Valakas wrote:
EDIT: Sorry it doesnt make sense

By the logic that ratio matters more than the weapon then Mack0 should be first right? He almost doesn't die... Dooku with 1.x ratio was no.1 which means the fact that he was using secondary weaps counted much more than the ratio... given that its much harder to kill with knife than secondary... then knifers like dmmh and you should be on top by a far margin ! I also seem to notice that when i use SR8 i tend to get lower skill, even though my ratio is bigger than using automatics. Is SR8 an "easy" weapon?

There is no such thing as "counts much more than", there are only calculations, which may be fair and may be unfair... Read the source code here to know what happens when you kill someone : ... starting from line 803. ELO system has proven that it works quite fine when it comes to evaluate skills, it had advantages and drawbacks too (like inflation for example).
Again, take dmmh for example. Imagine he has 30 knife kills and 60 death. If he wins 2 points when he slices you and lose 2 points if he dies, that's equal to -60 skills points. If his K/D ratio is 30/15, that means +30 skills points. Weapon factor for the knife doesn't compensate the risk of slicing people in this case...
Take the code and run simulations you will see what is better for your skills =)
"We are talking about computers here, compared to those I can read women like a book ;P"