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 Post subject: Re: Camping vs. Skill
PostPosted: 08.17.10 
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eXtr33m wrote:
Sva: i think my definition is right -> you defend whats not yours, if its yours you defend it only when you know there is enemy behind the wall otherwise you attack.

What ??? I'm not sure to understand what you wrote, but defending doesn't mean that you stay somewhere only because you know there is someone "behind the wall", it means you are there to prevent enemies to take over a strategic location on the map. I don't see anything wrong with that.
eXtr33m wrote:
One shot = one kill. Killing only inactive player cause active would kill you next time they spawn.

So that's your reward, killing inactive players ? And you are so coward that you don't kill active players because they could shot at you... What is the point of killing inactive players ? Is it fun ? Do you seek for a better ratio or skills ? Do you want to be the first on the score board ? Please tell me, I can't wait to know the reason...
eXtr33m wrote:
So as you can see spawnkilling is pure individual thing, you do it alone.

So when someone else is able to spawnkills, you stop spawnkilling to keep it individual, right ?

"We are talking about computers here, compared to those I can read women like a book ;P"


 Post subject: Re: Camping vs. Skill
PostPosted: 08.17.10 
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1) Wait if u know nobody is behind the wall why cant you go there and defend it there? understand? :)

Too much questions... fun? maybe. Kill as much as possible without using scope weapons on enemy's side, without getting killed. Why? who knows.. ye maybe i start camping with Sr-8, cuz from what u say its just about fun, wouldnt it be fun? im trying to be like "pro", but am i really? i think no, but its good feeling when you look like one.. ;)



 Post subject: Re: Camping vs. Skill
PostPosted: 08.18.10 
posted some :)
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Ask any player, any real player. There is NO respect for spawn killers.
If you think you're any good give him a chance to respawn and beat him in a fair fight.
Just cause it's a sniper it doesn't means SR8 is a camping weapon.
Of course you have to stop moving when you shoot, it's the only way to avoid movement penalty. A newbie will camp with an SR8. Anyone that has been using it for a while knows how to peek out shoot, and move his ass as fast as he can to another location.
There is a SR8 only TS server hosted by an italian clan called WT (warrior team) where i play almost every day. You will see everything BUT camping there.


Bring the Rayne.


 Post subject: Re: Camping vs. Skill
PostPosted: 08.18.10 
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I totally agree. Once I get close to the spawn, I change my location quickly. I don't like spawnkillers and neither do I like to be spawnkilled. You should just stay out of the spawn (with a few exceptions, on algiers for example, because many people camp at the spawn and getting shot down all the time without shooting back isn't any fun either :P).

Sniper rifles like SR-8 and PSG-1 are no camper weapons at all, just as Rayne said. After you killed 1 or 2 people from a location, you better change quickly. Jumping skills are very handy then, especially on kingdom. Within seconds you can really get to the opposite position and await your enemies that still expect you at the former position. Otherwise if you don't change, a nade is your reward much too often (that is, if you're playing against people with some basic skills).

<XTJ7> !penis
<CuntBot> XTJ7, your penis is 23.3 cm long. 8=========D
<XTJ7> !8ball do i rock?
<CuntBot> XTJ7: OH YEAH !
<BEH> !8ball you lieing too?
<CuntBot> BEH: Totally not.
<BEH> -_-''


 Post subject: Re: Camping vs. Skill
PostPosted: 08.22.10 
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Hmmm. I can tolerate camping to some extent but spawnkilling is pretty much unforgivable. For me it's really as cool as stealing a lollipop from a baby, pathetic.

So basically this is how I look at the punishing side of spawnkilling:
If I don't have enough time to change weapons / take a sip from my drink / scratch my nose or whatever before some idiot comes and shoots me, that player can kiss his/hers ass goodbye ._.

And now, why do I think camping is bad?
-It slows down the game
-Campers aren't teamplayers
-Campers are usually unaware what is happening in the map. (ie. how far has your team pushed)
-I can't understand how someone can enjoy playing like this...

These are my main concerns about camping. I often find myself in a situation, like in the map subway, I go to the upper part of the map, theres few guys sitting behind the pipes or just generally standing around the ladder. Soo I push forward, kill a bunch of enemies all the way to the stairs / door of the enemy side and since it's a rather good chokepoint I usually stay there at least until theres enough team mates to secure the place and not too many enemies to push further. So, how does this play out with campers? I bust my balls pushing the enemy back and kill a bunch of them to the doors... I wait eagerly for my team to come to support and maybe even heal me back up, but do they come? Eventually yes, but they also usually shoot or nade me in the process. When I run back I find few of the guys I found earlier still sitting behind the goddamn pipes with SR8's eventhough the rest of the team has managed to reach and secure the door room of the enemy side. I can understand camping outside of enemy base because going further would be somewhat stupid and going back is basically stupid too since if you let the enemy to progress you're just going to have to push them right back. I think it's smart to often take a look at the 'big picture' and try to figure out if your team needs your help at some other point in the map.

Now, I don't want to rant more about SR8's, I think I've covered that part before... tldr version of it would be; I think it's a great assist / pinning enemy down weapon, but definately does NOT mean that it's ok to camp if you have SR8 in your hands. And now if you're thinking that I too camp with SR8 on Ridyah so Im just a goddamn hypocrite, all I can say is that Ridyah is pretty retarded map on that perspective. Basically using some other weapon than sniper would be counting on that the enemy snipers will miss you until youre at decent range to take them out. Counting on the enemy being bad is a pretty weak strategy imho.

I agree that sometimes it's ok and smart to play defensive, but I see far too often ppl using their team mates as cannonfodder and then pick up the easy frags once your team mates are dead (few 'top players' tend to do this so regurarly Ive wanted to slap the living shit out of them so many times...). Ofc it isn't smart to everyone rush in to a 'choking point' on a map but ffs, help your team mates out ._.



 Post subject: Re: Camping vs. Skill
PostPosted: 08.22.10 
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Deviant said it quite nicely, only i'd add that most campers actually use g36 rather than sr8. It is slow weapon, and they often miss. Yes, there are some with sr8 too.

But generally speaking, sr8 is strangest and, i'd dare to say, most skillful weapon. You've seen Steve's gameplay with sr8? He does sr8 rushing. Or look at Hummpa with too great aim.

From me about camping: i used to hate them, mass slap them and nuke them. But now when i die from camper, i come again and kill him. If i can't i go other way. I all ways are blocked i'll just keep dieing. It's not my fun they are ruining, dieing can be fun too :)



 Post subject: Re: Camping vs. Skill
PostPosted: 08.22.10 
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AimMe wrote:
But generally speaking, sr8 is strangest and, i'd dare to say, most skillful weapon. You've seen Steve's gameplay with sr8? He does sr8 rushing. Or look at Hummpa with too great aim.

Well I don't really spectate how other ppl play... Dunno why, I just don't like it :P That doesn't mean that I wouldn't had any first hand experience of the two players mentioned however, the first thing that pops to my head is Ramelle and a certain rooftop both of them seem to be very fond of... ;( Instead of turning this to another meaningles argument I'll just take your word on it that they don't camp so much on other maps.



 Post subject: Re: Camping vs. Skill
PostPosted: 08.22.10 
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Deviant wrote:
Well I don't really spectate how other ppl play... Dunno why, I just don't like it :P That doesn't mean that I wouldn't had any first hand experience of the two players mentioned however, the first thing that pops to my head is Ramelle and a certain rooftop both of them seem to be very fond of... ;( Instead of turning this to another meaningles argument I'll just take your word on it that they don't camp so much on other maps.

That roof is different story.... :)



 Post subject: Re: Camping vs. Skill
PostPosted: 08.22.10 
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Rushing SR-8?? me thinks not really.. i played few times now with sr-8 and eventually it changed my tactics. You CANT simply jump behind corner and kill everybody in room. Its like when you know enemy is coming you just wait in snipe mode, kill , and then go. its hard to rush with AK yoou cant rush with snipe weapon

My score, reaction time, aim and evrything went dooown rlly so dont use sr-8 :) i am switching back to AK soon :) i had better score with ak (reaching ratio 1,8:1) then with sr-8 (like 1,5:1) on riyadh

@deviant: If u are lucky you have 4 seconds to respawn and then you are like 3 seconds invulnerable ;).. maybe u cant understand campers but they do have fun, thats life. now i realised i like some of them, its hidden campers, they are behind walls and crates and all that stuff, i aint angry if they killed me, and often i kill them first. but open campers are the worst - when 3 people are sitting in a hall or street looking on other end thats crazy.. slap me if u see somthing bad


 Post subject: Re: Camping vs. Skill
PostPosted: 08.22.10 
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eXtr33m wrote:
Rushing SR-8??
I once spectated Steve and was recording the demo (didn't know it was him at the time). Just as I was 100% sure it was a smooth aimbot or autoshoot and was about to !tb him, I used !aliases before that "just in case he comes back" for easier tracking. Then I noticed it was Steve rushing with SR8 using a strange name.

ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«


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