Sarah wrote:
We actually
ARE girls, I know it must be weird cause you guys think you are the only good players out there
Thanks for the info wurst
On the contrary, I've met quite a lot of female players and some of them have really impressed me. Theres always been girl(s) on my WoW guild and Ive only been on server top guilds... Also during my CS years I met one girl who was one of the best CS players in Finland and few others who were definately on par with me (and I wasn't exactly a very bad player either... believe it or not...).
Unfortunately it still is more common for the girl you meet on the interwebz to be actually some dude, hence the question
I'm a big supporter of girl gaming so, thumbs up and I look forward to get fragged by you
wurst wrote:
deviant could just imagine ure good looking girls
Hah, beaty is in the eye of the beholder, and so far I haven't met a 'bad looking' girl gamer ^_^