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 Post subject: Re: Linux talk
PostPosted: 07.08.10 
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lol debian kick ass until you mix repositories... I did it 3 times ;)



 Post subject: Re: Linux talk
PostPosted: 07.15.10 
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seems Open Solaris is going bad. first OGB Threatens to Shoot Itself In The Head, then Top Solaris developer flees Oracle. i hope they wont fuck up the VirtualBox too

"It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority."
-- Benjamin Franklin


 Post subject: Re: Linux talk
PostPosted: 07.15.10 
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Software Now Un Patentable In New Zealand

dont know what to say about that one.
while USA had incredible long run with the patent trolls, and EU is mostly scratching its balls, those guys actually made a huge step into the future.

haka wardance goes here

Watch this vid @ Youtube (new Window)

also theres a new opensuse for those of you interested in it.

"It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority."
-- Benjamin Franklin


 Post subject: Re: Linux talk
PostPosted: 08.04.10 
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Posts: 674
sorry to bring back the dead topic but since its related, here it goes:

Benchmarks: Windows 7 vs. Ubuntu Linux

"It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority."
-- Benjamin Franklin


 Post subject: Re: Linux talk
PostPosted: 08.12.10 
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Just curious... anyone tried to compile the kernel instead of installing the generic one? You were luck at the first time or you got a lot of headaches to get this working, like me? :D


 Post subject: Re: Linux talk
PostPosted: 08.12.10 
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Wow I don't even remember the first time, it was a long time ago... I guess I was really excited just before, and when I did it I couldn't wait to do it again :)

"We are talking about computers here, compared to those I can read women like a book ;P"


 Post subject: Re: Linux talk
PostPosted: 08.12.10 
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Posts: 674
ye i used to compile kernels, the hardware support wasnt as good as it is today. so you had to get the necessary module(s) sources from somewhere else, because there was no git and such too, and compile all the stuff. also that gets you some experience in what is needed and what is not. the memory was expensive and every mb was important.

these days i use the generic ones, cant see the point in compiled one - at least not for the mass-user. memory is cheap, few mb more dont matter. not to mention that your desktop environment and browser will use like 50 times (if not more) more memory/cpu/harddisk than the kernel+modules.

recently i compiled one, for an old 120mhz/64mb ram pc. its my pride. removed all the crap from the kernel, just the necessary stuff, and compiled it on my pc since it would take days to compile it there. also stripped down the debian installed there to the bare minimum, since the hard drive is 850mb one. its pretty much usable tho, in case everything other fails. no X, of course.

much later edit: was too tired yesterday but i had some funny things with that kernel. first i had disabled the right harddisk controller module, and it wouldnt boot since it couldnt find the /.
then i had enabled the wrong module for the network, due to tiredness i had checked the next one and disabled the right one. that was a bit of a problem since the pc was totally cut out from the world, and i had no other way to transfer new kernel there except splitting the kernel and copy it on one of my last working floppies. but in the end, everything is ok :)

"It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority."
-- Benjamin Franklin


 Post subject: Re: Linux talk
PostPosted: 08.28.10 
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Really silly stuff...

They're the everyday fixtures of the Internet experience: pop-up stock quotes on a website, suggestions for related reading near a news article, videos along the side of your screen.

Now, Microsoft Corp. co-founder Paul Allen says he owns the technology behind all these ideas, and he's demanding that some of the world's top Web companies pay up to use them. ... %3Darticle


 Post subject: Re: Linux talk
PostPosted: 08.28.10 
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Crusher wrote:
Really silly stuff...

They're the everyday fixtures of the Internet experience: pop-up stock quotes on a website, suggestions for related reading near a news article, videos along the side of your screen.

Now, Microsoft Corp. co-founder Paul Allen says he owns the technology behind all these ideas, and he's demanding that some of the world's top Web companies pay up to use them. ... %3Darticle
Although I'm not a big fan of popups and videos in web-pages, I really find it funny how some people wish to own patents. IMO the whole idea of patents in ridiculous. I can't wait until someone tries to patent breathing.

ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«


 Post subject: Re: Linux talk
PostPosted: 08.28.10 
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Posts: 1972
natirips wrote:
IMO the whole idea of patents in ridiculous

People say that until a neighbor steal their idea and start to make money with it :)

"We are talking about computers here, compared to those I can read women like a book ;P"


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