skin/hair/whatever, or you are in any group of people that i dont like for some reason (and therefore you are not "normal" to me), so its ok for you to be shot. or well lets be humane today - sent to work in sibir.

also, even if you terminate every gay on that planet, the heterosexuals will continue to spread hiv so why not shoot them too?

the point is we are well beyond the hitler point. or at least appear to be. if we are not and im mistaken, then ok - lets all get the guns and start (from where we stopped) cleaning the world of whoever we dont like.

mind you people like oscar wilde and alan turing were gay, and their lives were ruined and later lost because of that. now some may say ok - 2 down 500 mil to go, but id say its a great loss to humanity those 2 lives, and i would exchange them for any reasonable number of "normal" heterosexuals if i could bring them back, because in the end the humanity, and the society, goes forward because of wildes and turings (no matter gay or not), and not because of the "normal" people, who eat, use bunch of resources, spread their faulty dna thru their kids, and then die, giving absolutely nothing back to the society that ensured their safe existence in first place.

"A virus."
- agent Smith

p.s. btw did you know ian mckellen, the guy who plays gandalf in the lotr, is a gay too? omg hes a gay and the kids watched him! now they will get HIV!

hr hr


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PostPosted: 11.25.10 
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Viggo Mortensen (Aragorn) is also a homosexual IRL. :S

What I mean under being against spreading of AIDS is that most homosexuals exchange far more partners than most heterosexuals so they are by far more prone to spreading it.

And I'm basically fine with homosexuals, transsexuals, and whatnot as long as they do not enter my life. I am against gay parades, as they clutter the streets (but I am also against soccer maches because local fans usually get drunk and destroy everything in their path after a match). As far as I'm concerned, they can have their parades in their "holy" places, but not in the street.

What I said under lifetime of forced work I did not mean for this case in particular, but rather that generally it's better than killing people (which is a plain waste of human resources, just like wars - it's a waste).

And I'm even fine if people are pedophilles in heart, as long as they don't go and do anything to the children* (*not including drawings, dolls and the likes, only flesh and blood children).

IMO I'm an extremely open minded person, but lately homosexuals have gone a bit too far with their seeking for "rights". They would probably ban heterosexual merriages at their first chance and would end-up making children in factories. In the end, what's the poing of a homosexual merriage? It's not like two men are gonna have any offspring with each other.

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PostPosted: 11.25.10 
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Well that certainly raged my day.

The purpose of life is to fight maturity.


PostPosted: 11.25.10 
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I dont get it...

In America i think there is rule that you can execute so called "terrorists" without public judgement or something like that.

But WTF i think that there should not be any sort of people to be executed without cause.. can you tell me anymore, you can, by that company??


PostPosted: 11.25.10 
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eXtr33m wrote:
In America i think there is rule that you can execute so called "terrorists" without public judgement or something like that.?
UK's police is also known for killing tourists if they have a bag because a bag can potentially contain explosives.

To the day I still don't understand what do people in UK use instead of bags.

Oh, and Aimme's computer doesn't have spellcheking...

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PostPosted: 11.25.10 
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natirips: anyone can do parades of whatever and wherever is allowed by the law. i dont like when people block the city too but what to do - tight cities.

pedophiles are another story so lets not talk about them now, in the interest of staying on topic.

as for the gays activities - unfortunately there are politicians among them too, but thats how it is - these days you cant even fart without some politician using it for their cause. on the other hand, gays have no choice - at the moment - but to be noisy, because the moment they let their guard down they will be sent back to the dark ages of gayism by the normals. but im pretty sure once the normals get used to the whole gay thing, the gays activities will calm down. as for marriage - well i dont know really, but if they want to make their relationship official - i dont see why not. also maybe it has something to do with adopting children, not sure.

manhut: im so happy i brought rage to your day, really. somehow makes me feel like i just fed a hungry child :)

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PostPosted: 11.25.10 
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uaaa and my question??

its one of human rights that nobody can execute you without cause so i dont understand the article...


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