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 Post subject: Camping vs. Skill
PostPosted: 08.15.10 
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'Ello everybody,
Camping (standing with weapon doing nothing without knowing enemy position) before (eg. on your side) or on the front line is ABSOLUTELY unforgivable for me. OK sometimes i move on the front line from one side to another but thats only in case we are attacked hard.

Main goal: push enemy more and more.

What i do:
1) I push one side and defend (i clean it out of enemies and then need to reload and i immediately hear someone coming so i need to shoot from some good position of course, and thats really ease part, enemy is not expecting you and you know he is coming and from where) some check point until my team arrives and reinforces it (which wont happen many times so i have to decide whether stay and defend or move somewhere on).
2) I break through one side and move in horizontal line getting behind enemies positions and clearing it.
3) When there is a good position where i can stay on enemies side and i can shoot enemies on the front line i sometimes do it yes. But i must say i dont use any weapons with scope so i have to be really accurate or shoot standing enemies (priceless). And I spawnkill sometimes less sometime more. its just reward that you can push or sneak so good.

CG if u read it all
The question is about point 3 cause its really discussable whether its right or not..


 Post subject: Re: Camping vs. Skill
PostPosted: 08.17.10 
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quite offtopic maybe

sadly those operations reqired at least 1-2 active teammates. without them you pushing yourself into a trap, and sooner or later you will fight outnumbered
(1 vs 1 ill probably win, 1 vs more ill probably lost)

actually i use coward/camp playstyle
, but when i play rusher/pusher i was very often dissapointed, how my mini map is confusing me. When at first look some our heavy guarded area in fact is totaly leaked. etc.

I play with mini map, but on crowdy server like wurst i would love to see some features ;), like turn arrow into grey, when team mate:
- using sniper rifle
- using grenades
- is inactive 5+ seconds.
- is 1:10 K:D ratio guy
I give them "don't count on me" status - when i see them running, fighting, afking near me, but status of all rest mini map "arrows" is uncertain but not less important

edit: didnt mentioned, but sometimes on Wurst minimap not work at all, i feel very blinded then.


 Post subject: Re: Camping vs. Skill
PostPosted: 08.17.10 
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@minimap: when you see strange colored arrows that are 90% dswp players who you can usually count on.



 Post subject: Re: Camping vs. Skill
PostPosted: 08.17.10 
Ingame Mod
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@AimMe: oh didnt know that . ty

@2.f4: yes defend style is better on server like this (more frags of course :) ) but i am trying to learn rushing cause its harder :)

I use minimap only for checking if there is my player behind wall etc.
yeah hate when it isnt working.. i do most tk-s then :D


 Post subject: Re: Camping vs. Skill
PostPosted: 08.17.10 
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i'd say spawnkilling is a bit lame.. since it's the holy respawn/birth sanctuary :D (i try to avoid it)
and.. i cant stand still on a tdm.. sometimes it happens for some reason, but in general i cant.. i run towards their spawn till im dead.. which usually works :D
hence my ratio is crap.
and if i by some miracle make it too their spawn then i start sweeping horizontally across the map - just out of sight from their spawn.. but im usually dead by then.

tiru: i do sounds like an alien


 Post subject: Re: Camping vs. Skill
PostPosted: 08.17.10 
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BEH wrote:
i'd say spawnkilling is a bit lame.. since it's the holy respawn/birth sanctuary :D (i try to avoid it)
and.. i cant stand still on a tdm.. sometimes it happens for some reason, but in general i cant.. i run towards their spawn till im dead.. which usually works :D
hence my ratio is crap.
and if i by some miracle make it too their spawn then i start sweeping horizontally across the map - just out of sight from their spawn.. but im usually dead by then.

Yeah. I too go to spawn, but since i live bit longer, if i get to their spawn i start going back other way, so i come from their back. When i get home, i start again :)



 Post subject: Re: Camping vs. Skill
PostPosted: 08.17.10 
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eXtr33m wrote:
Camping (standing with weapon doing nothing without knowing enemy position) before (eg. on your side) or on the front line

Oh, 1000th try to define camping and 1000th fail :) What you are describing here could be to defend important area of the map that shouldn't be taken by opponents, which is absolutely necessary in TDM ;)
eXtr33m wrote:
Main goal: push enemy more and more.

Yes, but at some point you realize that you are forced to camp or to come back, which makes no sense if your strategy is to push as far as possible.
eXtr33m wrote:
And I spawnkill sometimes less sometime more. its just reward that you can push or sneak so good.

Sorry I can't agree with that. I'm very surprised that someone could consider camping as "unforgivable" and think about spawnkill as a "reward". Spawnkill is easy, lame, it has nothing to do with a reward for someone who likes to make beautiful and difficult frags. I would (almost) never slap you for camping, however I would slap you for spawnkilling...
eXtr33m wrote:
@2.f4: yes defend style is better on server like this (more frags of course :) ) but i am trying to learn rushing cause its harder :)

What you saying is that you make more frags when defending than when attacking ? As an "attacker" I highly disagree with that :)
urtdemos wrote:
I play with mini map, but on crowdy server like wurst i would love to see some features ;), like turn arrow into grey, when team mate:
- using sniper rifle
- using grenades
- is inactive 5+ seconds.
- is 1:10 K:D ratio guy
I give them "don't count on me" status - when i see them running, fighting, afking near me, but status of all rest mini map "arrows" is uncertain but not less important

Interesting, I had never thought about that. Teammates could use color conventions for their arrow and put them in their gear bind, for example warm colors if you use an auto, others if sniping, light if you use medic, saturated if you use nades... It could be more interesting than knowing who is next to you.
Or we could use the special server binary which is able to set client variables, to define cg_rgb according to various parameters like you said =)

"We are talking about computers here, compared to those I can read women like a book ;P"


 Post subject: Re: Camping vs. Skill
PostPosted: 08.17.10 
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I have to admit I immensly enjoy spawnkilling :D

I also enjoy being spawnraped, because for me it's a challenge to turn it around so it changes to spawnraping the other team instead :D
Love being raped on uptown and then crushin the enemy team still winning the map :D

the meaning of the word cunt....loool



 Post subject: Re: Camping vs. Skill
PostPosted: 08.17.10 
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But at some maps its just unplayable when one team starts so rape the spawn. Look at Austria or Dust 2.

And of course you dont need skill when you can just fire at the spawn



 Post subject: Re: Camping vs. Skill
PostPosted: 08.17.10 
Ingame Mod
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nick: [dswp]Jan
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Sva: i think my definition is right -> you defend whats not yours, if its yours you defend it only when you know there is enemy behind the wall otherwise you attack.

Push but trying to stay alive. This means you have to attack enemy side but you dont have to go to their spawn immediately first wait for (reinforcements which unfortunately wont come normally).

Spawnkilling -> 1) i find place from where i can see on spawn, but enemies dont go through so they have to look from spawn to see you (yes places like these exists on some maps). One shot = one kill. Killing only inactive player cause active would kill you next time they spawn.
2) or i just sneak further than spawn point and kill people on spawn with knife.

So as you can see spawnkilling is pure individual thing, you do it alone.

Spawnraping is a totally different thing. This happens when you achieve your goal Push enemy more and more ;) spawnraping is matter of totally unbalanced teams, and should be avoided.

PS: slap me frenchie.. 8-) :lol:


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