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 Post subject: Re: Ban procedure
PostPosted: 09.29.10 
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manhut wrote:
rastaskud wrote:
I am joking :

could you imagine that all the banned ip could be automaticly redirected and connected to another server.

What the hell it could be for all cheaters with no admin : a team of cheters vs a team of cheaters.

So we could keep on playing peacefully and genty.

Although it's a joke, I'm in favor of this
Me too. Discrimination of cheaters is almost as wrong as cheating.

ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«


 Post subject: Re: Ban procedure
PostPosted: 09.29.10 
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To totally went dswp in this topic :) As always.



 Post subject: Re: Ban procedure
PostPosted: 09.29.10 
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joke aside, but all-weapons enabled and loose control server like terrorists has players even at 5 a.m., even with its awful lag spikes every few seconds

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 Post subject: Re: Ban procedure
PostPosted: 09.30.10 
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manhut wrote:
rastaskud wrote:
I am joking :

could you imagine that all the banned ip could be automaticly redirected and connected to another server.

What the hell it could be for all cheaters with no admin : a team of cheters vs a team of cheaters.

So we could keep on playing peacefully and genty.

Although it's a joke, I'm in favor of this

Me too!, i'd watch.. sure would be fun heh.. maybe make a link somewhere in zhe forum to some sort of streaming-channel which is on 24/7 where people can watch :D

tiru: i do sounds like an alien


 Post subject: Re: Ban procedure
PostPosted: 09.30.10 
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Which maps in the cycle ?


 Post subject: Re: Ban procedure
PostPosted: 09.30.10 
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dressingroom and firingrange only (:

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 Post subject: Re: Ban procedure
PostPosted: 10.02.10 
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I think great thing might be addon for echelon or what is it.. You could attach demo to players and set their status (clear, suspicious, cheater) -> Admins could easily search through suspicious, have look on demo etc etc.. it would be much more clean system.


 Post subject: Re: Ban procedure
PostPosted: 10.03.10 
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First one gives comment to player. We can search players by comments, so they are easy to find. You can type whatever you want.
Second one makes b3 "follow" players, so when he connects b3 gives hint to admins: <player> is under suspicion of cheating : <reason>.

So when you suspect cheater type !follow <name> <reason>.

About demo, we (admins) put link to topic in lamas corner where cheater is banned. That's like link to demo.

EDIT: i'll update mods howto.

EDIT2: uuups, you're not mod o.O Can't help you then.



 Post subject: Re: Ban procedure
PostPosted: 10.03.10 
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AimMe wrote:
EDIT2: uuups, you're not mod o.O Can't help you then.
Since this is a crowded server with lots of humans, somewhat humans and "humans" playing, giving everyone the ability to suspect anyone would be contra-productive.

ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«


 Post subject: Re: Ban procedure
PostPosted: 10.05.10 
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havoc wrote:
imagine its the end of the week and you have like 73 demos to watch and ban people?
Oh no! I'd rather quit playing UrT...
Rayne wrote:
Not mixing your socks with undies, bras with leather corsets and such.
Hmm, what are wearing normally? :D In fact organisation is good. I think our system with public demos and threads is good enough, and really controversial cases are discussed in private forum areas.
AimMe wrote:
Solution to 2. would be that maker of topic in lammas corner writes "[open] <player> <hack>", and changes name to [closed] when cheater is banned.
In general I'd appreciate the ability to change the thread title for mods/admins. I normally use only active-topics.html, but when looking at lamas-corner/ it's already a useful list to work with, so no need for big improvements here.
RastaSkud wrote:
a team of cheters vs a team of cheaters.
Really great idea!
eXtr33m wrote:
I think great thing might be addon for echelon or what is it..
natirips wrote:
giving everyone the ability to suspect anyone would be contra-productive.

Yes, if all players can use somehow echelon commands, it can lead to abuse/spam/whatever... I don't see a solution there.

Of course it would help admins, if mods use !id in demos (especially for popular names like *killer*). And when the threads contain the name and perhaps a link to the accused player's page.



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