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 Post subject: Re: Linux talk
PostPosted: 09.26.10 
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Joined: 06.26.09
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well ye i know what you mean. but it shouldnt be like that, thats one of the things democracy is about. the citizens should be able to control where the tax money go, thru their representatives (ok that one is down by default), NGOs, public awareness actions and such. thats YOUR money m8, just give them like that so they can buy windows because they are retarded and corrupt? be not a slave, but a citizen. you have rights, use them.

that was so emo speech lol.

i know. it wont happen.

"It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority."
-- Benjamin Franklin


 Post subject: Re: Linux talk
PostPosted: 09.26.10 
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1) In my country in the past decade or so no one knows where tax money goes, not even the politicians. Each of them only knows where some of it goes (typically the approx. amount they just spent on a new hand watch or a new car for their dearest sons).
2) Democracy is a lie.
3) Democracy is a lie.

People are being manipulated, votes are being manipulated, vote counting is being manipulated, random rules are being made up if that doesn't work. For example, today I heard on TV something like "We watch TV to experience our freedom."

What freedom? Freedom to switch channels?
Choice a small man is given is only an illusion.

Let me show you a drawing of the Almighty® Democracy™:
illusion-of-free-choice.jpg [ 23.86 KiB | Viewed 3682 times ]

You are mortal, we all are. We all die one day.

ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«


 Post subject: Re: Linux talk
PostPosted: 09.26.10 
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There are far better systems i can imagine, than democracy.. the question is, how can you destroy today's democracy?

EDIT: LoL sry the topic is Linux Talk :)


 Post subject: Re: Linux talk
PostPosted: 09.26.10 
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eXtr33m wrote:
There are far better systems i can imagine, than democracy.. the question is, how can you destroy today's democracy?
Unfortunately there isn't much one can do about politics, Windows or religion, it's the kind of stuff I let others take care of. :)
eXtr33m wrote:
EDIT: LoL sry the topic is Linux Talk :)
Oooops, me didn't notice that either. :lol:

Btw, if I make multiple threads in a C application, and I have a function. Now if one thread calls that function I want other threads that call it to wait for the first one to finish going through it. How do I do it? I'm using libpthread's pthread_create() to start threads.

ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«


 Post subject: Re: Linux talk
PostPosted: 09.26.10 
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natirips wrote:
Btw, if I make multiple threads in a C application, and I have a function. Now if one thread calls that function I want other threads that call it to wait for the first one to finish going through it. How do I do it? I'm using libpthread's pthread_create() to start threads.

Have a look at mutexes or semaphores.

"We are talking about computers here, compared to those I can read women like a book ;P"


 Post subject: Re: Linux talk
PostPosted: 09.27.10 
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SvaRoX wrote:
natirips wrote:
Btw, if I make multiple threads in a C application, and I have a function. Now if one thread calls that function I want other threads that call it to wait for the first one to finish going through it. How do I do it? I'm using libpthread's pthread_create() to start threads.

Have a look at mutexes or semaphores.
I remember my colleagues who also had "Operating systems" the same year as I did talking about having a lot of those in their essays, but my theme was history of operating systems so I didn't quite get to that part since we didn't have any lessons, we had only our own Internet browsing skills and a deadline.

ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«


 Post subject: Re: Linux talk
PostPosted: 09.27.10 
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Posts: 1972
natirips wrote:
but my theme was history of operating systems so I didn't quite get to that part since we didn't have any lessons, we had only our own Internet browsing skills and a deadline.

!!! :o :o
I thought "Laziness" was your bro :)

"We are talking about computers here, compared to those I can read women like a book ;P"


 Post subject: Re: Linux talk
PostPosted: 09.27.10 
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SvaRoX wrote:
natirips wrote:
but my theme was history of operating systems so I didn't quite get to that part since we didn't have any lessons, we had only our own Internet browsing skills and a deadline.

!!! :o :o
I thought "Laziness" was your bro :)




 Post subject: Re: Linux talk
PostPosted: 10.08.10 
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spree the word:


 Post subject: Re: Linux talk
PostPosted: 10.08.10 
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Crusher wrote:
Hmm, it said I'd get an e-mail (for validation) in a few hours, I got it instantly.

ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«


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