Hi folks, Frozen Sand here with some important news about the next release. Firstly, Urban Terror 4.2 is still coming. It’s got new maps, new visuals, new weapons, a new renderer and of course, the passport anticheat. It’s got the most new content and features since the original 2.0. Pretty amazing seeing it was supposed to be just a nice quiet patch done sometime last year. Everybody loves feature creep, right?
To be able to do all that, Frozen Sand is going to ship as an official Q3 licensee, forked properly from the 1.32b Quake sources. The GPL stuff we’ve made public releases of (IoUrbanTerror 4.1 and IOBumpy) will still have their sources available, but there won’t be another Q3/GPL’d Engine Urban Terror release. From the next version on out, Urban Terror will be its own standalone game with its own engine and no longer a mod. This means we can do the tech we want instead of having to keep backwards compatibility with vanilla Q3.
With all these changes, this is a new era for our game, and it can't be simply named 4.2. We have decided to publish this next major release with a fully new name:

Looks like it will be closed source.