eXtr33m wrote:
Camping (standing with weapon doing nothing without knowing enemy position) before (eg. on your side) or on the front line
Oh, 1000th try to define camping and 1000th fail

What you are describing here could be to defend important area of the map that shouldn't be taken by opponents, which is absolutely necessary in TDM

eXtr33m wrote:
Main goal: push enemy more and more.
Yes, but at some point you realize that you are forced to camp or to come back, which makes no sense if your strategy is to push as far as possible.
eXtr33m wrote:
And I spawnkill sometimes less sometime more. its just reward that you can push or sneak so good.
Sorry I can't agree with that. I'm very surprised that someone could consider camping as "unforgivable" and think about spawnkill as a "reward". Spawnkill is easy, lame, it has nothing to do with a reward for someone who likes to make beautiful and difficult frags. I would (almost) never slap you for camping, however I would slap you for spawnkilling...
eXtr33m wrote:
@2.f4: yes defend style is better on server like this (more frags of course

) but i am trying to learn rushing cause its harder

What you saying is that you make more frags when defending than when attacking ? As an "attacker" I highly disagree with that

urtdemos wrote:
I play with mini map, but on crowdy server like wurst i would love to see some features

, like turn arrow into grey, when team mate:
- using sniper rifle
- using grenades
- is inactive 5+ seconds.
- is 1:10 K:D ratio guy
I give them "don't count on me" status - when i see them running, fighting, afking near me, but status of all rest mini map "arrows" is uncertain but not less important
Interesting, I had never thought about that. Teammates could use color conventions for their arrow and put them in their gear bind, for example warm colors if you use an auto, others if sniping, light if you use medic, saturated if you use nades... It could be more interesting than knowing who is next to you.
Or we could use the special server binary which is able to set client variables, to define cg_rgb according to various parameters like you said =)
"We are talking about computers here, compared to those I can read women like a book ;P"