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PostPosted: 08.20.10 
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Rayne wrote:
Well i want that exploding sheep from Worms.
hop bee hop bee hop beeboooom

Or the walking birthday cake from Hedgewars.

ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«


PostPosted: 09.16.10 
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New map for UrT 4.2 by NulL, who already made for example Subterra. The FS forum says, it looks nice, but will not lower the FPS.

Watch this vid @ Youtube (new Window)



PostPosted: 09.16.10 
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Looks pretty awesome :)

<XTJ7> !penis
<CuntBot> XTJ7, your penis is 23.3 cm long. 8=========D
<XTJ7> !8ball do i rock?
<CuntBot> XTJ7: OH YEAH !
<BEH> !8ball you lieing too?
<CuntBot> BEH: Totally not.
<BEH> -_-''


PostPosted: 11.05.10 
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Some news about the new version:

Hi folks, Frozen Sand here with some important news about the next release. Firstly, Urban Terror 4.2 is still coming. It’s got new maps, new visuals, new weapons, a new renderer and of course, the passport anticheat. It’s got the most new content and features since the original 2.0. Pretty amazing seeing it was supposed to be just a nice quiet patch done sometime last year. Everybody loves feature creep, right?

To be able to do all that, Frozen Sand is going to ship as an official Q3 licensee, forked properly from the 1.32b Quake sources. The GPL stuff we’ve made public releases of (IoUrbanTerror 4.1 and IOBumpy) will still have their sources available, but there won’t be another Q3/GPL’d Engine Urban Terror release. From the next version on out, Urban Terror will be its own standalone game with its own engine and no longer a mod. This means we can do the tech we want instead of having to keep backwards compatibility with vanilla Q3.

With all these changes, this is a new era for our game, and it can't be simply named 4.2. We have decided to publish this next major release with a fully new name:


Looks like it will be closed source.


PostPosted: 11.05.10 
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wtf, this is not realy good news eh? :o


PostPosted: 11.05.10 
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well means good bye to 45 slot servers and possibly rcon timings, hello to whateverslotsizeFSlikes

"Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live."
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PostPosted: 11.05.10 
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ok, thats too much.
any suggestions for another game?

should be:
-open source
-platform independent
-fps (sure)
modern graphics engine would be preference...

i cant believe it, they go get licensed.
cause they wont wanna be bound to IoQuake anylonger?
they stayed with the 1.33/1.34(?!?) now for some years, it allready started to bore people.
now they try to tell that this IoQuake keep them from beeing modern.
IoQuake stayed state of the art for many years now.
Urban Terror didnt, they even disagree with B3 and such crap.

that kiddies will buy what others built in the end.
all the work of B3 and countless else software will be useless.
Big server? sure. Masterlist? forget it.

so it seems that days are counted again.
nothing new but it sux anyways, sure.



PostPosted: 11.06.10 
posted some :)
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not too happy about it either...
there are a lot of requests on the official forums to keep at least server/client opensource as they are now, but how frozen sand handles community requests the outcome is probably clear. for now they arent answering at all or just vaguely and with a big loop around the real topic of the question.

they also stated they'd want to do a public beta test before christmas. guess thats their try to keep the community silent, but taking a shit on all other 3rd party tools and mods on the other hand just sucks too hard.
second time thinking about it, 1.27 was a beta also, 2.6 even alpha so its not a new concept neither

oh, and the name sucks :shock: :D

wursti wrote:
Anime? wow thats that movies where 100 dicks come out of a monster?


PostPosted: 11.06.10 
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well I'd say don't damn it too hard just yet, according to Raider they already have some promising stuff ready and even more nice stuff in the future, maybe an rcon timing var can be pushed through, they don't necessarily hate b3; in fact they know it quite well.
It's sad that they aren't looking into improving ioQ3, they pussy a lot when it comes to opening stuff or not holding all possible legal rights to what they do; on one side they want to be understood as "real" people with lives and stuff going on, on the other hand they want to shine as a big ass company who gives a damn; they will have to decide eventually.
I also doubt that the slots will be lowered below 32 slots but well 45+ will vanish pretty sure.

(also kickmessages are supposed to be there)

Only open game I know fitting your criteria would be sauerbraten

"Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live."
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PostPosted: 11.06.10 
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Hmm might be wrong, but Nexuiz and OpenArena are free opensource crossplatform games. But less realistic than Urban Terror. Open arena is till 0.something, but fully playable. Never played Nexuiz, but it looks good.

EDIT: they look like something quake 3 so not so modern....



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