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 Post subject: abusive...
PostPosted: 03.04.09 

Joined: 03.04.09
Posts: 4
ive been on ur server ...
and i checked that b3 announcin abusive words
like "f**k", "a**" and so.

But there are some words that he doesnt recognize
like "f*g", "f*gg*t" and "g*y"!

now thats! abusive!
pls, check that!


 Post subject: Re: abusive...
PostPosted: 03.04.09 
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 Post subject: Re: abusive...
PostPosted: 03.04.09 
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hm je thats a secondary feature, it was activated by default.
i often thought bout disabling it completely, people just start to use other ways to insult others.
Example: Everything with "mother"
I allready made fun bout that by removing "bitch" from the word list since u can mean it in a "good way"
And punishing a Player that say "FUCK" after losing badly isnt constructive too.

the machine itself uses Regular Expressions in its ruleset.
If u want u can help to enhance it, heres the actual config:
Actually theres nobody that has the time or Energy to check that, so that job is available :D

                <penalty type="warning" reasonkeyword="cuss"/>
                The lang attribute uses the iso639a standard abbreviations, In a couple places I used the full word cause I actually don't know what language it is. I'll get clarification later.
                <badword name="shit" lang="en">
                        <penalty type="warning" reason="^7Please don't use profanity" duration="1d"/>
                <badword name="ass" lang="en">
                <badword name="asshole" lang="en">
                <badword name="fuck" lang="en">
                        <penalty type="tempban" reasonkeyword="cuss" duration="2m"/>
                <badword name="fuc" lang="en">
                        <penalty type="tempban" reasonkeyword="cuss" duration="2m"/>
                <badword name="cunt" lang="en">
                <badword name="cock" lang="en">
                <badword name="dick" lang="en">
                <badword name="biatch" lang="en">
                <badword name="fag" lang="en">
                <badword name="nigger" lang="en">
                <badword name="pussy" lang="en">
                <badword name="lul" lang="nl">
                <badword name="flikker" lang="nl">
                <badword name="homo" lang="nl">
                <badword name="kanker" lang="nl">
                <badword name="teringlijer" lang="nl">
                <badword name="kut" lang="nl">
                <badword name="hoer" lang="nl">
                <badword name="neuk" lang="nl">
                <badword name="vittu" lang="skandinavian">
                <badword name="paskiainen" lang="skandinavian">
                <badword name="kusipaeae" lang="skandinavian">
                <badword name="fitte" lang="skandinavian">
                <badword name="pikk" lang="skandinavian">
                <badword name="hore" lang="skandinavian">
                <badword name="fitta" lang="skandinavian">
                <badword name="knullare" lang="skandinavian">
                <badword name="kuksugare" lang="skandinavian">
                <badword name="huora" lang="skandinavian">
                <badword name="spica" lang="es">
                <badword name="piroca" lang="es">
                <badword name="caralho" lang="es">
                <badword name="puta" lang="es">
                        <comment>From {AS}Gringo: "puto" is the same but directed towards a man.</comment>
                <badword name="cabra" lang="es">
                <badword name="maricon" lang="es">
                        <comment>From {AS}Gringo: "maricon" has only one "r".</comment>
                <badword name="pinche" lang="es">
                        <comment>From {AS}Gringo</comment>
                <badword name="batard" lang="fr">
                <badword name="encule" lang="fr">
                <badword name="merde" lang="fr">
                <badword name="putain" lang="fr">
                <badword name="salaud" lang="fr">
                <badword name="connard" lang="fr">
                <badword name="salopard" lang="fr">
                <badword name="salope" lang="fr">
                <badword name="scheisse" lang="de">
                <badword name="arsch" lang="de">
                <badword name="huendin" lang="de">
                <badword name="kopulieren" lang="de">
                <badword name="fick" lang="de">
                <badword name="chuj" lang="pl">
                <badword name="kutas" lang="pl">
                <badword name="fiut" lang="pl">
                <badword name="pedal" lang="pl">
                <badword name="cipa" lang="pl">
                <badword name="pizda" lang="pl">
                <badword name="ciota" lang="pl">
                <badword name="dupek" lang="pl">
                <badword name="kurwa" lang="pl">
                        <comment>Most offensive and by some ppl used as comma :)</comment>
                <badword name="skurwysyn" lang="pl">
                <badword name="zajebac" lang="pl">
                <badword name="pojebac" lang="pl">
                <badword name="wyjebac" lang="pl">
                <badword name="pierdolic" lang="pl">
                <badword name="rozpierdalac" lang="pl">
                <badword name="popierdolony" lang="pl">
                <badword name="wypierdalac" lang="pl">

ps. sry for marathon posting...



 Post subject: Re: abusive...
PostPosted: 03.04.09 
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hmpf that's python, perl is a lot more sane then that ... someone else is to do that (not that I didn't say that I do a lot already ^^)
anyways hf who ever wants do dig into python (I hate it xD)

"Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live."
- Martin Golding


 Post subject: Re: abusive...
PostPosted: 03.05.09 
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hm je btw...

we have to handle python with the b3. i think its used cause its more mighty
(it reads like linux tail from the log file in real time)
if someone is fit in python (and has a heart)
we need a medic!



 Post subject: Re: abusive...
PostPosted: 03.05.09 
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you could do the same in perl c and java as well ^^
most likely even in php ;)

"Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live."
- Martin Golding


 Post subject: Re: abusive...
PostPosted: 03.05.09 
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wurst wrote:
i often thought bout disabling it completely, people just start to use other ways to insult others.

And punishing a Player that say "FUCK" after losing badly isnt constructive too.

Oh yeah Wursti. Please disable this feature. Got kicked so often because of saying shit after terrible kills/death.(before i become admin) and just one time by kicking a tk cause of his nick :lol: Think this feature is senseless and useless.



 Post subject: Re: abusive...
PostPosted: 03.05.09 

Joined: 03.04.09
Posts: 4
aw, no no no no no! :) its not useless! (:

i would do it if i would knew about ...what u said <:
but most of it i dont have time ...studyin and makin maps!

but maybe! its better to switch it off, yea! :mrgreen:


 Post subject: Re: abusive...
PostPosted: 03.05.09 
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maps in radiant?
we have allways a custom map in cycle, we change every month.
so if u have an interesting map, we could "test" it for u


what belongs to the antiswear machine:
its not so hard to find another expression, maybe allow "fuck" but disallow "Fuck_u/y" (_ represents a space in this example)
i think to handle that filter u dont need to be a python expert...



 Post subject: Re: abusive...
PostPosted: 03.05.09 

Joined: 03.04.09
Posts: 4
im searchin for that dirty-water-texture in "Ramelle" ...
cant find it! :/


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