this bug always makes me ragequit, dunno why it sometimes works and sometimes not =/
no error in the log when this happens:
urt.log wrote:
Welcome to Urban Terror 4.0 //<< still the default in 4.1, didn't care to change it locally lol
recording to demos/2010_6_16_13_53_35_DSWP_UCF_q_derpjumps_alpha_FFA.dm_68.
Stopped demo.
a few errors in the log (on loading):
urt.log wrote:
Loading vm file vm/cgame.qvm...
VM file cgame compiled to 6489172 bytes of code (0x7fefbd267000 - 0x7fefbd897454)
compilation took 2.082371 seconds
cgame loaded in 34383680 bytes on the hunk
^1ERROR: Could not open "sound/movers/plats/pt1_strt.wav"
^3WARNING: could not find sound/movers/plats/pt1_strt.wav - using default
^1ERROR: Could not open "sound/movers/plats/pt1_end.wav"
^3WARNING: could not find sound/movers/plats/pt1_end.wav - using default
^3WARNING: 'textures/urban_terror/ceiling1.tga' TGA file header declares top-down ima
ge, ignoring
^3WARNING: 'textures/urban_terror/concrete4.tga' TGA file header declares top-down im
age, ignoring
^3WARNING: 'textures/urban_terror/wood4a.tga' TGA file header declares top-down image, ignoring
^3WARNING: 'textures/urban_terror/concrete2.tga' TGA file header declares top-down image, ignoring
stitched 0 LoD cracks
...loaded 4735 faces, 0 meshes, 16 trisurfs, 0 flares
^3WARNING: R_FindImageFile could not find 'models/flags/skull.tga' in shader 'models/flags/pole'
^3Shader models/flags/pole has a stage with no image
UI menu load time = 14 milli seconds