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 Post subject: Re: Linux talk
PostPosted: 06.06.10 
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Joined: 01.19.09
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it is indeed next to impossible to install osx 10.6.x on a PC, but it can be done :)

the meaning of the word cunt....loool



 Post subject: Re: Linux talk
PostPosted: 06.06.10 
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lol i still remember my first bsd experience, think it was freebsd 3 or something. it ended in tears m8 :) Pretty much like Deviant with linux :) Good thing i managed to bring the disk back to life tho, with most of the partitions intact.

Its a good os tho, actually the first time i thought "hey, that computer now looks and acts like a... real computer!".

As for Syllable and the others, Syllable looks very promising. They have lots of work to do yet tho.

Tried last open solaris when it came out, but it was not amusing - its even annoying at times, so i deleted it quickly.

Im not sure about hp-ux, can it run on x86/64?
Remember a someone talking how good it is but that was 10 years ago or so.

MacOS i wont touch even with a stick. S. Jobs is delusional, and i dont want any of his products anywhere near me and my precious hardware :)

btw, watch for the Linux Unified Kernel development, if those guys manage to pull it off, o well, that would be the brave new world.

"It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority."
-- Benjamin Franklin


 Post subject: Re: Linux talk
PostPosted: 06.06.10 
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havoc wrote:

btw, watch for the Linux Unified Kernel development, if those guys manage to pull it off, o well, that would be the brave new world.

First time that I am hearing about this project... I will keep an eye on this.


 Post subject: Re: Linux talk
PostPosted: 06.06.10 
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havoc wrote:
Im not sure about hp-ux, can it run on x86/64?
Remember a someone talking how good it is but that was 10 years ago or so.
They have HP-UX at Department of Mathematics (Univesity of Zagreb) running on an IA64 machine meant for students to work on for purpose of some collegiums, and I remember having an overall bad experience over ssh (totaly no autocomplete, no unicode /!/?, home and end keys on keyboard barely worked with a few flaws, not to mention how delete key did not work at all).

Funny how it's a proprietary UNIX implementation product yet it sucks compared to GNU/Linux which is, let us be honest, not really a single project but rather a tacked-up pile of pieces somehow "taped together with some duct tape". -.-

ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«


 Post subject: Re: Linux talk
PostPosted: 06.06.10 
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Crusher wrote:
havoc wrote:

btw, watch for the Linux Unified Kernel development, if those guys manage to pull it off, o well, that would be the brave new world.

First time that I am hearing about this project... I will keep an eye on this.

Same. Would be great if it worked.



 Post subject: Re: Linux talk
PostPosted: 06.20.10 
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debian-live crew has released a web-based builder, check it here:

note that some builds dont work yet, and theres help to be added soon.

also, tested latest mandriva rc and pclinuxos.
both look good and stable, pclinuxos is quite noob friendly, comes with flash and all that stuff, too bad mandriva's future is kinda clouded.

"It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority."
-- Benjamin Franklin


 Post subject: Re: Linux talk
PostPosted: 06.20.10 
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havoc wrote:
debian-live crew has released a web-based builder, check it here:

Interesting :)

"We are talking about computers here, compared to those I can read women like a book ;P"


 Post subject: Re: Linux talk
PostPosted: 06.20.10 
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Anyone have some experience on installing a mail server on linux?


 Post subject: Re: Linux talk
PostPosted: 06.21.10 
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Posts: 674
depends on the mail server, used to use qmail and its additional stuff, but its damn ugly to set up, lots of patches to apply since its 10+ years old. very good and secure server tho, also lightweight. used by yahoo and paypal.

these days id go for the packaged ones that come with the distros, since they are well tested and easy to set up.

the debian/ubuntu server kind of distros that use the debian installer, offer a choice at some point of installation:
which pretty much does the job.

then theres the account management, it comes down to 2 setups: you either use the local user accounts for mail, or you set up virtual hosts (something like virtual hosts in apache). no need to say, you need a legit domain for all this.

theoretically you must also have another mail server in case the first one fails, thats the mail servers you configure in the mx record for the domain, along with their priority.

the server must be well secured/configured/restricted too, otherwise you end up in the black lists and the other mail servers that relay/receive the mail will reject your mails. thats pretty ugly when it happens btw.

also, be prepared for all kinds of attacks and hacking attempts, and huge amounts of spam. good thing is spam filters got better over the years, so after initial setup they require attention from time to time only.

so you see its a bit ugly stuff, even more when you can use google mail for domain mail hosting etc.

"It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority."
-- Benjamin Franklin


 Post subject: Re: Linux talk
PostPosted: 06.21.10 
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I tried to install qmail on my Ubuntu 10.04 but for some reason I got a lot of erros, broken packages and so on. :(

Well I found another program which is Postfix. I saw some tutorials on the internet... i should give a try when I got some time. It seems I need to install a lot of stuff.

Essentially I am installing a mail server because I want to use it to send mail alerts generated by Nagios, which is a network monitoring program. I have a presentation this week about this program and it would be very neat to put this feature working.



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