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PostPosted: 05.30.10 
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I got a good nose for flaming on forums and i think this thread started by H0i on UrT forum will get people to flame and tell FS team what they really think of the job they're doing related to their development of the 4.2 ... ntry271018 :x


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PostPosted: 05.30.10 
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well so far it's only mitsubishi going crazy in that thread, I doubt that an FS member will reply or by then most of the posts will have vanished ;)

I thought the suggestion was to have on official list with acknowledged stuff, the thread they set up there really is lame, even if they want a list later on they could have posted their list they have so far (in some magical dreamland with fix progress) and asking if something is missing ... but this really is like they didn't read that section at all.

But I still don't feel like posting at the urt forums (:

beaten by kr0m wtf is wrong with the staff posting like crazy this weekend? ^^

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PostPosted: 05.30.10 
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I'm thinking that Rick guy is one step away from giving the FS team a piece of his mind. And to tell you honestly so am i.
They've been taking suggestions for over a year now. Pretty much anything decent was already suggested and now all of a sudden some junior member is creating a place for suggestions? I mean seriously are those guys taking a piss?
It's been what 2 years since 4.2 was announced and so far other then that passport thing and few videos which look same as 4.1 nothing was shown, no progress at all. I guess those guys haven't noticed that the number of empty servers has increased by 20% in the last year.


Bring the Rayne.


PostPosted: 05.30.10 
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Yeah the new guys show some presence, too bad H0i was a little fast with opening the thread, if he took an hour two to just check for bugs or check back with the rest of the team what is done would have ended in quite a nice list every one loved.
But he was rushing things and a list of feature requests not reviewed or confirmed to be added (4.2 or future) basically is useless.
I just hope those two will manage to survive their first weeks as a bridge to the community, then it really could be a nice enhancement ... or they will break, either leaving the staff or just hiding like every one else ...

BTW: just found the second thread (the boards "feature" to mark locked posts as read (or at least they do not have a decent icon) sure sucks)

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PostPosted: 05.30.10 
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My post will most likely get deleted and I"ll probably get banned for posting it so I'll post my reply to their thread here so anyone that's interested can see what exactly got my ass banned XD.

The point H0i is this (and you can delete my post or ban me from the forum do whatever you want).
You've been taking suggestion for a year now. If by now you still don't know what will be and wont be in 4.2 then don't even bother making a list at all.
NO decent game developer announces they're working on an update (4.2 is not a new game it is just an update) and 2 years after the first announcement they're STILL taking suggestions for a 300 MB update which takes any proper developer a month to release.
Now you will say "this game is made BY the community FOR the community and it's FREE", well guess what there are other FREE FPS games who's game client alone hits a 4 gig mark and when they release an update it goes without much announcement and the update is around 1.5 gigs in size.
Want an example? A.V.A. and K.O.S. And now you will say "well then go play those games then if you like them so much" FYI i AM playing those games, you know why? Cause the graphics makes UrT look like Doom (1) and i see a cheater once a month.
In case you guys haven't noticed the number of servers has went down by 20% in the last year, you wanna know why? cause it takes you guys 2 years to develop an AC system. Instead of being smart and taking UrT to the 21'st century you're trying to create something new and unseen out of a 10 year old game. That's like doing CPR on a 90 year old granny so you can send her out to work in a coal mine.

With that said (and i can see Kr0m sitting there watching this thread like a hawk lol) feel free to delete my post and ban me from the forum for saying out loud what a great deal of the community is thinking.


Bring the Rayne.


PostPosted: 05.31.10 
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:o :o
This post was made after a suggestion from Tizz about a "promode" (topic deleted). They probably preferred to start a new official topic rather than letting a discussion about a second mode...
Good they finally make a clear list of features/bugfixes to implement. But bigger TODO list = further release date :)

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PostPosted: 05.31.10 
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SvaRoX wrote:
:o :o
This post was made after a suggestion from Tizz about a "promode" (topic deleted). They probably preferred to start a new official topic rather than letting a discussion about a second mode...
Good they finally make a clear list of features/bugfixes to implement. But bigger TODO list = further release date :)

The point is that 4.2 was first announced what 2 years ago? We've been posting suggestions for over a year now. And NOW they are creating yet another "final" suggestions thread. I mean if they're STILL asking for suggestions then 4.2 is not even in beta phase and the release date is.....when pigs fly and i learn how to shoot straight.
I mean graphics related only "new" thing will be bump mapping. And even that can be seen now in 4.1 with 27's engine mod that was released ages ago.

*BTW half the posts made by me, mitsubishi and Rick are deleted and in the end i did get banned from the forum lol.


Bring the Rayne.


PostPosted: 05.31.10 
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if you wouldn't have asked for a ban _twice_ in your post they most likely would have just deleted it ;)

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PostPosted: 05.31.10 
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OK, WTF? mitsubishi isn't banned, but you and Rick are? I can see they deleted 2 pages of posts :)

If they still have so many bugs, then this is going to come true:
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PostPosted: 05.31.10 
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Unclefragger wrote:
if you wouldn't have asked for a ban _twice_ in your post they most likely would have just deleted it ;)

hehehhe yeah they didn't actually ban me cause of those post. I was banned cause i posted a PM from H0i where he threatened to ban me if i don't shut up...Ok i sorta posted it 3 times, they delete the first one and i just post it again. XD
Not that i really care too much if i can access the forum, not like they're posting anything smart there XD.

Mitsubishi is a class A ass kisser that spends his entire day on that forum.
Any of you "older" guys remember Ultima Acension game also referred as Ultima IX last in the series? We waited for that game for ages, every time they would set a release date something would happen and the release date would be changed. 4.2 is this generations Ultima IX.


Bring the Rayne.


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