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 Post subject: Re: justaloser
PostPosted: 07.29.10 

Joined: 07.28.10
Posts: 10
Ana wrote:
Hi bejb,
u missed the point. We r not shitheads who force "only english" "only german" or such shits. If u would know some bout us u wouldnt write such.
Let me introduce us:
"DSWP Admins" is community made of ppl from Serbia, Croatia, Germany, France, Portugal, Spain, Finland, Holland, Poland, United Kingdom, Australia
Most of them speak very well english or some other second language. Some of them not.
Asshole is the one who told u to come and complain of unfair treatement by trying to insult one of us.

Banning u permanently wont make us feel like sheriffs, at least not for the first time, since we already r for long time. On our server.
Make your own, be sheriff there, wasnt that the rule?

Learn to think before u speak/write. Learn to surpress emotions, it helps.
Lack of reactions isnt the dswp problem. Open your eyes, take a part in it. Oops u cant u r pbanned.

U should say sorry.

P.S. 32 jears? rnt u bit too old to be so childish? or was that just drugs.....

Je suis content de voir que vous êtes ouvert d'esprit et que beaucoup de pays différents sont représentés dans votre communauté.
Je n'ai pas besoin de tes conseils pour me contrôler (ou pas), je sais ce que j'ai à faire.
Celui qui m'a dit de venir me plaindre... c'est tout simplement vous. Oui, quand on se fait kicker, sur votre message, il y a écrit "complain at", c'est ce que j'ai fait.
Non, je n'ai pas 32 ans et ce pseudo est seulement inspiré d'un sketch comique.

@AimMe : Si on ne m'avait pas interdit de parler français, je n'aurais pas tant parlé. Oui comme toi, comme vous, comme tous, je suis là pour jouer et non discuter.

I'm glad to see you're open minded and that a lot of countries are a part of your comunity.
I don't need your advices to control myself (or not), i know what i have to do.
The one who told me to complain... it's simply you. Yes, when you are kicked, on your message, there's written "complain at", that's what i've done.
No, i'm not 32 years old and that nickname is only inspired by a comical sketch.

@AimMe : If i wouldn't be forbidden to speak french, i wouldn't have spoken so much. Yes, like you, like all, i'm here to play and not to discuss.


 Post subject: Re: justaloser
PostPosted: 07.29.10 
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The first line of the suffix reads "not justified?", blaming an admin in a language he does not understand and insulting him pretty much justifies a kick, English is the international standard for communication, so if you want to talk to someone you do not know better try English first.
Sane conversations only work when two people try to respect each other, demanding something, refusing to use a language both parties speak and going as far as insulting only shows that you are the kind of person we do not need here.

You said you only wanted his attention? Why didn't you want him to be able to understand you then?

In europe french is only spoken natively in france, forced in school only in areas of a few other countries (and most people like me don't care to remember any of it once done), so why do you think anyone out there can understand you? Silly assumption ...

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 Post subject: Re: justaloser
PostPosted: 07.29.10 
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Ana wrote:
Asshole is the one who told u to come and complain of unfair treatement by trying to insult one of us.

Mungaga wrote:
The one who told me to complain... it's simply you. Yes, when you are kicked, on your message, there's written "complain at", that's what i've done.

my sentence doesnt finish after "complain"..., stop making insulting insinuations. Ban is possible in phpbb too.... :P

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 Post subject: Re: justaloser
PostPosted: 07.29.10 
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OMG i never believed those talks like frenchies are stupid, you ask them something in France on the street in English and they answer you in French no matter what... but now... i am crying for sake of these people.. (ye and thanx sva isnt like that! :))

But there is one thing i am worried bout and i would really like to solve it.. Guys is it good say "we have many people so we dont care about you.."?! no matter what i do i have really bad bad feeling about this.. for me it looks like the behaviour of strong companies to the small peeople.. ignorance..


 Post subject: Re: justaloser
PostPosted: 07.29.10 

Joined: 07.28.10
Posts: 10
Il y avait de nombreux français sur le serveur (ou qui au moins le parlaient), alors beaucoup de personnes me comprenaient sur le serveur. Oui je pense que mon mute n'était pas justifié, c'est pourquoi je suis venu me plaindre. Il aurait pu simplement me dire "plz use a language that all can understand" plutôt que "stop speak french", ou même simplement ajouter "plz" à cette phrase.
Je ne vous force pas à comprendre le français, c'est tout à fait compréhensible que vous ne vouliez pas le parler, et cela ne regarde que vous. Je traduis aussi pour vous, et pour moi, car je veux que vous puissiez me comprendre. Seulement, laissez moi le parler si j'en ai l'envie.
Et vous avez raison, je m'excuse pour les insultes que j'ai proféré à justaloser.

@Ana : je n'ai pas dit que j'avais été insulté, de toute façon...

There were a lot of french speakers on the server at this moment, so a lot of people was understanding me on the server. Yes i think my mute wasn't justified, that's why i come to complain. He could have simply said "plz use a language that all can understand" rather than "stop speak french", or only/just add "plz" to this sentence.
I don't force you to understand french, it's totally understandable that you don't wanna use it, and this only your own business. I also translate for you, and for me, 'cause i want you to be able to understand me. Just onr thing, let me speak it if i want.
And you're right, i'm sorry for the insults i told to justaloser.

@Ana : i didn't say that i had been insulted, anyway...

@eXtr33m : Tu as raison, la plupart des gens en France ne connaissent pas un mot d'anglais, notre pays est vraiment nul par rapport à d'autre, comme l'Allemagne (par exemple) où presque toute la population connait 2-3 langues (en comptant leur langue maternelle, l'allemand). Mais, ce n'est pas ma faute...
Je parle 3 langues (ou plutôt, "je sais me faire comprendre") : français, anglais, espagnol. J'ai aussi quelques notions d'allemand, mais tout cela n'importe pas. Je fais seulement de mon mieux.

@eXtr33m : You're right, most of french people don't know english at all, our country is very poor compared to others, like germany (for example) where nearly everybody can speak 2-3 languages (including german). But, that's not my fault...
I can speak 3 languages (or i'd better saying "i can be understood") : french, english, spanish. I also have some german basics, but all that doesn't matter. I only do the best i can.


Last edited by Mungaga on 07.29.10, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: justaloser
PostPosted: 07.29.10 
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Mungaga wrote:
And you're right, i'm sorry for the insults i told to justaloser.

well done!

Life is about the people you meet.


 Post subject: Re: justaloser
PostPosted: 07.29.10 

Joined: 07.28.10
Posts: 10
Ana wrote:
Mungaga wrote:
And you're right, i'm sorry for the insults i told to justaloser.

well done!

Derien 8-)

You're welcome 8-)

(merci eXtr33m ^^
Thank you eXtr33m ^^)


Last edited by Mungaga on 07.29.10, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: justaloser
PostPosted: 07.29.10 
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Mungaga wrote:
@eXtr33m : You're right, most of french people don't know english at all, our country is very poor compared to others, like germany (for example) where nearly everybody can speak 2-3 languages (including german). But, that's not my fault...
I can speak 3 languages (or i'd better saying "i can be understood") : french, english, spanish. I also have some german basics, but all that doesn't matter. I only do the best i can.

I mean that they understand but they dont wanna to speak other language then French.. ;)

Mungaga wrote:
You're welcome 8-)

You forgot to say it in French... you still have a chance :D


 Post subject: Re: justaloser
PostPosted: 07.29.10 

Joined: 07.28.10
Posts: 10
Des fois, tu peux comprendre quelqu'un sans rien connaitre de sa langue...
Par exemple les touristes étrangers qui viennent vers chez moi, ils savent dire "poste" (ça ressemble à l'anglais non ?) ou même en anglais "restaurant", même si tu sais pas parler anglais, tu peux lui dire où ça se trouve et tu feras de ton mieux pour lui expliquer ce qu'il/elle veut, même si c'est en français...

Sometimes, you can understand someone without knowing anything of his/her language...
For example foreigners tourists who come at my city, they can say "poste" (it looks like the english word "post, no ?) or even in english "restaurant", and even though you don't know english, you can tell him/her where it is and you'll do your best to explain even if it is in french...


 Post subject: Re: justaloser
PostPosted: 07.29.10 
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eXtr33m wrote:
Guys is it good say "we have many people so we dont care about you.."?! no matter what i do i have really bad bad feeling about this.. for me it looks like the behaviour of strong companies to the small peeople.. ignorance..

I agree, I don't recognize myself in that sentence either.
eXtr33m wrote:
I mean that they understand but they dont wanna to speak other language then French.. ;)

Actually, EVERYTHING in France is made to prevent people for learning efficiently other languages. In school I had many crappy teachers, and anyway there is no way to speak when there are 35 students in a classroom. In everyday life you also can't hear any word in english. For example, some years ago people from the government voted a stupid law to force TV and radio to broadcast a huge proportion of french content. And of course every movie is translated...
They probably thought that the best way to promote french culture was to hide other cultures, which is obviously a stupid strategy.

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