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 Post subject: arbitrary admins
PostPosted: 07.19.10 

Joined: 03.04.09
Posts: 4
Admins act arbitrary
(and sometimes out of personal reasons)!

This game is almost known as the
"ur banned Terror"!

Camp or SmokeNades are no reason,
to kick/ban anyone. And
TeamShots just happen, if FF is on!

You also cannot kick/ban ppl for insults,
but insult them by urself!
This way ur makin them being
dropouts and outsiders!


 Post subject: Re: arbitrary admins
PostPosted: 07.19.10 
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u propably have post the stupid discussion befor you got kicked.

That was the reason for the kick.

First: Smokes and HK69 are deactivated at the server. You dont like it? Play on another server.

Second: Camping is forbidden at the server. You dont like it.....

Third: Starting a stupid discussion after two admins say: "its forbidden, end of discussion" leads to a kick by every admin.

and just to end this stupid discussion. Calling me a camper while killing you in full moving is just so fucking stupid and be glad it was only a kick.

Oder auf gut deutsch. Komm den Admins blöde und du fliegst. Dumme Diskussionen werden nicht auf dem Server geführt. Und den Punkt nicht zu wissen wann man die klappe zu halten hat führt zu einem kick.



 Post subject: Re: arbitrary admins
PostPosted: 07.19.10 
Ingame Mod
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Joined: 09.11.09
Posts: 683
Question: would the Netherlands have won if there was another referee? Or do you think I shouldnt start on that?
I already accepted the fate and respect the referee (somewhat)
Admins are the arbiters of the game, you have to follow the rules and stop bullshitting, or else you get the yellow/red card.
Accept the arbiters and warnings

The purpose of life is to fight maturity.


 Post subject: Re: arbitrary admins
PostPosted: 07.19.10 
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Joined: 01.19.09
Posts: 1134
arbitrary players. end of discussion

the meaning of the word cunt....loool



 Post subject: Re: arbitrary admins
PostPosted: 07.20.10 
posted some :)
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I'm a senior admin that takes care of 15 servers, i have seen those servers grow and spent a lot of time with few of my clan mates doing my best to populate them. I take great pride at the job we've done. So when someone comes and starts behaving like he owns the place and breaks my rules, then i break my foot off in his ass.

People seem to believe that just cause servers are being referred to as pubs (public servers) they can do whatever they want on them.
Wrong, there are NO public servers, not a single one. They're all being owned by someone. Some guy, community or a clan pays every month a bill to keep those servers up an running. And they spend a lot of time making sure the game runs smooth.
For example, we run a 24/7 eagle server. On that map is a glitch, bulletproof glass that allows you to see your opponent and kill him by quickly peeking out, and he can't shoot you. So while you're exposing just a tip of your head, your opponent is exposing his entire body.
We considered that glitch to be overused and it gives you a great advantage so we kick and even tempban people that use it after they're warned.
The point is, it's my rule. If you don't like it, feel free to find another server. I suggest that you learn rules of the house before you go in. You don't argue about the rules, you can complain about someone upholding the rules only when he benefits from them, but willingly chooses to ignore them when upholding them will cause him damage. And that's not what you're doing.


Bring the Rayne.


 Post subject: Re: arbitrary admins
PostPosted: 07.20.10 
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nick: Make.Them.Fluffy
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Rayne, thank you for that. Nothing more to say :)



 Post subject: Re: arbitrary admins
PostPosted: 07.20.10 
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Hm, relax guys.
its allways difficult when some human has power over another one.

@InsaneKid: understand, we run our idea of the game here.
that you come to forums to discuss everything is a good idea.
anyways, blaming admins wont help.

sure emotions go high in gaming, to answer to your concerns truly:

@ camping
camping is a wanted behaviour in URT. we dont want it since were not so much for the success but for the fun.
its a different view of it all, formed through the question: "what am i fucking doing here in my free time?"
so if u wanna see some blood, fight, be honourful hobbyist: great place here.
if u wanna score and u have no interest on fun in life (or fun in live means pwn to u): go to clan base!

@ insulting
insulting is allways bad in such a violent game.
we agreed to be peaceful @ all, specially racism, nationalism , religion and all other "real-life-killing" stuffs are taboo here.
what did they say to u and when?
we have a database with all chat and all admin actions (per user)

@ weapon restrictions
What belongs to the weapon restrictions:
we forbid them by machine setting, we found out that specially on this big server it dont make sense.
theres different reasons for that.
for example smoke grens will make the clients have frame drops.
having 50 slots dont mean much for the server, the client has to render the shitload.
so its not our idea, its the clients that we wanna prevent to suffer.

@ all
however, for any forbidden thing u can get such an explanation.
we talk alot, we use to make our decisions democratic. were interested in people with new ideas.
when u come and ask: "wow why is this or that set?", they will for sure tell and discuss with u.
if u come and say: "yey i think i have a trix that will reduce the client CPU load". we would love u, offering sexual interoperability and fresh bananas.
this accusing way will just make them want u away. and yes, they can do.



 Post subject: Re: arbitrary admins
PostPosted: 07.23.10 
Ingame Mod
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Joined: 03.03.09
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I think most of the ppl don't realize that we're NOT there just to make sure no one is camping etc. I personally deal with these 'issues' as I encounter them ingame. So if I ran to you while you're camping, you shoot me and I warn/kick you for camping it doesn't mean that I'm omgnerdragewtf getting my revenge on you because it would have happened just as surely if I had been as spectator and rotating through ppl. Being a moderator or admin isn't a paid 'job' so when we join the server, we usually are there to shoot some headshots, NOT to slap/warn/kick/ban ppl. Trust me, we don't punish random ppl for fun at least I hope we don't ._.

Also, ingame is NOT the place to discuss about these things. If you have a problem with the rules or with some specific admin you'll make an thread to the forums or send a pm if you're smart. I personally am not interested listening someone bitching about my decisions as an moderator while I'm trying to play or 'have fun'. It is also impossible to be everywhere at once and see everything that happens so if you get punished for something that some other guy too did just a moment ago, tough luck. I sure as hell am not going to start punish ppl whenever mr.randomplayer says that mr.nogoodhaxorsonofabitch was camping just 5seconds ago too.



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