some of you might have already experienced it, few of you helped testing, but here is the official announcement:
Since the start of urban terror people kept wondering why they got kicked, rejoining and annoying every one, but that will now change:
We got awesome kick messages! (with reasons!! and b3 messages are displayed)
kickscreen.png [ 384.8 KiB | Viewed 13857 times ]
(note: suffix differs till final binaries are in place)
Thanks to: SvaRoX for enduring all my monologues and the help testing+stressing how far we can go, Fry for being my guinea pig, wurst for offering this unique <3 environment+placing the binaries, ReflexX|UrbanKiller who connected to my local server before I realized the port forwarding was working and all the people asking why they got kicked inspiring me (also rambetter, ioQ3 guys and the other people that worked on the code I used to add those few needed lines).